The Original Vampire

Chapter 417: reconcile

   The night is getting dark, the hunting festival banquet has finally come to an end, and the guests have left.

   Fei Jie also bid farewell to Queen Aisha, but when he was about to leave, he was stopped by an attendant:

   "Viscount Lord, Prince Harrison invites you to a tea party later."

   Fei Feijue turned his head in surprise, and saw Prince Harrison not far away looking at him. He nodded in greeting, and then said to the attendant: "Okay, this is my honor."

   After that, Fei Feijue was led by the attendant to a living room.

The    hall is luxuriously decorated and has a distinctive style.

   The three crystal candlestick chandeliers hung on the ceiling, the candlelight is refractionated by pure crystal, and it becomes dazzling, spilling all corners of the living room.

   Before Prince Harrison came, Fei Jie walked around the hall casually, admiring with interest the specimens of beast heads hanging on the wall and unique decorative weapons.

   This brave and extravagant style is obviously not in line with the temperament of a half-elf aristocrat, it seems that it should be specially modified for the Harrison Prince.

   I think of the imperial prince who just hunted down a brown bear by himself at a hunting party, which shows that although the young prince is quiet on the outside, he has a martial heart.

  After thinking, Fei Jie heard a sound of footsteps approaching, he quickly turned his head and saw Prince Harrison come in.

   "His Royal Highness...Earl Anglia?"

  Fei Jie thought that Prince Harrison would invite himself alone, but he didn't expect that there was actually Colin Angele.

   However, he was not too surprised.

   After all, Colin is Prince Harrison's teacher. It is estimated that this private meeting is not that Prince Harrison wants to see him, but Colin!

   Fei Feijue had several thoughts in his mind for a moment, but on the surface he greeted the two who came in gracefully and indifferently.

   Prince Harrison sat down on the main seat, and then the half-elf maids walked in quickly and offered flower tea and honey to the three of them.

   Fei Feijue tasted the scented tea in his hand, and from time to time he used the corner of his eye to peek at the opposite Colin, wanting to see some clues from the other's face.

   It's a pity that I got nothing.

   Prince Harrison put down his teacup, cleared his throat, and said in a slightly immature voice:

   "Earl Anglia, Lord Fei Fei, this time I invite you two to tell you unfortunate news."

   Fei Feijue's heart moved, he quickly looked at the opposite Colin, and saw that he was also puzzled, so he continued to listen to Prince Harrison:

   "I just received a letter from Yulongcheng that the expedition force sent by the Western Territory to the west of the Tianduan Mountains had an accident. The Glory Empire is very likely to be threatened by the orcs again..."

   "What?!" Fei Jiejue was obviously shocked by the news, and couldn't help screaming.

   At this time, he no longer even entangled with the contradiction with the north, and immediately asked: "His Royal Highness, is the orc empire unified again?"

   Colin also had a shocked expression at this time, and asked in a deep voice, "How about the casualties of the Expeditionary Forces in the West? And the Duke of St. Grianan? How is she now?"

   Prince Harrison flashed his eyes slightly, coughed lightly, and said: "Two, I don't know the specific situation now, but my father has asked me to return to the Royal Dragon City immediately.

   But before leaving, I hope that the Eastern and Northern Territories can resolve some misunderstandings and contradictions. After all, the threat of the orcs is too great. It requires the unity and sincere cooperation of the lords of the Glorious Empire to survive this catastrophe together. "

   Fei Feijue gradually calmed down from the shock. The first thing he thought of was, could this be a conspiracy in the North?

   After all, Colin Angele is Prince Harrison’s teacher. Will he deliberately instruct Prince Harrison to deceive the East with a false message?

   But soon, Fei Jijue denied this speculation.

   First of all, fake news is too easy to be exposed, and the Saint-Pros family is not stupid and will definitely verify it personally.

Secondly, according to Evan’s previous inference, Colin Angel’s strategy at this time should be to delay time, wait for the support of the northern army to arrive at Silvermoon City, and then show off with the east to announce the death of the Marquis of Vincent. .

   In this way, even if the East wanted revenge, he did not dare to cross the Rage River easily and fought a decisive battle with the northern army in the half-elf kingdom.

   The Saint-Pros family can only helplessly accept this humiliating result.

Therefore, this time Fei Jijue took a tough attitude when he came up on the mission, and deliberately made trouble at the hunting party. That is to say, he knew that Colin Angele was just a bluff at this time. Before the arrival of the northern army, he basically Don't dare to turn his face with the East Territory.

  Thinking about it this way, there is no need for Colin Angele to superfluously fabricate such a lie that is very likely to be debunked to forcibly prevent retaliation in the East.

   However, if the orcs were really about to invade, it would really be a great help to the North.

   A trace of worry arose in Fei Feijue's heart. He raised his head to look at the opposite Colin Angele, but saw that the other party was also solemn, and it seemed that the news of the orcs had also caught the other party by surprise.

Therefore, Fei Jiejue tentatively said: "His Royal Highness, as I have always reiterated before, the East has no intention of being an enemy of the North, or the half-elf kingdom, not to mention that now the enemy is present. Of course, we are willing to eliminate both sides. Misunderstanding, make efforts to reach a settlement.

   Therefore, as long as the Earl of Anglia agrees to release the Marquis of Vincent, we will never take the initiative to provoke and cause trouble. "

   Prince Harrison nodded in satisfaction, then turned his gaze to his teacher.

Colin said with a sullen face, and said coldly: "The actions of Marquis Vincent in Silvermoon City have caused great harm to the Northland and the half-elves. If you don't have enough sincerity in the East, I won't let them go easily. !"

   Feijijue immediately said: "My Lord, the Duke of Saint-Pros has already confessed that he is willing to exchange three heavy warships, fifty sailing warships, and one hundred logistics transport ships for the Marquis of Vincent."

   "Not enough!" Colin said flatly.

   Fei Feijue sneered in his heart, feeling that at this time, the northern earl was still holding on, and said with embarrassment:

   "Master Earl, this is the greatest sincerity we can give from the East."

   "Add three more heavy battleships and twenty transport ships!"

"This..." Fei Feijue pondered for a moment, and then seemed to have made a great determination. "Well, Lord Earl, I will go back and report to the Duke of St. Pros. I hope he can agree. "

   Prince Harrison hurriedly said: "Please also as soon as possible. After all, the situation in the West is critical. We must solve this problem as soon as possible."

   "Yes, your prince!" Fei Jiejue bowed to Prince Harrison, then turned around and left without delay.

   Waiting for Fei Jijue's back to disappear outside the hall, Prince Harrison got up and leaned to Colin's side and asked, "Teacher, how am I doing?"

   "Not bad." Colin smiled and patted Prince Harrison on the shoulder.

   Prince Harrison suddenly smiled, and after a while, he asked: "Teacher, why did you let me tell the people of the East?"

   Colin smiled faintly, and said: "Because the same news, different people will have completely different effects."

   Prince Harrison frowned, as if he could not fully understand the teacher's intention, he hesitated for a moment and just wanted to ask again, but listened to Colin:

   "Look more, think more, ask less. Because the answer you get is probably a lie, but one's actions cannot be faked."

   "Okay, teacher." Prince Harrison nodded thoughtfully.



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