The Original Vampire

Chapter 455: Night attack

late at night.

On the head of Bailu City, Knight Rupert was squatting by the brazier, carefully wiping his long sword.

Rupert is a typical Eastern knight, in his early thirties, handsome, handsome, and more like a suave bard than a knight, only the carefully trimmed beard makes his face look. More tough temperament.

He is also one of the few old people in the Pegasus Legion. At the beginning of the Shadow Canyon battle, Knight Rupert was seriously injured, and then he returned to the east to recuperate in advance, unable to follow the Marquis of Vincent to Silvermoon City.

When Knight Rupert was injured, he was secretly upset and felt that he could not go with the army to Silvermoon City. He would miss a good opportunity to do meritorious service. Looking back on it, he would only secretly rejoice. If he had not been injured, I am afraid he would have been. Became a member of the dead souls under Silvermoon City.

As the direct army of the Saint Pros family, the Lord of the East, the Pegasus Legion must be rebuilt as soon as possible, and the replenishment of troops, logistics support, equipment supply, etc. are all of the first priority, so it only took more than a year. , The Pegasus Legion, which was almost annihilated, quickly replenished to nearly 100,000 people.

It seems that the Pegasus Legion has been reborn.

But Knight Rupert knew very well that the current Pegasus Legion was completely different from before the reconstruction.

Although the recruits have acquired the appearance of soldiers after more than a year of training, Knight Rupert knows very well that these are all flowers, far from the real elite, not to mention the tiger wolf in the north. The teacher.

Thinking of this, the horrible and **** scene of Shadow Canyon could not help but appear in the mind of Knight Rupert, making his injured half of his body aching, and the cold wind blows, and it is even more sour and unbearable. Knight Rupert hastily again. Moved a few steps closer to the brazier.

Of course, the reconstruction of the Pegasus Legion is actually a great thing for people like Rupert Knight.

After all, there are more vacant positions, and the military position of Rupert Knight has also increased with the tide. Otherwise, with his third-order knight's strength and not outstanding family background, it is impossible to become the commander of the Pegasus Legion.

However, for some time now, the situation in the East has made Rupert knight full of worries.

Although what happened in the Battle of Alfalfa City, there is still no conclusion yet, and all kinds of rumors are also flying in the sky.

Did Earl Hall betray the Saint-Pros family?

Is Nushui River still in the hands of the East?

And the blood cavalry...Where is it now?

Knight Rupert is now most concerned about the last question. To be honest, he really doesn't want to run into that terrible Northern Cavalry.

While thinking about it, a strange feeling rose to his mind, and Knight Rupert was taken aback, tilted his head and listened.

There seems to be something really happening.

Knight Rupert stood up immediately, walked to the wall with a long sword, and looked out.

The stars are lonely tonight, the moon is hidden behind the clouds, and there is nothing to see outside the dark city.

But Knight Rupert always felt something was wrong.

This is the unique intuition of a veteran who has been fighting for many years.

Nodding a group of soldiers casually, the Rupert Knight began to patrol the city head carefully.

But after a round of inspections, nothing was found. It seemed that he was just suspicious of himself.

Just as Knight Rupert was about to give up his inspection and go back to continue the fire, a creaking sound came into his ears clearly.

The soldiers hadn't reacted yet, but Knight Rupert immediately awoke and shouted back:

"Go and see if anyone wants to open the city gate!"

The soldiers looked at each other, wondering if their chief was mad, and who would dare to open the city gate in defiance of the military order at this time.

But then, the faint sound of horseshoes sounded outside the city, breaking the silent winter night.

At first glance, a fire dragon spread over like a tide under the dim moonlight.

Now even the new recruits of the Pegasus Legion who have not experienced the battlefield understand it.

Enemy attack!

"Quick! Blow the trumpet, blow the trumpet!" Rupert roared hoarsely.


The deep horn sounded instantly at the head of the city.

Knight Rupert's reaction speed was not too slow, but the newly formed Pegasus Legion was still too immature.

Due to the lack of a large number of grassroots officers with rich combat experience, when they heard the bugle, they didn't even know to guard the most critical city gate first, but fell into a panic at a loss.

In addition, it was late at night and the military order was not passed smoothly. When Knight Rupert led the soldiers to the gate of the city, he suddenly found that the cavalry pioneer outside the city had rushed to the position of less than five hundred steps.

At such a short distance, at the speed of the cavalry, it came in an instant.

At this time, even if it wanted to close the gate, it was too late.

Knight Rupert didn't know how the gate of the city was opened, but at this time, he could no longer think about it.

Because by the light of the fire, he has clearly seen the enemy's banner-the blood cavalry!

Changed the name, but the level of horror was not reduced.

Knight Rupert's old wounds began to faintly hurt again. He resisted the fear in his heart and roared, "Block the gate!"


What to block?

Of course it is human life, flesh and blood.

But unfortunately, not everyone has such courage, especially this group of recruits who have never experienced battle.

What's more, what they are facing right now is the blood cavalry that made the Pegasus Legion tremble in its heyday.

Therefore, when Knight Rupert stood at the gate of the city with swords in both hands, he found that there was no companion at all.

A sad mood surged into my heart.

Is today's Pegasus Legion so unbearable?

Facing the northern cavalry surging like a tide alone, the Rupert knight seemed to return to the Shadow Canyon a year ago in a trance.

For a while, he suddenly calmed down. There was no fear, no resentment, and some, just a kind of relief and relief.

The familiar faces of the former Pegasus Legion appeared in the mind of Knight Rupert, and he roared:

"Brothers, I am here to accompany you!"


As if blocking the sand before the huge wave, Knight Rupert was knocked out as soon as he met, and the raging wave of cavalry continued to roll forward without any lag.

The killing began to spread in the city.


The butler, who has always paid special attention to etiquette, rushed into the study in a panic, shaking and reporting:

"Old... sir, it's not good! The blood cavalry has entered the city!"

The Duke of Saint-Pros, who was playing against the Marquis of Vincent, did not seem to be surprised at all. He did not put down the crystal chess piece in his hand, and his eyes remained on the board, and asked indifferently:

"Which door? How did you get in?"

Infected by the calmness of the Duke of Saint-Pros, UU reading www. The butler of took a few deep breaths, stabilized his mind, and said:

"Entered from the north gate. The information currently obtained is that an insider secretly opened the north gate and released the blood cavalry in."

"I see." The Duke of Saint-Pros nodded.

When the housekeeper saw this, he suddenly relaxed a lot.

Obviously, the Duke of Saint-Pros had anticipated all this.

Maybe, this is still a trap set by the Lord Duke against the blood cavalry.

So, seeing that the Duke of St. Pros had no further instructions, the butler bowed and exited the study, and closed the door easily.

In the study, the Marquis of Vincent looked at the Duke of Saint-Pros with solemn expression, and said solemnly:

"Well, father, you should believe me now, right?"

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