The Original Vampire

Chapter 406: Perception (Part 2)

Latest website: After Prince Harrison left, Cathy put away the used teacup nonchalantly, but her red, slender ears still exposed that her heart was not as calm as her appearance.

After finishing the tea cup, Cathy stood up, and then she saw Colin's scrutiny gaze.

The half-elf maid trembled in her heart, and asked with a guilty conscience: "Master Earl, do you have any orders?"

Colin asked eloquently: "Kathy, what do you think of Prince Harrison?"

Cathy lowered her head, not daring to look at Colin's eyes, and answered carefully: "My lord, Your Royal Highness is smart and polite. He is an extremely good nobleman."

"Yes, but he is a human nobleman and the future emperor of the human race." Colin said in a deep voice, "Do you know what I mean?"

"I...I understand..." Of course, Cathy heard the warning in Colin's words and quickly explained, "My lord, I only have respect for Prince Harrison and dare not think otherwise."

"That's good."

Seeing that Colin had no further instructions, Cathy picked up the cutlery on the woolen blanket, and then stepped away to give the three of Colin's family alone space.

"When I was in Red Maple Manor, I found that the two of them were a little close." Queen Aisha looked at Cathy's back and said softly.

While teasing Silver in his arms, Colin asked: "Then, do you think Cathy deliberately seduced the young and ignorant Prince Harrison? Or did the prince Harrison, who had just begun to love him, caught the beautiful Cathy?"

Aisha smiled and shook her head, and said: "Kathy shouldn't have the guts to seduce an imperial prince, and it's still under your nose."

Colin also smiled and said, "Kathy really doesn't have the guts, but after realizing Harrison's thoughts about her, Cathy may also have a good time and even contribute to the situation.

Although it is impossible for Harrison to marry Cathy as the first heir to the imperial throne, if Cathy can become Harrison's lover, he can use his power and even be pregnant with the blood of the San Lorenzo family.

Even if the birth of an illegitimate child is an opportunity for the Savoy family to rise again. "

Colin couldn't help thinking of Aisha's mother, Mrs. Sharon, who was married into the Miller family because of the Saint Hild bloodline.

Aisha held her clean chin and asked seriously: "Why don't you think Cathy might really like Harrison?"


"Yes, not all feelings have some political purpose behind them."

Colin sneered subconsciously, but when he turned his head, he saw Aisha's big shiny eyes, looking at him with a peculiar look.

He touched the tip of his nose and coughed lightly: "Forget it, let them go. How can this be caused by Emperor Reinhardt and Emperor Midella."

Aisha didn't seem to want to let Colin go so simply, she only pursed her attractive red lips, leaned to her lover's ear, exhaled like a orchid:

"Then, Earl Anglia, do you think my feelings for you come from my heart? Or do you want to use your power to control the half-elf kingdom?"

Colin's heart suddenly thumped.

Aisha rarely showed the look of a little woman, and the soft and sweet voice made Colin's body half crisp.

In his impression, Queen Aisha is a mature and graceful, elegant and charming lady model, but also a firm-minded, brave and decisive knight leader.

Forced by her family to marry into the half-elf royal family, Aisha did not complain about herself, but planned secretly, and seized a wonderful opportunity to avenge her former lover.

She was later transformed into blood by Colin, and she has been doing her best to take care of everything in the half-elf kingdom for Colin. When he needed help, she did not hesitate to send the Silver Moon Guard to the North, even now He gave birth to a lovely baby girl.

But Colin has been deliberately avoiding a question-Does Aisha's feelings for herself come from the sincerity, or covet her own power, or are she forced by blood pressure and fetters?

Correspondingly, do you really love Aisha? Still want to use her to control the half-elf kingdom?

In fact, Colin has always been very suspicious, and always likes to speculate on the bad aspects of everyone's motives.

This allowed him to walk smoothly all the way to his current position, so that he would not be calculated by some people with ulterior motives.

But for Aisha...

Colin was immersed in his thoughts, and suddenly noticed that a beautiful face suddenly appeared in front of him, and then his mouth was blocked by a soft red lips.

Since the eyes had not had time to close, Colin clearly saw Aisha's beautiful face was dyed with a layer of blush, the color like a rouge extended to the slender eartips, the slender and dense eyelashes kept trembling, half-closed. There seemed to be a flash of crystal tears in his eyes.

At this moment, Aisha took off the queen's arrogant veil, and presented a soft and charming half-elf lady in front of Colin.

Colin in the previous life once heard a sentence-you can tell all the girl's thoughts about you from a kiss.

The straight man of the year disagrees.

But now, Colin found that he truly felt Aisha's intense love for him.

A strong emotion burst out from deep in his heart, finally allowing him to clearly and unmistakably understand his feelings for Aisha, and it was also impossible to hide it.

When the love is deep, what is left is just desperate possession.

Colin closed his eyes, held up Aisha's sharp chin, and kissed her crystal watery red lips painfully.

The lover's enthusiastic response made Aisha also understand Colin's intentions. At this moment, she seemed to be wrapped in great happiness, and tears of joy couldn't stop dripping.


Silf, who was in the cold, suddenly waved his hands and pulled out the two who were in love.

Colin lightly patted the little guy's **** with some irritation, and blamed her for ruining her good deeds.

Although Aisha still didn't want to finish her thoughts, she still hugged her daughter back in her arms, and looked at Colin in a charming manner, which seemed to be angry, but more like a charm.

Colin gritted his teeth secretly, preparing to respond well to Aisha's provocation at night.

"If Cathy and Harrison really love each other, then let them go." Thinking of himself, Colin finally decided to give his maid and student a chance.

Aisha smiled and nodded. She stopped struggling with the topic, and said, "The Chinese herbalist Cliff, was kidnapped on the way home last night."

When Ke Lin heard this, he didn't show any surprise, but smiled slightly and said:

"I already know and the great fee factor left Silvermoon City early today. It seems that he has successfully obtained the information he wants."

"It's no surprise, Cliff, a general physician, can't handle torture."

"Well, I don't mean to blame Cliff. On the contrary, this doctor is considered to have suffered for my plan this time. After the matter is over, I can compensate him."

"I got it."

"However, for the other half-elves who participated in this kidnapping, hehe, I didn't expect that after the last liquidation, there was still a fish that slipped through the net."

Listening to Colin's murderous words, Aisha just said indifferently: "As long as the East is still there, some half-elves will have illusions."

Colin smiled coldly and said:

"East Territory, huh, it's time to get them to settle the account!"


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