The Original Vampire

Chapter 400: Visit (below)

   Hundreds of candles illuminate the restaurant in the Red Fort as bright as day.

   When Count Evan and Salia walked in, they saw the butler Yimon immediately greeted them and led them to sit down at the long table in the middle of the restaurant.

  Earl Evan is the most distinguished, but he is a guest after all, and he can only sit on the left hand side of the main seat.

   Salia was sitting next to Count Evan.

   On the main seat, there was a thin and energetic old man sitting.

  Earl Evan knew that this person was named Whitius Anglia, and he was the uncle of Count Anglia.

   At this time, Earl Angele was not in the Red Fort. Although the real person in charge here was Yimen, the housekeeper, he was not named Angele after all and could not sit in the main seat.

   Therefore, Whitius, who has the highest seniority, became the nominal "master".

   But Whitius obviously hadn't experienced such a "big scene", facing an Eastern Earl and a daughter of a Paladin Prince, her words were a little trembling.

   This is the consequence of the lack of family background. Except for Colin, there is no one who can support the scene in the Angley family.

  Earl Evan didn't seem to care about this, he always had a gentle smile on his face, skillfully used various communicative skills, kept the scene warm, and at the same time did not appear overwhelming.

   Gradually, Whitius also found that the distinguished guests did not seem to be difficult to get along with, so he relaxed.

   "Lord Earl, when Colin was in Greycastle, the martial arts teacher was Baron Raymond. In addition, Rego Knight often taught Colin."

   "So that's it." Count Evan nodded thoughtfully, and then turned his gaze to a burly man who was biting at the water lizard meat.

   Rego reluctantly put down the meat in his hand, bowed his head in greeting, and then buzzed: "Yes, Lord Earl."

   "Your Excellency Count Angele must have shown great talent very early when he learned martial arts from you, right?"

"Of course!" Rego didn't even think about it, so he started to help Colin brag with his throat, "The Earl is extremely talented in martial arts, and he has learned all the three-legged cat kung fu that I know in a few days. Now, I even Don't dare to discuss with Lord Earl."

  Earl Evan jokingly said with a hint of doubt: "But how did I hear that Earl Angley has been stuck in the rank of knight apprentice for three full years?"

   Hearing this, the butler Yimon raised his head and took a deep look at Count Evan.

   Salia also frowned slightly, as if she felt that her fiance was a bit rude.

   Lei Ge didn't care, touched his big bald head, smiled, and replied mysteriously: "In fact, Lord Earl has always been hiding his strength, and his martial skills have long been under mine!"

   "That's it." Count Evan took a serious look at Knight Rego, and found that the other party smiled at him with a simple face, as if there was no concealment.

  Earl Evan did not follow up on this, but turned to Whitius again and said: "Mr. Whitius, I have always had a question, I don't know if I should ask."

   Hui Hughes' old face suddenly smiled into a chrysanthemum, and said respectfully: "My Lord Earl, just ask, as long as I know, I will tell you the truth."

  Earl Evan took a sip of the red wine, and then asked: "In the history of the Angley family, what rank is the most powerful knight that ever appeared?"

   "This..." Hughes hesitated for a moment, didn't know if he couldn't remember, or didn't want to answer, his eyes drifted to Butler Yimen.

   Yimeng Butler gave a light cough and said:

"Master Earl, the most powerful knight recorded in the Anglia family is Tier 4. However, the blood of the Anglia family can be traced back to before the establishment of the Glory Empire. The historical records of that period have been lost, so, before that No one knows what powerful knights the Anglia family has been born to."

   "That's it." Count Evan seemed to believe the words of Butler Yimon.

   But just when he wanted to continue to ask questions, Butler Yimen preemptively said:

   "Lord Earl, I just got news from the half-elf kingdom. I wonder if you want to listen to it together?"

  Earl Evan smiled slightly and invited: "Of course, please speak."

   Butler Yimon also showed a smile on his staid face, saying: "Queen Aisha successfully gave birth to a baby girl."

   "This is a big happy event!" Evan immediately raised his glass and smiled sincerely.

   Everyone also toasted to celebrate the good news.

   put down the wine glass, butler Yimon immediately continued: "However, during the production of Queen Aisha, a rebellion broke out in Silvermoon City. Fortunately, the master led the army to suppress it."

   "Haha, with Earl Anglia, naturally you don't have to worry about rebellion!" Evan said with a smile, seeming to really have great confidence in Colin.

   Butler Yimon took a deep look at Count Evan, and then said, "The mastermind of the rebellion has also been arrested. Lord Earl, do you know who this mastermind is?"

   The smile on Earl Evan’s face was reduced, and he sighed: "If I didn’t guess wrong, it should be my brother, Marquis Vincent?"

   Butler Yimen nodded expressionlessly, and stopped talking.

   For a while, the scene fell silent, and the atmosphere gradually became awkward.

   Count Evan picked up the wine glass, stood up, and said sincerely: "Everyone, I can assure you that I have no knowledge of the rebellion in Silvermoon City.

   But please believe that Vincent alone cannot represent the Saint Prolos family, let alone the attitude of the East.

   I have good intentions for the Anglia family, the Northland, and the half-elf kingdom.

  Since such a regrettable thing has happened, I can only express my sincerest apologies here! "

   After finishing speaking, Evan drank all the wine in the glass, then he bowed his chest, and bowed deeply to everyone present.

   The current dignified atmosphere made Whitius a little at a loss. He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere, but under the deep gaze of the butler Yimeng, he immediately shut up.

   After Evan expressed his apology, he turned his gaze to the butler Yimon. Seeing that the other party hadn’t responded for a long time, he sighed again and said:

   "If that's the case, then I, a villain, won't bother anymore."

   After speaking, he strode out.

   Salia also smiled apologetically, stood up, and was about to catch up.

   At this time, the butler Yimen finally spoke: "Miss Salia, this matter has nothing to do with you. You are still a welcome guest in the Red Fort."

   "I see." Salia nodded, but still chased it out.

   After going out, Salia saw Evan waiting for herself outside.

   "I'm not welcome here, I'm afraid we are leaving." Count Evan said helplessly.

   Salia shook her head and said, "No, you are just not welcome here. If you want to return to the East, I will not follow you."

  Earl Evan frowned and said: "Salia, since your father entrusted you to me, then I won't leave you alone..."

   "No, I don't need to be entrusted to anyone." Salia said firmly, "Moreover, from the very beginning, your purpose was Earl Anglia, helping me find my father is just something you did by the way..."

   Count Evan quickly explained: "Salia, you misunderstood me..."

   But Salia immediately interrupted: "Evan, any more forceful defense will only make me despise you even more. I know that in your heart, the East is always the first place, and I, at best, is the second place.

   I am not accusing you, nor have I forced you to put me in front of the East.

   Now that your brother has an accident in Silvermoon City, I know that your heart is not here anymore. In that case, you should do what you want to do.

   Looking for father, I can do it alone. "

  Earl Evan looked at the alienation and indifference that his fiancée had never seen before. He couldn't help but panicked and said quickly: "Salia, listen to me..."

   But Salia turned around immediately, leaving only a firm back and an indifferent word for Evan Evan:

   "Sorry, Evan, I'm going back, the banquet is not over yet."



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