The Original Vampire

Chapter 450: Handprint


   Ke Lin finally broke free from the gentle village, strode to the door of the living room, and asked in a deep voice:

"what happened?"

   "My lord, just now, a powerful female knight suddenly rushed into the city, killed several people in a row, and rescued Evan St. Pros. We are searching the whereabouts of them all over the city."

   "Female knight?"

   "Yes, my lord. She is wearing a gorgeous armor and holding a huge broadsword. She is said to be a powerful Tier 5 knight."

   "It should be Miss Anna San Prolos." Grace also walked over, with a blush on her face that hadn't dissipated, and she couldn't tell whether it was regret or relief.

   But anyway, since Evan Evan was rescued, she didn't have to kill a Saint Pros with her own hands.

   Grace quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Anna Saint Pros?" Colin chanted the name, and couldn't help but think of the heroic female knight he saw in Silvermoon City two years ago.

   At that time, she left a deep impression on Colin, but she did not expect to meet him again.

   Just, why did the little daughter of the Duke of Saint-Pros come to Tinder City at this time?

   "Is she alone?" Colin asked again.


   A woman saved Evan?

   Colin resisted the urge to curse.

  Because he knows that this one can't actually blame his subordinates for being too careless. After all, the blood cavalry has just entered the city and is busy stabilizing the situation in the city at this time. Coupled with the serious shortage of troops, it is indeed impossible to strictly guard Evan Evan.

   "Continue searching and find them both."


   Chuanbing immediately took the order to leave.

   However, Colin did not hold out much hope.

   First of all, with the strength of the blood cavalry, it is impossible to search the city on a large scale, and it is impossible for him to stay in Tinder City for a long time. It is his real goal to continue to march south to Bailu City.

  Earl Evan, this fish seems to be destined to slip away from him.

   Fortunately, this has little effect on Colin's original plan, but for the Grace in front of me...

   "Are you relieved?" Colin turned his head and looked at the girl playfully.

   Grace nodded very candidly, and said, "Yes. Whether it is the status of his St. Pros family's direct lineage, or the status of my fiance, it makes me very difficult to deal with."

   Colin shrugged and said, "Then you have also lost a precious opportunity."

   After saying this, Colin strode out without reluctance.

   "My Lord Earl!"

   Grace screamed sadly from behind, like a poor girl who had just been abandoned by a scumbag.

   Colin looked back, smiled politely, and said, "Miss Grace, without Evan Evan, you and I will not have the opportunity to build trust, so I'll continue to be your murderer's enemy."

   Grace straightened her chest, her teeth bit her red lips, and said pitifully: "Could it be that there is no other way to make you trust me?"

   Colin shook his head firmly.

   He is not a thinking animal in the lower body, he will not easily change his principles for the sake of beauty.

   If Grace can prove her sincerity and complete the **** with the Northern Territory, then Colin doesn't mind having another lover in Tinder City, especially this is a pretty lovely girl.

   But now, Colin doesn't want to have extra problems.

   Seeing Colin unmoved, Grace immediately said again: "Please wait!"

   Colin didn't intend to continue pestering the girl, but when he saw the movement of Grace's hand from the corner of his eye, he stopped turning around.

   saw her slender bare hands raised to her chest, palms facing inward, her fingers intertwined, forming a lotus-like handprint.

   This handprint... Colin has seen it!

   Just half a year ago, in the Royal Dragon City, he "frankly opposed" to Queen Midella. When forming an alliance, Queen Midella told him that if he saw this handprint again, he would be a trustworthy person.

  Of course, Colin didn't have much trust in Queen Midella herself.

   However, when he discovered that the Brugen family turned out to be a chess piece placed in the east by the royal family, he suddenly became interested.

   "Suddenly I want to try the scented tea you made again."

   Grace smiled and said: "This is my honor!"

   The two returned to the living room to sit down.

   The same flower tea, the same fragrance, the same tea girl, but the atmosphere is completely different.

   Colin took the silver tea cup that Grace brought, took a sip, closed his eyes for a while, and opened his eyes again, saying:

   "You were testing me just now?"

   Grace shook her head aggrievedly, and said, "How could I test you?"

   "Then why did you not identify yourself in the first place?"

   "Because I am not sure, are you an ally of Her Royal Highness the Queen?"

   "Didn't she tell you that I am a member of the alliance?"

   "No. The queen did not tell me any member of the alliance. I just saw that you have been targeting the East, so I guessed that you may also be an ally of the queen, so I made a handprint for a try."

   Colin was stunned, only to discover that although Queen Midella had told him about this mudra and said that there was such an alliance, he had never mentioned any alliance members.

   Originally, Colin thought this was because the queen was guarding herself, but now it seems that she was not treated specially, and the rest of the alliance members did not know each other's existence, they only knew the queen!

   Therefore, Queen Midella has become a key figure in maintaining this alliance. Without her, no one else would recognize her companion.

   Grace looked at Colin who was lost in thought, and couldn't help but ask: "My Lord Earl, what are you thinking?"

   Colin raised his head and asked the doubts in his mind: "Since the Brugen family is the queen's allies, why did the Teddy Bear fight with me before?"

   Grace slowly shook her head, UU reading said: "Earl, you have misunderstood. Father should not be an ally of the Queen, I am afraid I am the only one in the Brugen family."

   Colin thought about it carefully, and felt that it should indeed be the case.

  If Queen Midella can already control the Earl of Brugen, and even the entire Brugen family, then the royal family doesn't need to be so afraid of the East.

You know, with the important position of Tinder City and the powerful combat power of the Tinderella Army (compared to the Eastern Territory Army), the Eastern Territory can be divided into two, coupled with the imperial family fanning the flames, it is not difficult for the Eastern Territory to fall into civil strife. .

   Thinking of this, Colin asked again: "Since the Brugen family is still loyal to the Saint-Pros family, then why would you be willing to serve Queen Midella?"

   Grace did not answer this question, but instead asked: "My Lord Earl, why are you willing to form an alliance with Her Royal Highness?"

   I was caught by her "handle"!

   Colin secretly slandered himself.

   But immediately, he woke up—

I see.

   Colin suddenly laughed, and said, "Miss Grace, what is the handle you were caught by the Queen?"


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