The Original Vampire

Chapter 372: Ending (Part 1)

"Dear Lucien, thank you for your help!"

Orlando stepped forward cautiously and respectfully greeted the armored man.

Although his heart is also full of doubts, for example, how could Lucien become the subordinate of Count Angele? Another example is why this person has a big **** hole dug out of his chest, or is he still indifferent?

However, one thing is clear-his own life was saved by the person in front of him.

Moreover, Orlando, which had been driven to a dead end, once again turned around and saw hope of life.

It may even go further...

Colin looked at Orlando in front of him through the eyes of the blood slave Lucian, feeling a lot in his heart.

The chaos in Clover City was indeed planned by Colin, but the development of the matter exceeded his expectations.

I have to say that human subjective initiative is a wonderful thing.

Every individual in the chaos is struggling for his own interests, his own hatred, and his own destiny.

Harry, Blue, Ron, Capone, Orlando...

In Colin's eyes, these are supposed to be small characters and figures of chess pieces, but they are not necessarily willing to follow the path that Colin has planned for them.

These are the variables.

This is why the more complicated the conspiracy, the more difficult it is to succeed.

Simple and rude methods rarely lead to unplanned situations.

However, if you want to be "simple and rude", you must have the ability to break the game with force. This, at least in Clover City, Colin has not been able to do so.

That's why he planned all this.

Although there were many accidents, but fortunately the final result was still satisfactory to him.

Moreover, Colin also had a surprise-Orlando.

The leader of this thief in Clover City may have a humble background, may have an unbearable past, or even his character is questionable, but this time he did make Colin impressive.

The calmness in the face of desperation, the wisdom to see through the puzzle, the courage to survive, the courage to get along with being bait... Colin may not be able to do better than him when he asks himself.

This is a talent.

If used properly, it may be able to help Colin secretly control Clover City, and even cause great trouble to the East.

It's a pity that Orlando is not a knight, otherwise Colin would want to transform him into blood.

If you turn into blood slaves, some are too wasteful...

"Master Lucien..." Orlando looked at the silent armored man, feeling a little nervous in his heart, and then reminded, "Your injury..."

"Small injury, it's okay." Colin controlled Lucian to wave his hand casually, fiddled with the broken armor, and covered the eye-catching wound.

Orlando's mouth twitched, and he didn't dare to say anything, so he changed the subject and said, "Master Lucien, I wonder if I can meet Lord Count Angele and express my gratitude and gratitude in person!"

"Earl can't see you yet." Colin faintly refused.

Seeing a look of disappointment on Orlando's face, he spoke again: "However, Lord Earl knows what happened to you and is very satisfied with you."

Orlando regained hope and hurriedly said, "Thank you Lord Earl for your approval! Please also tell Lord Earl that I am willing to swear allegiance to him! No matter what the Lord Earl orders, I will do my best!"

"I will convey your sincerity to Lord Earl, but under the current circumstances, you can't expose it yet."

Orlando's eyes rolled, seeming to understand something, and immediately nodded and said: "Yes! I wonder what the Lord Earl has arranged for me?"

There is no joy or anger in the deep eyes of the armored person, and his tone is stiff: "Master Earl said, since you can guess his plan and break free from this puzzle, it means that you are a smart person.

Therefore, Lord Earl is willing to give you a chance to prove yourself.

Without Capone, the Alfalfa Brotherhood will need a new leader, and in this position, you do have great hopes now.

Later, you go to 87 Phelan Street, where the Lord Earl left you a present.

At the same time, this is the greatest help that Lord Earl can give you.

As for the next, whether you can control the underground forces of Clover City depends on your own ability. "

"Thank you Lord Earl for your trust! I will not let him down!" Orlando said loudly.

He had vaguely guessed what the "gift" Count Angelie left to him was.

Moreover, he also knows that this can be a gift, but it can also become his own lifeline.

However, Orlando accepted the gift without hesitation.

This life-threatening experience made him understand a lot. A small person like him has no power or strength. Maybe he has a smart head, but with this alone, he can’t survive in such troubled times. of.

He must rely on something.

Moreover, Orlando is also very clear that he has no right to refuse.

Count Angele sent someone to save him, and he can also send someone to destroy him.

Therefore, Orlando must follow the script set for him by the Earl of Anglia, and bring the drama of Clover City to a perfect ending.

Looking up, Orlando asked again: "Master Lucien, do you know if Master Earl has a detailed plan?"

The armor man shook his head and said, "No, then, it's up to you."

"Yes!" Orlando was a little worried, but it was more of an eagerness to try.

The armor man saw the ambition of this little man in his eyes, but didn't say much, but turned around and picked up Capone, who had fainted on the ground like a gossamer, and a few flashes disappeared into the dark night.

Orlando stared at the place where the armored man disappeared for a long while before turning around and going downstairs.

A group of loyal brothers had gathered downstairs, and they immediately surrounded Orlando when they saw Orlando.

They had been ordered to not come up no matter what happened upstairs, so they were anxious after hearing the sound of fighting, and they finally felt relieved when they saw Orlando reappear safe and sound.

"Boss, we have found out that it was Musos who disclosed your whereabouts to Capone."

Orlando nodded, as if he was not surprised by the news, and did not give any instructions, as if the leaker did not deserve his attention at all.

The boys looked at each other and watched Orlando walk out without saying a word, but they had no choice but to follow.

Under the cover of the night, Orlando successfully arrived at the address the armor man told him, and then found the "gift" left to him by Earl Anglia in the abandoned warehouse.

Yes, that is the priceless bond!

Looking at the thing that upset Alfalfa City, UU reading Orlando couldn't help but sigh.

But soon, he put away these unnecessary emotions, hid the bond next to himself, and walked out.

Outside the warehouse, the boys kept reporting back, saying that the leaders of Alfalfa City wanted to see Orlando.

But Orlando snorted and didn't agree. Instead, he asked: "Did you find out the details of the Eastern Border Envoy that you asked you to check before?"

"I found it. The one who came to see Capone this time was Fei Feiju from the East."

"Where is he now?"

"It's in the cathedral in Dongcheng District."

Orlando nodded, took a deep breath, touched the place where the bond was hidden around his waist, and said:

"Well, let's go and meet this Viscount from the East!"

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