The Original Vampire

Chapter 459: Assassination (Part 1)

The night is deep.

The Duke of Saint-Pros stood on the balcony of the Bailu Castle and looked into the distance.

From where he stood, one could vaguely see the fighting situation in the East City.

Although the blood cavalry was extremely brave, it was still trapped in the layers of defense carefully constructed by the Pegasus Legion.

Of course, the Duke of Saint-Pross also knew very well that if he really wanted to leave this northern cavalry in Bailu City, the eastern border would probably have to pay an extremely tragic price.

Even more terrible than the price paid in the first battle of Shadow Canyon.

But the Duke of Saint-Pros is still determined to implement this plan.

Because he understands that the significance of this battle is not only to annihilate this cavalry of less than 20,000 people, but to pull out the sharpest fang in the North!

More importantly, this is of even greater significance to the East.

The Eastern Army has been weak for many years, not precisely because of the lack of a sharpening stone.

This time, the Duke of St. Pros will use the blood cavalry, the hardest whetstone, to help the East to forge an iron-blooded army!

As for the lives and flesh and blood that are about to be consumed in the "knife sharpening" process, in the eyes of the Duke of Saint-Pros, it is also the price that the East Territory must pay.

This is the cold blood and determination that a wise lord must possess.

The light footsteps sounded behind, and the familiar rose scent allowed the Duke of Saint-Pros to guess the identity of the visitor without looking back.

Sure enough, she saw the duchess stepping in Ping Ting's steps and standing beside her husband.

She glanced at the fire in the city and smiled:

"It seems that the blood cavalry really didn't achieve the goal, they wouldn't give up!"

The Duke of Saint-Pross smiled complacently, and said: "Of course. The Hall family is too important to the North, so this time the Blood Cavalry cannot successfully pick up those people from Bailu City, the North will never be able to completely control the Nushui River. .

And we also have a bargaining chip to persuade Earl Hall to change his mind. "

"Do you really intend to forgive the Hall family?"

"Do I have a choice?" The Duke of St. Pros gritted his teeth, "The River of Fury is too important to the East. Didn't the old Earl Hall's old man have spotted this point before he started this rebellion without fear? That's it!"

The Duchess sighed and said helplessly: "In this way, Vincent's position as the first heir can no longer be shaken."

Hearing this, the Duke of Saint-Pros suddenly turned his head, staring at his wife's profile, and asked: "Why did you encourage me to change the heir?"

"Of course it was because of Vincent's fiasco in Silvermoon City." The Duchess replied casually, "Are you regretting it?"

The Duke of Saint-Pross did not let this question jump over, and continued to ask: "No, you expressed dislike for Vincent before he messed up the Battle of Silvermoon City.

Moreover, why on earth was the Fein family able to be pulled over by Evan, do you really think I don't know anything? "

The duchess' eyes flickered, as if she was said to be on her mind.

She raised her head and held a few strands of hair tossed by the night wind behind her ears, as if to hide her guilty conscience, and smiled: "Yes, I really don't like Vincent very much."


The duchess turned her head and faced her husband, and said: "Did you forget? Vincent is the first child I have been pregnant with. Because I have no experience, I have suffered a lot, so compared to later Evan and Anna, I really don't like Vincent enough.

Of course, this is my own problem. As a mother, I should not be so partial..."

"Really?" The Duke of Saint-Pros looked at his wife's face quietly, wondering if he believed the somewhat ridiculous explanation she gave, and then asked "What about Evan?"

"What?" The Duchess was stunned.

"A few days ago, didn't you persuade me to let Anna inherit the Duke of the East?" The Duke of Saint-Pros looked at his wife with scrutiny, "How did Evan lose your favor?"

"That’s not because he has let us down time and time again. Alfalfa City, the Tinder Army, including the arrogant advocates, summoned the lord to try to besiege Colin Anglia, so I think that maybe he is not the most duke of the East. A good candidate."


"That's right. And Anna has made great strides in the way of the knights, and she is very hopeful that she will be promoted to the sanctuary. It is indeed a good choice for her to inherit the position of the Duke of the East."

"Is it just that?"

"Otherwise?" The duchess said with a look of course, and then she seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked, "By the way, speaking of Anna, have you found out where she is?"

Seeing his wife tried to change the subject again, the Duke of Saint-Pros finally lost his patience, and said solemnly: "Okay, Kate, don't pretend anymore, I have seen through your methods!"

The duchess was stunned, then looked at her husband inexplicably, and asked, "Pretend what? What means?"

The Duke of Saint-Pross sneered: "What is the difficulty of giving birth to the first child, what is the fiasco under the city of Silvermoon, these are all excuses!

The reason you really don't want Vincent to inherit the title of Duke of the East is because he married a woman from the Hall family! "

Without waiting for the duchess to speak out, the Duke of Saint-Pros continued:

"Evan is the same, Clover City, Tinderella... These are all plausible excuses. In fact, since I publicly announced his engagement with Grace of the Brugan family, you began to persuade me to change Anna. As the first heir!

So, what you care about is not who will be the Duke of the East, but who is the spouse of the Duke of the East!

If I guessed correctly, you should have helped Anna find a disciple husband, right? "

"You... do you see me like this..." The duchess' body trembled slightly, as if she couldn't believe her husband was so maliciously speculating about herself.

"Isn't it?" The Duke of Saint-Pross snorted, looking at his aggrieved wife, but his heart was as hard as a rock. "I really regret listening to your nonsense! If I have been firmly defending Vincent Special inheritance rights, then none of this will happen now..."

"Haha!" The Duchess suddenly sneered and said, "That's it, you want to put all the responsibility on my head!"

"Enough!" The Duke of St. Pros gave a low growl, grabbing his wife's arm in anger, "Kate, you disappointed me too much!"

You have been married to the Saint-Pros family for so many years, and you have given birth to three children for me, but your heart is always toward the church!

Of course, UU reading www. is nothing at all, after all, the Saint-Pros family is a loyal ally under the pope's crown.

However, you shouldn't do it, you shouldn't hit my heir's idea! "

I don't know if the Duke of Saint-Pros made her arm hurt, or was said to be on her mind, the duchess's face gradually paled.

Just as she was thinking hard about how to explain to her angry husband, a rush of footsteps suddenly sounded.

The housekeeper saw that the atmosphere on the balcony seemed not quite right from a distance. It stands to reason that he shouldn't bother him, but at this time the situation was urgent and he couldn't take care of it anymore, so he bit his head and walked over.

The Duke of Saint-Pros asked angrily:

"what's up?"

The butler did not dare to lift his head, and said in a trembling tone:

"Master, Master Vincent... he... he was assassinated and killed in the Hall family!"

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