The Original Vampire

Chapter 423: Docked

The port of    Clover City has been abandoned for many years, but after a simple repair, it has been reopened today.

Facing the afterglow of the setting sun, the huge fleet of the Tianma Navy slowly sailed into this ruined port. The president of the Alfalfa Brotherhood Orlando is taking a group of young brothers, standing respectfully on the dock, welcoming the water to disembark and rest. Officers and soldiers.

   Nushui River and Crystal River meet in Clover City, so the Pegasus Navy wants to deliver the battleship to Silvermoon City in exchange for the Marquis of Vincent. This is a must pass.

However, Alfalfa City is the territory of the Half-elf Kingdom after all. It stands to reason that the Pegasus Water Army cannot stop here until the Half-Elf Kingdom’s consent is obtained. I dare not say anything.

   This can't actually be blamed on Ron Rutte's lack of due diligence, because the half-elf kingdom does not have the water power that can compete with the Pegasus water army, of course, it can only watch the people from the east come and go at will.

Even the Crystal River, the "mother river" of the half-elf clan, and the warships of the Pegasus naval forces often come in and stroll around. If it weren't blocked by a sluice, I am afraid that the Eastern Fleet could even drive directly into the half-elf palace along the Crystal River. .

   At the moment, the Tianma Squadron is just docking in Alfalfa City. In fact, it is considered to be a face to the North. After all, they will redeem the Marquis of Vincent next, so they can't be too rude.

   More than 30,000 navy officers and soldiers swarmed into Alfalfa City, immediately making it extremely lively.

   Fortunately, the Tianma Shuijun is its own food, otherwise, depending on the barren status of Alfalfa City, it may not be enough for these people.

   Although the Alfalfa City is not needed for food and drink, the locals need the help of some other physiological needs of the Navy officers and soldiers.

Seeing the indulgence of the soldiers, Evan Evan did not control it. After all, the war is about to relax. It will also help boost the morale of the soldiers. What's more, the city where they are anchored is on the east bank of the Nushui River, which is in the east. In the human subconscious, there are absolutely safe territories.

  Earl Hall, the commander of the fleet, of course would not restrain his men. At this time, he was immersed in a tragic and desperate mood, unable to extricate himself.

For the warships selected to be “delivered” to Silvermoon City this time, Count Evan required that each warship be equipped with the minimum number of crew required to maintain normal operations and navigation. After all, he did not want to ruin all these elite navy forces in Silvermoon City. .

   So, Earl Hall is now struggling with who to keep on the battleship.

  Earl Hall looked at the list of navy officers placed in front of him, hesitated for a long time, but he still didn't check it alone.

   There is no doubt that those who are left to go to Silvermoon City to perform the mission must be nine dead, Earl Hall felt that this is probably the most difficult choice in his life.


"Come in."

  Earl Hall looked up, and saw the adjutant Holmes Knight walk in, and closed the hatch easily.

   "Lord Earl, won't you go to dinner?"

   "I'm not hungry yet."

  Earl Hall replied casually. Seeing that the Holmes Knight was still standing there, he asked, "What else do you have?"

   The Holmes knight hesitated, but gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Earl, do we really have to follow Evan’s order to hand over the family’s battleships to the North?"

   At this time, Earl Hall’s soldiers did not know that they were about to go to Silver Moon City not to deliver the warships, but to blast away the water defense of Silver Moon City.

  Earl Hall understands that if he tells himself the truth now, then don't think about it, there will definitely be a large number of deserters, and even mutiny.

Only when they came to Silvermoon with the battleship and they were unable to retreat, they would be stimulated with the death of Marquis Vincent, or threatened with the safety of their families, forcing them to carry out what is almost the same as suicide. The task can carry on the task assigned by Evan Evan and fight for the faint vitality for the Hall family.

   Therefore, when he saw that the Holmes Knight was still reluctant to bear the family battleship, Earl Hall suddenly felt a little pity and heartache.

