The Original Vampire

Chapter 453: captive

When Colin led Grace into the restaurant, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Said it is a group of people, in fact there are only three:

Prince Harrison, Princess Judy, and the current patriarch of the Brugan family-Viscount Green.

As for the maids and servants in the restaurant, they dare not stare at Colin and Grace.

Of course, Colin's cheeky would not care about the eyes of others, but the girl beside her couldn't help lowering her head shyly, but her hands were still holding Colin's arms and did not let go.

Originally, Viscount Green was approaching Prince Harrison in a very flattering gesture, not knowing what he was talking about. At this time, when he saw the murderer's father and enemy walk in, Viscount Green immediately closed his mouth.

But immediately, his eyes fixed on the radiant face, like a budding sister after the spring rain baptism, and the expression on his face became extremely complicated—

Anger, shame, hatred, jealousy...

And he also thought that if this matter reaches the ears of the Saint-Pros family, wouldn’t the marriage between his sister and Evan Evan be bad...

However, when Colin's gaze turned, Viscount Green immediately lowered his head like an electric shock, and concentrated on dealing with the food in front of him, as if he would not have to face the cruel reality in this way.

"Hello teacher!" Prince Harrison and Princess Judy got up to salute, with narrow smiles on their faces.

Colin smiled and nodded to the two students, then sat down generously on the main seat, and the maid beside him immediately brought tableware and napkins.

The long table is full of hearty breakfasts, stewed grouse with mushrooms, steamed white salmon, char-grilled steak, cream pie, white bread, milk, and some vegetables and nuts.

The chefs of the Brugen family are very skilled. These foods are attractive in color and full of aroma, which makes Colin appetite.

After taking a sip of milk, Colin spoke to Viscount Green, who was shrinking aside and pretending to be an invisible man:

"Viscount Green, in about two hours, the Blood Cavalry will leave Tinder City. You can also prepare."

Viscount Green resisted the humiliation in his heart, squeezing an ugly smile on his face, and said: "Okay, Earl Anglia, I will definitely prepare a grand farewell ceremony for you..."

"Farewell ceremony?" Colin was taken aback, shook his head, "No, you misunderstood. I asked you to prepare your own luggage, and come with us later."

Viscount Green was dumbfounded.

After reacting, the young viscount began to tremble again.

I just don't know if it's because of fear or anger.

"Why? Not happy?" Colin raised his brows.

Viscount Green trembled more severely, and his whole body was as if he had had a stroke.


Princess Judy couldn't help but snickered, obviously amused by the appearance of Viscount Green.

Viscount Green took a few deep breaths and tried to adjust his mentality. The tremor of his body was only slightly relieved, but he still missed it when he opened his mouth:

"Bo, Lord do you mean..."

"What else do you mean?" Colin was extremely contemptuous of this Viscount Bao, and his tone was not polite, "You are now my prisoner, do you still want to stay in Tinder City?"

"Captive...captive?" Viscount Green's face turned pale, and then pointed to Grace without a word, "You can take my sister away..."

Grace did not lift her head when she heard this, and continued to elegantly slice the beef on the plate.

Colin sneered and said: "Viscount Green, push your sister out as a prisoner. Is this your responsibility as a knight and the patriarch of the Brugan family?"

"Isn't she your lover already?" Viscount Green exclaimed, "I...I still want to stay and preside over the overall situation of Tinder City, and, if I go with you, who will inherit the Brugen family? The title of..."

Colin rolled his eyes, and said in a bad mood: "I care who will inherit the title of your Brugan family. Now I just want to take away my captives!"

After speaking, he did not pay attention to Viscount Green who was still yelling, and he stretched out his hand and patted twice.

Immediately, three blood cavalry soldiers walked in.

Colin waved his hand, as if driving a fly: "Viscount Green is too slow to pack things up, you can help him speed up."


"My Lord Earl, I am willing to be loyal to you, and I am willing to be loyal to you! Sister, younger sister, please help me, Count Angele, help me..."

No matter how Viscount Green begged for mercy, Colin remained indifferent.

And Grace did not speak either, as if she hadn't heard her brother's cry for help.

The poor Viscount Green was forcibly dragged out by the blood cavalry soldiers, and the shameful appearance made all the servants of the Brugan family couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

Earl Brugen is also considered a human being, but why did he give birth to such a waste son...

Princess Judy watched this scene with interest, and suddenly came to Grace's ear and whispered a few words.

Then, the two began to chat, not knowing what they were discussing.

Colin glanced at the two of them, not surprised.

After all, Grace had been in the Phoenix Palace for a whole year, and it was no surprise that she knew Princess Judy.

Although Prince Harrison was very curious about what his sister was discussing with Grace, seeing Grace's red apple-like face, he didn't dare to ask, so he had to concentrate on the food in front of him.

Colin stuffed the last slice of steak into his mouth, drank the milk again, took the napkin and wiped his mouth, got up and said:

"Harrison, Judy, hurry up and pack up when you two have finished eating, we are about to leave soon."

"Okay, teacher!" Prince Harrison responded immediately.

Princess Judy smiled and asked: "Teacher, does Sister Grace really not go with us?"

Colin shook his head and said, "Grace has other things to do."

"Okay." Princess Judy pouted unwillingly, as if she wanted Grace to replace the boring and disgusting Viscount Green.

Seeing Colin walking outside, Grace also quickly put down the knife and fork, got up and followed.

Colin waited for her to come up and asked: "After I leave, you should be able to control the situation in Tinder City, right?"

"Yes." Grace nodded eagerly. "As long as Green is not there, I will be the first heir to the Brugen family title. No one can challenge my position."

But then, she said hesitantly: "It's just... the Duke of Saint-Pros may not be willing to knight me easily..."

Colin smiled confidently and said: "Don't worry, I will let him want it."

"Good!" Grace smiled sweetly, and put her arms around her lover's arm.

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