The Original Vampire

Chapter 396: Guess (below)


A trace of sadness flashed in Aisha's eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

However, Colin still caught it keenly.

No matter how Mrs. Sharon treated Aisha before, even if she tried to murder Aisha, she was Aisha's biological mother after all.

"How did my mother die?" Aisha tried to maintain a calm tone, but this actually showed her uneasy heart.

"It was poisoned." Colin sighed and said again, "I have sent someone to investigate people who may have been to your mother's room last night, but I'm afraid there may not be results."

Aisha nodded, understanding what Colin meant.

She also knew that the two hadn't paid too much attention to Mrs. Sharon's security before, after all, they didn't expect anyone to come to kill Mrs. Sharon.

At this time something happened, Aisha also realized that something was wrong with hindsight, and asked, "Why would anyone want to kill his mother?"

"Duke Miller and Madame Sharon were not included in the rebellion planned by the East."

Colin only said one sentence, and Aisha understood the key point, and immediately said: "Mother, this is being silenced, so besides the East, there is another force in Silvermoon City?"

"Yes." Colin nodded and asked again, "have you followed the Miller family recently? Do you know who they may have been in contact with?"

Aisha thought for a while and asked, "Colin, do you know where your mother came from?"

Seeing Colin shook her head, Aisha continued: "Actually, my mother should be named Saint Hild."

"What? Saint Hild?" Colin was shocked.

"Yes. Strictly speaking, my mother is still the aunt of this generation of Northern Duke."

"Why haven't I heard Vera talk about it?"

"Because the mother is an illegitimate daughter, and is the offspring of the previous generation of the Duke of St. Hild and the alien half-elves. Therefore, the mother never dared to claim to be a descendant of the St. Hild family, and the St. Hild family will not disclose it. Acknowledge her existence.

However, even if it is a lowly illegitimate daughter, the mother's body still has the noble blood of the Paladin family after all. She may be despised by the human nobles, but in the eyes of our half-elves, she is still noble.

Therefore, she married my father later. "

Colin nodded and suddenly realized: "It's no wonder that the previous Duke of St. Hild wanted Vera to marry Prince Tupé, and at that time your Miller family was so actively trying to facilitate this. It turns out that there is still this relationship. exist.

Your Miller family has a close relationship with the St. Hild family, and can even be regarded as a sideline of the St. Hild family in the half-elves. "

"Yes." Aisha continued, "When Queen Midella came to Silvermoon City to crown me at the end of last year, she was also very affectionate to the Miller family, especially her mother. I didn't think much about them at the time, thinking they were The intimacy is only due to this blood connection."

"Queen Midella..." When Colin heard the name, he immediately narrowed his eyes and fell into thought.

Although Queen Midella had formed an alliance with Colin during the Royal Dragon City and decided to unanimously fight against the influence of the church, Colin would not naively think that Queen Midella would really be an "ally" everywhere. , There is no concealment and little action.

When Queen Aisha was crowned last year, Queen Midella coveted the half-elf kingdom and tried to provoke the relationship between Queen Aisha and Colin.

Fortunately, the relationship between Aisha and Colin is not as simple as Queen Midella thought.

But Queen Midella may not stop there.

It now appears that the Duke of Miller and Mrs. Sharon may be the hidden sons she left behind.

Aisha looked at Colin and asked: "Do you suspect it is Queen Midella?"

"It is indeed possible." Colin nodded and said in a deep thought, "She is eager for me to fight with the East, so she has enough motivation. If Mrs. Sharon is not exposed, you have an accident, I will only Keep this account on the heads of the people in the Eastern Territory who launched the rebellion, and maybe they will go eastward in a fit of anger."

"It makes sense. Then do I need to send someone to interrogate the other members of the Miller family? Maybe I can ask something."

"You can try, but even Mrs. Sharon has already been wiped out. Presumably even if there are contacts in the Miller family, it is estimated that they have been cleaned up."

"Well, I just want to take this opportunity to rectify the Miller family, and there will be no more things like before."

"Okay." Colin nodded, his eyes flashed with sorrow, "This time, don't be merciful. All hidden dangers and suspicious people are cleaned up. We can't be kept by the half-elf domestic rebel forces. Involving energy."

"I see."

While talking, the two came to the artificial lake in the backyard of the palace.

The lake is full of red maple trees, and the late autumn wind blows gently, and the flame-like maple leaves fall in pieces, dancing lightly between the blue sky and green water, until they can't resist the temptation of gravity and fall on the lake. A white gull flies across the lake and picks up a white pelvic fin fish, attracting the same kind of tweeting for food.

Colin naturally took Aisha into his arms, resting his chin on her head, sniffing the fragrance of her hair, immersed in the picturesque scenery, and enjoying the solitude with his lover and daughter Time.

At this moment, all conspiracies and intrigues were quietly staying away, and Colin no longer thought about the entangled interests of Silvermoon City.

Sometimes, Colin even wants to leave it all behind, and only take the people he loves and those who love him to fly away and live in seclusion.

Of course, this thought only flashed past, and was forgotten by Colin.

After all, Colin is not stupid, knowing that this is just unrealistic thinking, if he really does not have the title, territory, and army, what awaits him is not freedom, but imprisonment or even death.

Strength is the foundation of his foothold in this world.

Unless he can learn from the elves, close an entire forest, and completely cut off contact with the outside world.

But even the elves, it is estimated that they will not be able to continue to hide from the the mysterious prophecy of the Savoy family, the strange behavior of the Trisili high priest, and the appearance of the Phoenix blood on Silver, They all seem to indicate that the reappearance of the Elves is not far away.

Once the ban on Huiyue Forest was opened, it would have an impact on the status quo of this world, and Ke Lin was somewhat unclear about it.

But he knew that he was destined to be involved.

Therefore, before that, Colin had to stabilize his basic disk-the northern kingdom and the half-elf kingdom.

As for the Eastern Territory, he did not have any plans to send troops in a short period of time. After all, there was a great moat in the Nushui River, and sending troops was always the next best thing.

What's more, what the North Territory needs now is to recuperate and rejuvenate. Continued military violence will only continue to consume the war potential of the North Territory. In the end, fighting with the East Territory will hurt both sides, and it will save the royal family.

But not sending troops does not mean that Colin has nothing to do with the East.

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