The Original Vampire

Chapter 535: persuade

The words of Turnans stunned the Marquis of Garcia.

But immediately, an undisguised mocking smile appeared on his face, saying:

"Turnance, do you really think that today's church is still the same as it was back then, and can judge any lord at will?"

Turnance stared into the eyes of Marquis García without letting go, and said lightly:

"Marquis Garcia, you may not understand how threatening the Count Angele’s actions are to the church, but I can tell you frankly that in the eyes of the Pope, he is the new Duke of St. Chapman. '!"

"Okay!" said Marquis Garcia with a bloodthirsty arc at the corner of his mouth, "Then you guys should try, and see if the Knights Templar can run wild in Winter City!"

Turnance sighed, seeming to be very disappointed with the toughness of the Marquis Garcia, and said:

"Marquis Garcia, I didn't expect that you would even dare to violate the will of my lord in order to defend Earl Anglia."

"My lord's will?" Marquis Garcia said with disdain, "Your church is doing all things under the banner of our lord all day. Just a fire burned all of you true blasphemers to ashes!"

Turnance shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, Marquis Garcia, I didn't expect you to have such a deep-rooted misunderstanding about our actions to defend the glory of our lord. I originally planned to let you hold the authority in the North."

Hearing this, the Marquis Garcia was immediately exasperated, and smiled: "Tempt me with the position of Duke of the North? Haha, do you know that if I am interested in this position, I would have been able to take me two years ago? Brother hurried off the stage, how could it be your turn to come here and put on a charity gesture?"

Turner Nanston was silent at the time, as if thinking about what rhetoric he should use to impress the stubborn Marquis of the North.

In fact, Turnans didn't want to come to the Marquis Garcia, but he really has no other candidates.

Joyce, a child who is easier to control, was originally a great alternative, but unfortunately, his reputation has long been completely stinky because of the molestation of Princess Judy, and he can't help him even if he wants to.

As for the St. Hild family collateral, if it were in peacetime, Turnans would certainly not hesitate.

But now that the orc was about to invade the stall, he didn't dare.

His plan, without the cooperation of a Saint Hild with enough prestige, would definitely cause great turmoil.

If the Northern Territory is plunged into turmoil, I am afraid that the empire is in danger of overthrowing.

Turnance didn't want to become a sinner of the empire.

Therefore, only the Marquis of Garcia is the most suitable candidate, and only he can quickly stabilize the situation in the northern border after the incident has erupted.

But he didn't expect that the Marquis Garcia, who thought it could be done easily, would be so stubborn!

Could it be that Vera and Colin were even more important to him than the Duke of the North?

After thinking for a while, Turnance decided to change another way, so he said:

"Marquis Garcia, I am not using the title of the Duke of the North to seduce you, but drastic changes are about to occur in the North. Only you can stabilize the situation at this critical moment and avoid the situation from slipping into an irretrievable abyss."

"Rapid change?" The Marquis Garcia looked suspicious.

"Yes." Turnans nodded earnestly. "I said that the blasphemer must pay the price! Please do not underestimate the church's determination."

The Marquis Garcia narrowed his eyes, as if thinking of something, coldly said: "Really? How many people from your Templar Order?"

"At such a sensitive moment, the Pope had no intention of instigating internal fighting in the empire, and naturally the Knights Templar would not be dispatched."

"Then how do you make Count Angele pay the price?" Marquis Garcia relaxed, his face showed sarcasm again, "Do you really think that just a few words of'my lord's will' can make me willing to do this?" Do you serve?" Gu

"No. Since you are unwilling to contribute to the glory of our lord, then I will not force it. Later, the true apostle of our lord will naturally make Count Angele pay the price. I only hope you can see For the sake of the overall situation of the empire, restrain the blood cavalry and don't let the northern territory fall into turmoil."

"Oh?" The Marquis Garcia looked at Turnans with a serious face, naturally he would not think that the other party was bluffing.

So he resisted the anxiety and anger in his heart, and asked, "Then can you tell me who this so-called'true apostle of our lord' is? How can he make Count Angele pay? cost?"

A weird smile appeared on the corner of Turnance's mouth, and he whispered a name: "Villa Saint Hild."

The pupils of Marquis Garcia suddenly locked, and said in a cold tone:

"What did you do to her?"

Turnance did not really understand the psychological state of the Marquis Garcia at this time, and he said to himself:

"The Lord Duke is just responding to my lord's call. For this, she is even willing to bear the charge of murdering her husband.

Therefore, Marquis Garcia, after this, the situation in the north still needs you to stabilize.

I know that you are unwilling to cooperate with the church, but at this critical moment when the orcs are about to invade, the North must not fall into turmoil. No matter how reluctant you are, you must stand up!

What's more, I don't believe that you are really not at all interested in the position of the Duke of the North! "

The Marquis Garcia stood up and walked slowly to Turnans, exuding a frightening aura.

Turnance couldn't help taking a step back, feeling a little overwhelmed, but he continued to persuade him:

"Marquis Garcia, I can assure you that the plan under the Pope's crown this time is only aimed at Count Anglia, and there is no intention to get involved with the authority of the North, otherwise I will not take the initiative to come to you.

Moreover, Mianxia also hopes to see that at this critical moment, the Northern Territory can be prepared for the invasion of the Orc Empire under your control! "

But not only did the Marquis Garcia's face not ease, but an undisguised killing intent appeared in his eyes, his tone as cold as he came from Jiuyou Hell:

"Dare to move Vera! You all have to die!"

Turnance looked at the Marquis Garcia, who seemed to be in a frenzy, with incomprehension, and said:

"Marquis Garcia, why are you so stubborn? Vera Saint Hild should have killed Colin Anglia by now. Whether you approve of our plan or not, all you can do now is to cooperate. We will stabilize the situation in the north..."

"Who said I was dead?"

A voice sounded abruptly outside the door.

Turnance's face suddenly became particularly exciting.

Because, he heard it, it was clearly the voice of Colin Angele.


The door was pushed open heavily, and Colin walked in in a stride, and before Turnans could react, he grabbed him by the back of his neck and lifted him up.

The Marquis of Garcia asked immediately: "How about Vera?"

"It's not so good." Colin's eyes rolled with anger, and he brought Turnance to him, coldly said.

"You better wake her up, otherwise, the Glorious Church will wait for her to bury her!"

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