The Original Vampire

Chapter 467: messenger

As the night fell, smoke gradually rose from the camp in the wild.

At this time, winter has entered, but the towering and continuous Altius Mountains blocked the cold current from the north, so there will be no extreme cold in winter in the southern part of the east.

Especially for these blood cavalry soldiers who came from the north and galloped on the ice sheet all the year round, the coldness was nothing at all.

They did not raise the bonfire to keep warm, but to cook food and drive away mosquitoes and beasts.

"Teacher, calculate the time, the main force of the blood cavalry should have arrived in Bailu City by now?"

By the campfire, Prince Harrison fiddled with the dry wood and asked Colin beside him.

Colin just finished gnawing a deer leg and threw the deer leg bone into the fire, nodding:


"Then teacher, do you think they can successfully break through Bailu City?"

"It might work."

Prince Harrison blinked, as if he felt that Colin was a little too confident.

After all, although the blood cavalry is almost invincible in the field, it is still difficult to escape the limitations of the cavalry. In the face of a strong city like Bailu City, it really may not be able to successfully capture it.

However, because he had witnessed the miracles that Colin had created again and again, Prince Harrison could only hold this question to the bottom of his heart.

At this time, Princess Judy interjected: "Teacher, what do you plan to do if Bailu City is really breached?"

Colin smiled slightly and said, "What do you think I should do?"

The little girl tilted her head and said, "I think you can make the Saint-Pros family pay a lot of war indemnities!"

Colin shook his head: "If it's just compensation, isn't it too cheap for the Saint Prolos family?"

"Then you can also ask the East to send a large number of slaves to the North to help you work."

Seeing that Colin was still smiling, Prince Harrison also suggested: "You can also cede part of the territory of the East."

Hearing this, Colin touched his chin, showing an expression of interest, but still said: "It's still too cheap for the Saint-Pros family."

Princess Judy said with a small mouth: "Then you can't really occupy the East, right? You are not a descendant of the Paladin family, and you can't be the Lord of the East."

"Who stipulated this?" Colin asked suddenly curiously.

"Early Paladins." Princess Judy said immediately.

Prince Harrison also nodded and added: "When the Glorious Empire was established, the first generation of Paladins signed a "Holy Covenant", which clearly stipulated that only the descendants of the Paladin family can be named duke."

Colin searched the memory of his predecessor and found that this unlearned guy hadn't read the "Holy Covenant", so he planned to find it for himself later when he had time.

After thinking about it, Colin asked again: "Then if Vera gives birth to my heir, can he become the Duke of the East?"

"No," the two little guys said in unison.

"Why?" Colin curiously asked, "Aren't Vera and my heirs count as descendants of the Paladin family?"

"Not counting."

Colin was really interested now, but before he could ask any questions, Prince Harrison explained:

"Teacher, the descendants of the Paladin family are not the same as the descendants of the ordinary nobles. The father must be a member of the Paladin family to be considered as the descendants of the Paladin family. Only the mother will not work.

For example, if your sister Caitlin gave birth to a child for Earl Uman, the child would of course be the heir of the Uman family first, but at the same time it can also be regarded as a descendant of the Anglia family. If the Anglia family has no successor, he You can also inherit the title of the Anglia family.

However, the Paladin family is different.

Unless the child's father is from the Paladin family, he will not be considered a descendant of the Paladin family. "

Colin frowned, and immediately realized a question: "That Vera and my heirs can only be named Anglia?"

"Yes." Prince Harrison nodded and added, "However, you can choose a child of your choice from the descendants of the St. Hild family as your adopted son, and let him inherit the title of Cousin Vera."

"Is this also the content in [Holy Ally]?" Colin asked.

"No. This is an unspoken rule of the Paladin family. When you and Cousin Vera give birth, you will naturally be reminded by the elders of the Saint Hild family."

Colin rubbed his chin and fell into thought again.

He suddenly felt that this unspoken unspoken rule of the Paladin family might be hiding the true secret passed down by the Paladin.

According to this rule, the inheritance of the paladin blood is actually a patrilineal inheritance.

It has nothing to do with mother.

Therefore, over the years, the paladin family of the Glorious Empire will only decrease, never increase.

Those ordinary aristocrats who want to improve their bloodlines by marrying noble daughters of the Paladin family, such as the "Golden-tailed Papilio" Morrison family in Huayu City in the north, are probably drawing water in a bamboo basket.

This also explains why the Emperor Reinhardt, who messed up a bunch of illegitimate children, must raise all pregnant lovers in captivity until they give birth to children.

It seems that this is preventing the blood of the San Lorenzo family from flowing out through these illegitimate children.

But if the paladin bloodline is really a kind of patrilineal inheritance, one thing cannot be explained-this is the existence of female paladins.

From a genetic point of view, the genetic difference between males and females only exists on that **** chromosome-females are XX and males are XY.

According to previous inferences, the paladin's genetic gene must be on the Y chromosome unique to men.

In this way, the female descendants of the Paladin family who lack the Y chromosome will not be able to inherit the Paladin bloodline, but they should also not be able to step into the sanctuary.

However, the fact is that although female Paladins are extremely rare, they still exist.

For example, at present, one of the only paladins in the Glorious Empire, the Lord of the West, the Duke of St. Grianan, is a female paladin.

After struggling for a while, Colin suddenly laughed secretly.

This was originally an unscientific and extraordinary world, and I was still trying to explain everything with science, which was a bit ridiculous.

However, Colin would not feel that the genetics he had mastered in his previous life were of no reference value. After all, humans in this world are not very different from humans in the previous lives. .

As long as you find this deviation, you may be able to crack the secret of the paladin’s bloodline...

Just as Colin was thinking about it, an attendant walked over and reported:

"Master Earl, an envoy who claims to be from Skylark City is asking for a meeting."

"Skylark City?"

Colin recalled the map of the East that he had specially researched before, "That is the domain of the Fein family?"

"Yes, Lord Earl." Sentry nodded you want to see this messenger? "

"Bring it here."

After a while, a middle-aged knight in armor walked over.

"Dear guardian of the North, Lord Count Anglia, my name is Robert Fein, on behalf of the Fein family, I sincerely invite you to visit Skylark City!"

Colin looked at the knight who bowed his head in front of him with a playful expression, and said:

"Knight Robert, you should know that Lord Fei is currently being imprisoned by Queen Aisha in Silvermoon City, right?"

"Yes. So the Fein family invites you to Skylark City this time, just to discuss with you the terms of redemption of Feijue."

Colin thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll be waiting three kilometers outside of Skylark City. Go back and let your family come out to see me."

"My Lord Earl, our Fein family wants to do our best to serve as a landlord, to entertain you, and at the same time, to clear up some misunderstandings between the two parties..."

"Stop talking, I won't enter the city."

"Master Earl, you are not worried..."

"Yes, I'm worried that you will assassinate me." Colin said frankly.

"..." Robert Knight.

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