   "This is the Lord Duke's order, we must carry it out!"

The Holmes knight suffocated his neck, still looking unwilling: "My lord, the Duke of Saint-Pros is obviously trying to weaken the support of the Marquis of Vincent! If they are allowed to send these warships out, It is hard to say who will inherit the title of Duke of the East in the future!"

   Hearing this, the sad color in Earl Hall’s eyes could no longer be concealed. He wanted to tell his adjutant that the Marquis of Vincent was dead, and the Duke of the East was destined to belong to Evan in the future.

   But when the words came to his lips, Earl Hall still didn't say it.

  Earl Hall’s hesitation obviously misunderstood the Holmes knight, so the loyal knight of the Hall family took a few steps forward and lowered his voice:

   "Lord Earl, we can secretly detain Count Evan and use the battleship of the Saint Pros family to go to Silvermoon City to redeem the Marquis of Vincent!"

  Earl Hall shuddered and looked up into the eyes of Knight Holmes.

   The Holmes knight looked at him without fear, and continued to persuade:

   "Lord Earl, you don't have to worry that doing so will bring disaster to the Hall family. As long as we return to the Marquis of Vincent, he will definitely support the Hall family!

   What's more, as long as the battleships of the Saint-Pros family are handed over to the North, the Ma Shuijun will be completely controlled by the Hall family that day! If the Duke of Saint-Pros doesn't want to let the north come in, he will not only dare not blame you, he must also woo you and comfort you!

   And this way, even if the Duke of Saint-Pros wants to change his heir, he must also consider the attitude of the Hall family!

   As long as we successfully promote the Marquis of Vincent to the position of duke, the status of the family in the East can be even further improved! "

  Earl Hall remained silent.

   In fact, he knew very well that Knight Holmes was right.

   But this strategy has a premise—that is, the Marquis of Vincent must be alive.

  Only in this way can the Hall family have a future.

   Otherwise, what the Hall family did to Earl Evan now, even if they were to fight the North, will not be punished for the time being, but in the future, Earl Evan will inherit the Duke of the East...

  No, it is not even necessary for Earl Evan to inherit the title of Duke. As long as the situation stabilizes and the threat of the North is eliminated, the Hall family will definitely be liquidated!

The Holmes knight looked at the silent Earl Hall, thinking that he could not make up his mind, so he said again: "Earl, I have quietly tested the attitude of most of the Hall family officers. They all said they would. Support you unconditionally!

   So, as long as you give an order..."

   "Okay." Earl Hall interrupted the Holmes knight, "The Hall family will not disobey the orders of the Duke of St. Pros. Go out. I think I have never heard these words."

   "Master Earl..."

"go out!"

   The Holmes knight was full of unwillingness, but he didn't dare to disobey Earl Hall's order, so he had to leave with angrily.

  Earl Hall looked at the back of the Holmes knight, and the sadness in his heart became more intense.

   Looking down at the list in front of him, UU reading Earl Hall couldn't write anything.

   In fact, whoever chooses to perform the task, Evan Evan has given a principle-choose those who have families.

  Only these people who are concerned, they will desperately in desperation, instead of running away.

  Earl Hall closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he finally became firm again. He picked up the quill and sketched on the list.

   After a while, the list of personnel to perform the task was set, and Earl Hall only felt an endless collapse.

   He staggered out of the cabin and came to the deck, looking at the deep river alone, startled.

   At this time, it was dark. Except for a few soldiers on duty, the rest of the people on the battleship had already gone ashore to rest and relax.

   The lights and noise on the shore are in sharp contrast to the desertedness on the battleship.

  Earl Hall looked at his reflection in the water silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

   As time went by, it seemed to be an illusion that Earl Hall actually felt that the face reflected in the water looked a bit like Marquis Vincent.

   But then, the reflection in the water got out of the water, and he grinned at Earl Hall and said:

   "Earl Hall, are you looking at the scenery?"


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