The Original Vampire

Chapter 508: The Imperial Conference (Part 1)

In winter, heavy snow flies.

The entire Royal Dragon City has been draped in silver, and the thick snow makes the residents of the city just want to curl up by the warm fireplace, and pedestrians are rarely seen on the wide streets.

In the freezing cold wind, a gorgeous carriage was slowly driving towards the Phoenix Palace.

The Minister of Military Affairs, the Marquis of Crick, stretched out his hand to hold the curtain of the car that was constantly shaking by the howling north wind. Although the brazier was burning in the carriage, he still felt a biting chill.

In recent times, the Marquis of Crick has been deeply tired, and the thick dark circles under his eyes cannot be completely covered even with makeup.

Since the news of the establishment of the Orc Third Reich was confirmed, the war machine of the Glorious Empire immediately started to operate.

Although the army of orcs that crossed the Tianduan Mountains has not yet been discovered, no one in the Glorious Empire dared to have a chance.

Because after the two previous orcs established a unified empire, the first thing they did was to invade the glorious empire.

In the past, the Glory Empire tried to send envoys to explore the possibility of peaceful coexistence between the two empires, but unfortunately, after the envoys of the first two went to the orcs, they became skeletons hanging on the flag of the orcs.

It was a savage race, and the desire to kill in their bones made them unable to understand what peaceful coexistence meant.

When this race split into countless orc tribes, the internal fighting between each other killed the corpses everywhere, and when one of the powerful tribes defeated all the enemies, the unified orc empire still could not stop the war. It needed Look for a new enemy to release the unquenchable tyranny of this race.

And this enemy can only be the Glory Empire.

So this time, the Glorious Empire did not send an envoy at all, but immediately began mobilization for war.

As the Minister of Military Affairs of the Empire, the Marquis of Crick has not slept peacefully for more than a month. In order to deal with the coming army of orcs, Emperor Reinhardt is determined to mobilize an army of millions.

Millions of troops!

This number can make anyone dizzy, and the complicated preparations that need to be done are enough to crush any workaholic's nerves.

What made the Marquis of Crick more exhausted was that in order to demonstrate his authority and ability, Emperor Reinhardt continued to intervene in the war mobilization work, which not only did not reduce the burden of the Marquis of Crick, but added countless troubles to him.

In fact, since Prince Leahy was expelled from the Dragon City, Emperor Reinhardt became extremely diligent.

Unfortunately, sometimes, diligence does not necessarily increase efficiency.

The Marquis of Crick even began to miss the Great Reinhardt, who was busy giving his subordinates a green hat regardless of political affairs.

But he also knew that now that Prince Leahy has been expelled, the Senate has been weakened, and the church is overwhelmed by the changes in the east, how can Emperor Reinhardt, who has no constraints, be willing to play with women again after he regains power?

The taste of power is definitely more attractive than beauty.

This is the realization that every man who has truly mastered power will have.

In fact, if Emperor Reinhardt really has the ability to control the empire, that would be fine, but unfortunately, this emperor seems to be a woman who has been playing for too long, and has long been ignorant of the empire’s government affairs. Substantial help.

Of course, these thoughts, the Marquis of Crick only dared to slander himself secretly.

Dragging his exhausted body, the Marquis of Creek walked into the Conference Hall of the Phoenix Palace.

Several cabinet ministers in the hall are already present, but everyone's spirits are not very good. Obviously, they are all tossed by the war order and the emperor who is back in power.

The Marquis of Creek nodded to the ministers, saying hello, and then stood still in his place.

After taking a nap for a while, I saw Emperor Reinhardt walking into the hall with his head high.

Compared with several extremely exhausted cabinet ministers, the emperor in his prime looked full of vitality and fighting spirit.

He has a strong posture and sharp eyes, just standing there, his whole body exuding intoxicating charm.

Emperor Reinhardt sat down on the throne, waved his hand, and motioned to the ministers to also sit down.

Immediately, a group of young and beautiful maids walked into the temple with light steps, and presented a cup of steaming coffee in front of everyone.

The temple was immediately filled with a refreshing fragrance.

The Marquis of Crick stretched out his hand to hold the coffee cup, warmed his palm, and then put it down.

Lifting his head, he saw that Emperor Reinhardt had drunk the coffee in one sip, and then he glanced around the hall like a falcon, and said loudly:

"Now that we are all here, let's start. Let's talk about the preparations for the war against the invasion of the orcs. Can the task of gathering a million troops in March next year be completed?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes focused on the Marquis of Crick. After all, he was the Minister of Military Affairs of the Empire and the main person in charge of the war mobilization.

The Marquis of Crick felt bitter, but he bit the bullet and said:

"Your Majesty, preparing for the winter is a military taboo. What's more, the mobilization of a million army is the scale of war. The lords of the empire have sent letters expressing that they hope to delay the assembly time slightly so that they can prepare more... "

"No!" Reinhardt the Great waved his hand and interrupted mercilessly. "I have said how many times. Now that the plan has been set, it must be strictly followed and implemented, otherwise we will push it again and again. When can we prepare for war?

You know, the orcs won't give us time to prepare for battle! "

The Marquis of Crick tried to make his tone less tough, and advised:

"But your Majesty, at this time the Tianduan Mountains are also closed by heavy snow, and it is impossible to pass. Even if the orc army is dispatched, it will have to wait for the spring of the coming year. Calculating the marching time, it will not arrive in the west until April or May at the earliest. There is no need to worry like this..."

"Are you questioning my decision?" Emperor Reinhardt glared and roared.

When the Marquis of Creek couldn't bear his aura and bowed his head, Emperor Reinhardt continued:

"The preparatory work for the war should be done sooner rather than later!

You said that the snow-covered mountains are impassable, and it is only for the normal human army. How can you be sure that those crazy and savage orcs will also be subject to this restriction?

What's more, if we are assembled in March, even if the orc army has not arrived, we can still use the extra time to conduct coordinated combat training.

You say, right? "

Reinhardt's remarks sounded reasonable at first, but they sounded extremely unrealistic to these cabinet ministers. UU reading

No, hearing that Emperor Reinhardt was preparing to assemble a million troops ahead of time for coordinated combat training, the Finance Minister Earl Lloyd finally couldn't help but persuade:

"Your Majesty, every additional day when the army of one million is assembled, the loss is extremely huge. If you start combat training, you will have to add vegetables and meat. The loss is even more terrible. If the orc army arrives later, I am afraid that the imperial finances will not be able to support it. Living…"

"Damn!" Reinhardt the Great said angrily, "Is the empire's finances so fragile!"

Count Lloyd sighed and nodded bitterly.

Emperor Reinhardt's chest fluctuated violently a few times, then he narrowed his eyes and said suddenly:

"I heard that the lords of the Eastern Land borrowed some money from the church..."

As soon as this statement came out, there was no sound in the hall.


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