The Original Vampire

Chapter 387: captive

Outside the Temple of Destiny, the high priest Trisli slowly got up.

The voice that seemed like Tianwei was still lingering in her ears just now, and Trisili's face was filled with pilgrimage-like piety, staring in the direction of the half-elf palace.


Trisili spit out the name gently, and then as if gaining some firm belief, she strode towards the Temple of Destiny.

Along the way, the priests in the temple crowded up and asked in a rush:

"Your High Priest, what was that just now?"

"Is it the oracle of the goddess of fate?"

"Has your [Blessing of Blood] succeeded?"

Trisili pressed her hands down and made a gesture of peace and security, and said: "Everyone, I have a more important thing to do now, please allow me to explain to you later."

The priests found out that Trisili was still behind a silent armored man, and at the same time, there were bursts of clear horseshoes outside the temple. Obviously, the place was surrounded by blood cavalry.

They suddenly realized something, their faces turned pale, and they didn't dare to speak any more, letting Trisili lead the armored man to the temple.

Passing through the prayer hall and a secluded corridor, Trisli led the armored man to a wooden door.


Trisley clicked the wooden door lightly, and asked, "Master Marquis Vincent, are you inside?"

no respond.

Trisli just wanted to knock again, but suddenly found that her arm was grabbed by the armored man behind her, and then she suddenly pulled back.

"You..." Trisili's puzzled words didn't even ask, when the wooden door in front of her suddenly burst open.


Countless fine sawdust flew around under the effect of the huge impact, Trisili's eyes widened, and she watched in horror as a warhammer the size of a baby's head smashed out from behind the door.

Fortunately, the armored man stopped in front of Trisili in time, and the warhammer hit the armored man's chest severely, immediately smashing a deep dent.

However, the armored man seemed to have no idea about it, and instead of retreating, he rushed into the wooden door with an indomitable momentum.


The force of terror completely shattered the shaky wooden door, and large pieces of wood chips and dust filled the space.

Trisley was thrown out by the armor man, and she staggered a few steps before standing firmly against the railing.

Looking up, I saw that the Marquis of Vincent Menéné was sitting on a chair, swaying a glass of red wine in his hand, looking at Trisili with indifference, and said:

"Your High Priest, I didn't expect you to bring me such a surprise?"

After the ceremony was over, Trisili told Marquis Vincent that she was going to personally confirm the effect of the ceremony, and then she left the temple and went to the half-elf palace.

But when the Marquis of Vincent heard the name that seemed like an oracle, he immediately guessed that he might be betrayed.

Trisili smiled faintly, and replied: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Queen has successfully given birth to her daughter, shouldn't you go and congratulate it?"

The Marquis of Vincent sneered: "Trisley, do you really think you have made a wise choice? But I tell you, a villain like you who doesn't keep promises and doesn't believe in words won't get anyone's attention. Respectful!"

Trisley said blankly: "What is it to sacrifice my reputation for the glory of Goddess Land to be able to resprinkle this land."

The corners of Vincent's mouth twitched, and then he stopped speaking.

He could see that the high priest of the goddess of fate was a mad believer with an abnormal mind, and could not be estimated by common sense.

Trisili also stopped talking, quietly watching the battle in front of her.

Similar to the pastor of the Glorious Church, the sacrifice of the Temple of Destiny is not a major occupation. Trisili saw the situation in front of her, and she did not have any thoughts of coming forward to help, but hoped that this mysterious armor sent by Earl Angri People can smoothly subdue the guards of the Marquis of Vincent.

Bang bang bang!

Under the powerful combos of the armored men, the knight guards of the Marquis of Vincent had to retreat step by step, tired of parrying.

The aftermath of the battle spread out in the small space, causing the entire building to shake.

Countless dust and rubble fell down, as if the whole building would collapse in the next second.

"Who are you?" Marquis Vincent couldn't help but asked aloud.

He knows that his guard is a Tier 5 knight, and it must be Tier 6 to be able to suppress it like this.

But when did such a master appear in the half-elf clan?

As for the Anglia family, the Marquis of Vincent doesn't think they will have this level of thugs.

Even the Saint Hild family, it may not be able to send such a Tier 6 master to Silvermoon City.

The armored man ignored the question of the Marquis of Vincent at all, and the sharp sword in his hand turned into afterimages, constantly piercing the vital points of the eastern knight's body.

The East Territory knight protruded from the left to the right, and managed to escape, but suddenly found a silver sword light suddenly drawing a strange curve in front of his eyes, and instantly slashed towards his right hand.



The East Territory knight screamed, the entire right palm was cut off by Qi Gen, and the warhammer in his hand fell heavily to the ground.

The face of the Marquis of Vincent changed, he stood up without hesitation, threw the wine glass in his hand at the armored man, and then sprinted to the window by himself.


Seeing the Marquis of Vincent fleeing through the window, the armored man immediately chased after him.


At this moment, the wooden cabinet by the window suddenly exploded, and a knight bathed in golden light rushed out.

He also wore a heavy armor and was holding a spear. The whole person was like an angry black bear, and he charged towards the armored man.

The armored man was caught off guard by a spear and stabbed in the side.

The huge impact caused the tip of the gun to penetrate the armor instantly and pierce it from the other side.

And this East Territory knight had no intention of keeping his hands, holding guns in both hands, and continued to charge forward.


The armored man was pushed back by the spear until he hit the wall hard, smashing the stone wall into a big hole.

The situation took a turn for the worse, making Trisili who was watching the battle couldn't help but exclaim, but before she recovered, the Marquis of Vincent, who had already escaped, suddenly appeared in the hole behind the armored man.

"go to hell!"

The Marquis of Vincent grinned and inserted a sharp sword into the back of the armored man.

But just when the Marquis of the East thought the general situation was set, the armored man suddenly stretched out his hands and hurried forward.

In front of the East Territory Knights can't dodge under the carelessness, UU reading www. was inserted into the helmet by his steel fingers.


A drop of red blood dripped from between the armored man's fingers, splashing a flower of blood on the ground.


The Eastern Knights covered the bloody, hollow eye sockets with both hands, and raised their heads and screamed.

Before the Marquis of Vincent realized what was going on, he saw the armored man in front of him suddenly turned sideways, his right hand poking out like a poisonous snake, and instantly grabbed his throat.

"Ho ho..."

The Marquis of Vincent looked at the armored man who seemed to be unkillable, his brain blank.

Although his entire face was hidden in the armor, the Marquis of Vincent seemed to see the grinning smile at the corner of his mouth:

"Marquis Vincent, you are captured again."

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