The Original Vampire

Chapter 501: Discussion

   Bailubao, the conference hall.

   Colin's eyes slowly swept across the luxurious and exquisite decorations in the hall, and finally stopped on the most eye-catching sculpture.

This is the statue of Hogo Saint-Pros, the first paladin of the Saint-Pros family. It is about ten meters high and is made of white glazed rock. Every detail is vivid and in a trance, as if you can feel the paladin’s back then. majesty.

   The Paladin statue has a solemn face, drooping brows, holding a huge knight sword, and the tip of the sword points directly at the seat dedicated to the Duke of St. Pros.

   It is said that this is to warn every generation of the Lord of the East, the first paladin of the Saint Pros family, whose eyes are always watching you.

   The huge knight sword in the hand of the statue has the meaning of the sword of Damocles.

   I just don’t know if my scalp numbs if I sit down.

   Colin just sat down as he thought about it.

When the nobles gathered in the hall of the East realm saw this, their complexions were suddenly different.

   But no one dared to speak out to let Colin leave the position that did not belong to him.

   Colin sat there for a moment, and felt nothing strange. After all, even if the giant sword on his head was smashed down, he couldn't kill a Tier 6 knight.

   His gaze swept across the faces of the Eastern nobles below, but it was a pity that no one dared to look at Ke Lin.

   Colin curled his lips in disdain, and then saw Princess Judy's eager gaze on the left hand.

   "Want to sit?"

   "Hmm!" Princess Judy nodded fiercely.

   "Come on." Colin beckoned, and then he saw the little girl running over with excitement and sitting next to Colin.

   The seats are very spacious, two people sitting side by side are not crowded, not to mention that Princess Judy is petite and can't take up much space.

At this time, the nobles of the East were walking into the chamber. They were a little dumbfounded when they saw the scene in front of them, but they obviously did not dare to say anything. While secretly lamenting that the majesty of the Saint-Pros family was trampled on by others, they lowered their heads. Pretend not to see it.

   Princess Judy was sitting in the exclusive seat of the Duke of Saint-Pros. She looked up at the giant sword above. She didn't feel scared. She shook her feet and asked in a crisp voice:

   "Teacher, what did the Duchess say before that you were assassinated and killed?"

  As soon as he said this, everyone in the hall pricked their ears.

   They were all very curious about it, but Colin didn't take the initiative to say it, and they didn't dare to ask rashly.

   "Of course it was fake, she was deceived by me." Colin said as usual.

   "How did you cheat?" The little girl has a kind of obsession to break the casserole and ask to the end.

   "The blind eye method."

   "What's the barrier?"

   "Um... have you seen a magic show?"

   "I've seen it!" Princess Judy's eyes lit up, she immediately became excited, and whispered, "During the Winter Veil Festival last year, a magician was invited to perform at the Phoenix Palace.

Wow! He is so amazing, he can cut a living person into two pieces, and then put them together!

   Teacher, can you do similar tricks? "

   "That's right." Colin nodded without flushing and heartbeat.

   There are only four people who have actually seen his "corpse" anyway.

Mr.   觋, Prince Leahy, Duchess, and a guard of the Saint-Pros family.

   The Duchess is dead.

   The guard of the Saint-Pros family was light-hearted and didn't need to worry too much.

   As for Mr. Coquettish and Prince Leahy, the two of them are still playing a game of cat and mouse. At the moment, they don't know where they are going, or where they can question Colin.

   What's more, although these two are superior in strength, they have no right to speak in the Glorious Empire. Even if there is something wrong with Colin, no one believes it.

   Anyway, looking at the faces of everyone in the hall suddenly realized, they knew that they should believe Colin's explanation, thinking that he had deceived the assassin and the Duchess and others by some kind of blind trick similar to magic.

Gu </span>   "Then teacher, can you perform for me again?" Princess Judy looked at Colin with big shiny eyes.

   Colin's mind was suddenly filled with black lines.

   I really want to perform a "magic" of digging my heart out, I am afraid I will faint the little girl.

   "Ahem, wait until there is time." Colin said casually.

   Fortunately at this time, the steward of the Saint-Pros family came over and reported:

   "Lord Earl, all the nobles who are still in the city have been summoned to the Chamber."

   Colin looked straight, stood up from the exclusive seat of the Duke of Saint-Pros, and smiled:

   "Well, now that everyone is here, let's start."

   Talking, Colin raised his hand and patted twice.

   Immediately, a group of blood cavalry carried five coffins into the chamber.


   Five coffins lined up in the center of the chamber.

   suddenly made all the nobles of the Eastern realm look at each other, not dare to show the atmosphere.

   Colin brewed for a long time before finally putting on a sad look, and said solemnly:

   "Everyone, this is the darkest moment in the East, and it is also the saddest moment for the Saint-Pros family!"

  He stretched his hand over the five coffins one by one, and said at the same time:

   "The Duke of Saint-Pros, the Duchess, the Marquis of Vincent, the Evan, and Miss Anna were all unfortunately killed..."

   Upon hearing this, there was a slight commotion in the hall.

   The nobles all know about the death of the first three, but they still don’t know that Earl Evan and Miss Anna are also dead.

   At this time, they discovered to their horror that the line of the Saint-Pros family’s direct line had been broken down!

   If it wasn't for the Marquis of Vincent and a son, then the lineage of the Saint-Pros family would simply break the inheritance.

   "Although I am in the same grief as you, but we cannot be immersed in grief!

   The emperor’s war order has been delivered to Bailu Castle, and the Glorious Empire needs the east to prepare for the upcoming storm!

   Therefore, we must choose a suitable leader as soon as possible. When UU Reading comes to take over the power of the East, it will calm the turmoil, calm people's hearts, and prepare for war. "

   Hearing this, the hearts of all the nobles were raised.

  They finally understood the purpose of Earl Anglia's gathering of the people in the chamber, and they also vaguely realized that the next move of the Northern Earl might not really serve the interests of the East.

   But, even if it is true, who would dare to resist?

   Didn't you see the five coffins in the hall?

   This is a warning from Earl Angelie to the nobles in the East.

   The most noble Saint Prolos is dying, are there any Eastern nobles who can't be killed?

   "According to the order of succession, the Duke of the East should be inherited by the son of the Marquis of Vincent, Eckert Saint-Pros." Colin pointed to the little guy who was shrinking in his mother's arms, and said,

  "However, Lord Eckert was too young after all, unable to cope with the complicated situation in the East, and he could not complete the important task assigned to the East by the Emperor.

   Therefore, I suggest that the highly respected and talented Count Nicol is in charge of the Eastern Territory when he comes! "

  As soon as these words came out, there was another commotion in the hall.

   Ke Lin's cold eyes slowly swept across everyone's faces, saying:

   "Who agrees? Who opposes?"

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