The Original Vampire

Chapter 430: Crossing the river (below)

   When the first glimmer of the morning shone on the surface of the angry river, Colin finally set foot on the land of the east.

   This is the first time he has come to the east of the Nushui River. Looking at the dilapidated city in front of him and the mess left after the war, Colin curled his lips, feeling a bit boring.

Walking down the trestle bridge, stepping on the wet land of the port, every step you step on, you can see traces of blood. It seems that the soldiers of the Tianma Water Army who are unwilling to die are stubbornly cursing the death of Colin. The demon of the biggest barrier in the east.

   "My Lord Earl!"

   Orlando, who had been waiting on the shore for a long time, hurried up to greet him and greeted Colin.

   Colin smiled and nodded, "Mr. Orlando, you have worked hard."

   "It is my honor to work for Lord Earl!"

   Colin looked at the president of the Clover Brotherhood with a flattering face, and couldn't help thinking about how to arrange this person.

   After the Hall family reversal, Nushui River is no longer a moat for the Northern Territory. Then, Clover City has naturally become Colin's bag, and of course the Clover Brotherhood can no longer be ruined by the dregs of the Clover Brotherhood.

   The rest of the Clover Brotherhood is fine, but Orlando is indeed quite capable, and Colin intends to incorporate him for use elsewhere.

   But this matter is not in a hurry, Colin's current primary goal is Bailu City!

   "Earl Hall, how long will it take to transport all the blood cavalry across the river?"

   "My lord, if one person and two horses go into battle according to your requirements, without the logistics, it is estimated that the delivery will be completed before sunset tomorrow."

   "Tomorrow?" Colin frowned, dissatisfied, "Too slow!"

  Earl Hall thought for a while and suggested: "My lord, if we can build a floating bridge on the river, the speed will be much faster, but..."

   "But what?"

"The pontoon bridge is made of transport ships as piers, connected in series with ropes and covered with wooden planks. However, if the efficiency of passage is to be ensured, especially for cavalry passage, a large number of wooden planks are required for reinforcement. board…"

   Colin touched his chin. He wanted to talk about dismantling the decks of a few battleships, but thought that the decks might not be so easy to dismantle. After hesitating, he listened to Orlando's whispered suggestion:

   "My lord, we can demolish houses."

Colin glanced at the other person without hesitation, and immediately commanded: "Okay! Orlando, you will be responsible for this matter. Tell the residents in the city that I will help them rebuild the demolished houses later, and if they are willing to help, I There are rewards."

   "Yes, my lord!"

   After explaining the blood cavalry crossing the river, Colin came to a red-walled building near the port alone.

   The two armored men guarding the door leaned over to salute when they saw Colin.

   Pushing the door open, Colin saw Evan standing by the window, silently looking in the direction of Nushui River in a daze.

   "Earl Evan, long time no see."

   Hearing Colin's voice, Count Evan looked back and saw that only Colin was alone, then turned back and continued to stare out the window, saying:

   "Why didn't you see my dear brother?"

   Colin handed a chair and sat down, and said: "The Marquis of Vincent has returned to the city of Bailu, I am sorry to not be able to see you."

  Earl Evan was stunned, then sneered, and said, "Can't or dare not?"

   Colin did not answer this question, but said to himself: "Earl Evan, although you have opposed me many times, but for the sake of being an empire, I decided to release you unconditionally..."

   "Unconditional?" Count Evan interrupted with a sneer, "How can you be so kind? Or do you have a bigger conspiracy?"

   Colin shrugged and said with a smile: "What? Let you go, you still don't want to go?"

   Count Evan turned around, looked at Colin scorchingly, and said, "If you can answer one of my doubts, then I will leave."

   Clin was immediately exasperated, and said: "What? Is it still me begging you to go?"

  Earl Evan put his hands on his chest, and put on a rogue appearance, as if saying-if you don't answer my doubts, I will be here.

   Colin was a little speechless, so he had to ask: "What are your doubts?"

  Earl Evan smiled complacently and asked: "My doubt is, how can Vincent be willing to cooperate with you?"

   Colin smiled and told half the truth: "Because I made him believe that you are going to kill him."

   "I want to kill him?" Count Evan was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "So, it was the assassination he encountered in the half-elf palace? You arranged it, right? Then blame me."

   Colin nodded and did not deny: "Yes. But what is the use of asking you clearly now? Even if you tell Vincent about this, he can't look back.

   Besides, do you really want to kill your brother? "

   Count Evan categorically denied: "Never!"

Colin smiled coldly and asked: "Then, if I don't come to Alfalfa City, but continue to follow the negotiated redemption plan and really release the Marquis of Vincent, would you give up your plan and let Vincent? Is it safe to return to the East?"

  Earl Evan's eyes flashed and he didn't speak.

   Colin said for him: "You won't! You have paid so much for this—

Repented of the marriage with the daughter of Prince Leahy, turned to marry the daughter of Earl Brugen, and forced Earl Hall to a dead end. In this case, you can no longer look back. If the Marquis of Vincent returns to the east smoothly, then How should you end?

   When you convinced the Duke of Saint-Pros of Vincent's death, he was already dead!

   Even if he appears safely in front of you again, you will definitely kill him with your own hands!

   So, Evan, don't pretend to be brotherly.

   I didn't wrong you by blaming you! "

  Earl Evan let out a sigh of foul breath and whispered, "You are right. Before hearing the news of my brother's death, I really didn't have the intention of killing him, but after that...

   Actually, I thought that if Fei Jiejue’s news was wrong, and if my brother hadn’t died... But as you said, I can’t look back anymore, and the Saint-Pros family can’t play with the Eastern nobles again.

   So, my brother must die! "

   Colin smiled slightly and said, "Earl Evan, if you are not greedy for the inheritance of the Duke of the East this time, you might not fall into the trap of my design so easily."

   Count Evan nodded in agreement, and said, "Yes. I am greedy."

   Colin stood up from his position and said, "Okay, do you want to understand? If you want to understand, just let me go, UU reading, I don't want to raise another idler."

   Count Evan smiled and pointed to the Rage River outside the window, and then asked: "Earl, you are letting the blood cavalry cross the river now, do you want to continue to attack the east?"

   "Can't you?"

   "But the orcs are about to invade, I am afraid that the emperor's war mobilization order is already on the way."

   "As long as it hasn't been delivered to me." Colin said coldly.

   Count Evan chuckled, and said, "Well, then I wish you good luck."

   After speaking, go out.

   After going out, Evan Evan saw that there was a person lying in the door.

   At the same time, Colin's voice sounded from behind: "Oh, yes, this is your knight? Take it back together, don't die here."

  Earl Evan recognized that it was his guardian knight, Fletcher, who was on the ground.

   He ran over and found that the other party was still breathing, but he passed out in a coma.

   "Earl Angley, thank you for your hospitality this time. I will repay you twice if I have the opportunity in the future!"

   Colin laughed, ignoring the threat in the other party's words, and said:

"get out!"


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