The Original Vampire

Chapter 469: Skylark City

The setting sun is slowly approaching the horizon, but its afterglow is nostalgic for this land.

Skylark City, with its closed gates, looked extremely desolate under the dim sunset.

In particular, the hundreds of **** heads piled up outside the North City Gate made the whistling north wind seem to be the screams of the unjust souls.

Colin was riding on horseback, looking at Skylark City not far away, his eyes gleaming with danger.

The "entertainment" of the Fein family not long ago left him with lingering fears and was also full of anger.

It's just that his reason is still there, and he won't order an attack on the city in a fit of anger.

Cavalry attacking the city is not a wise choice.

What's more, he only had three thousand cavalry in his hands.

In the past, Linshui City and Tinder City, Ke Lin conquered them by tricking the city gates, or attacking the other side by surprise, but did not really attack them.

He wouldn't be so stupid to let the precious blood cavalry attack a fortified city.

Although he will not attack the city, Colin has already recorded this account in his heart, and he will naturally calculate it with the Fein family in the future...

Just when Colin was about to lead his army to evacuate, and no longer entangled with the Fein family, the gate of Skylark City actually opened!

Clin suddenly narrowed his eyes and stared at the direction of the city gate carefully, feeling unsure in his heart.

The Fein family won't be so stupid that they want to go out of the city to fight in the field, right?

If this is the case, then Colin is willing to let these stupid and ignorant people in the East understand what a true invincible teacher is!

The blood cavalry soldiers around Colin also took action and set up their positions to prevent the people from the East Territory on the opposite side from rushing out.

Of course, they were not too nervous, after all, as cavalry who came and went like wind, if they really wanted to go, the people of the East could not stop it.

Under their gaze, one man and one horse slowly walked out of the open city gate.

It doesn't seem to be ready to fight.

When the man slowly approached, Colin was surprised to find that it turned out to be a woman immediately.

A woman who is absolutely outstanding if she is ten or twenty years younger.

But now, the ruthless years have left traces of the vicissitudes of life on her face.

Moreover, she did not seem to care about her appearance, did not apply any makeup, and the wheat-colored skin also showed that she was not the kind of lady who lived in the boudoir.

From her calm riding posture, her vigorous gaze, and the aura emanating from her gestures, she knew that this should be a female knight who had been on the battlefield.

But at this time, she was not wearing armor or holding a weapon in her hand, just carrying a bloody—


It seemed that he had just been headed by the owl, and the blood was still dripping slowly from the head, forming a blood-red trajectory behind the woman.

"Let her come here."

Colin ordered the guard who tried to stop him.

The guards had to give up a passage.

The woman slowly approached, and she did not show any fear in the face of the blood cavalry officers around her.

Colin looked at the heroic female knight and smiled: "What? Is there no man in the Fein family anymore?"

The female knight came to Colin and immediately bowed down without being humble, then pointed at the pile of heads not far away, and responded with a smile:

"Aren't the real men of the Fein family all there?"

Colin smiled slightly, thinking that this woman was a bit interesting, and then asked: "Since you dare to come to me alone, don't you introduce yourself?"

"My name is Beatrice, and I am Fei Fejue's mother."

"Mrs. Beatrice..."

"I prefer people to call me, Knight Beatrice."

Colin smiled and found this woman more interesting. He pointed to the head in the opponent's hand and asked:

"Well, Knight Beatrice, what do you mean by holding this head?"

Beatrice lifted the **** head in her hand, showed it to Colin, and said in her mouth:

"Dear guardian of the North, Your Excellency Earl Anglia, on behalf of the Fein family, I would like to express my profound regret and apologies for your previous assassination!

The owner of this head is the messenger behind the assassination. I hope it can calm your anger. "

Colin carefully looked at the head in the woman's hand.

It was also a woman, younger and more beautiful.

"Who is she?" Colin asked with interest.

"She is Fei Fejue's wife."

"Hehe, why did she send someone to assassinate me? Do you avenge her husband?" Colin smiled coldly.

"No." The woman shook her head, "She is just a lunatic, she wants to get rid of you at all costs."

"Oh? Madman?" Clin was immediately happy. "Your Fein family is going to throw the charge of assassinating me on a lunatic?"

The woman didn't change her expression, and said, "My Lord Earl, do you know that besides being a Viscountess, she has another identity?"


"She is also the bishop of Skylark City."

Colin raised his brows, and finally understood what the other party meant.

"Kill a bishop, Knight Beatrice, you are not afraid to arouse the anger of the church?"

Beatrice looked calm and said lightly: "When this woman deliberately provokes the Warriors of the Fein family to die for some ulterior purpose, she is no longer worthy of the glory of our lord.

If the Pope’s crown is to condemn such a person, I will bear it! "

The color of appreciation in Colin's eyes grew stronger.

To be honest, since crossing the Nushui River into the East, Colin has been quite disappointed.

It feels like Nuo Da is in the east, and there are not many heroes that can make him admire.

This kind of hero does not have to have much strength, but a kind of aura, a kind of belief, a kind of perseverance.

The Duke of Saint-Pross is strong enough, but this kind of person who hesitated to even choose an heir, looking forward and backward, really can't win Colin's respect.

As for the Marquis of Vincent, the Earl of Evan, the Earl of Brugen, the Earl of Hall, etc., in Colin's view, they are all just plain and vulnerable.

However, when he was outside Skylark City, he saw the Beatrice Knight who dared to open the city gate alone, holding the head of his daughter-in-law, and if no one walked into the blood cavalry formation, he suddenly felt the long-lost heroic spirit.

Even the strength of this woman is estimated to be around Tier 3 or Tier 4.

"Then, Knight Beatrice, did you come to see me this time to give me this head?"

"Of course not only that." Beatrice shook her head and threw the head in her hand to the guard next to Colin, and then smiled and invited, "The distinguished guests from the north, dare to come to Skylark City and experience the true nature of the Fein family. Your sincerity and enthusiasm?"

The blood on the woman's hands hadn't dried up yet, and the smile on UU Reading's face was even more provocative, but this obviously couldn't scare Colin.

"Okay!" Colin gripped his horse's belly lightly, stepped forward slowly, and at the same time ordered to the soldiers around him, "You are waiting for me outside the city!"

"Master Earl!"

The faces of the blood cavalry officers changed and they wanted to dissuade them, but Colin immediately raised his hands to signal that he was determined.

An admiration appeared on Beatrice's face, but she still suggested:

"Master Earl, don't you need to bring a few guards?"

Colin laughed and said, "If you dare to leave the city alone, I will naturally dare to enter the city alone!"

Beatrice also laughed, and immediately stopped talking, waved her whip, and rushed towards Skylark City.

Colin also urged the war horse and followed closely.

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