The Original Vampire

Chapter 540: Lords Assembly

Roar Fort, Knights' Hall.

One after another, the northern lord walked in with solemn expressions.

Because the deadline set by the Reinhardt the Great is getting closer, the lords of the Northern Territory have basically led their troops to the Winter City, preparing to form the Northern Alliance to support the Western Territory.

Therefore, after receiving the news that the Marquis Garcia declared war on the Pope, whether it was a shock or a panic, as long as they were not willing to immediately turn their faces with the St. Hild family, the lords came to the Knights Hall as soon as possible to participate in the Marquis of Garcia. Organized a meeting of northern lords.

The atmosphere in the hall was extremely depressing.

The Marquis of Garcia and the Earl of Anglia stood in front of the stage, with frosty faces.

Between the two of them, the position dedicated to the Duke of the North was empty.

And on the long table in front of this seat, there is the head of Cardinal Turnans.

After a day and night of wind and sun, the blood on this head has dried up, but the two eyeballs were pecked off by scavengers such as vultures, and now only empty eye sockets are left, as if projecting The gaze from **** stared coldly at everyone in the hall.

The lords were frightened by the depressive atmosphere in the hall, and did not dare to talk nonsense, but kept exchanging eyes, trying to figure out the attitude of others on the matter.

For the decisive declaration of war by the Marquis of Garcia, most of the northern lords actually did not support it.

Although the lords proceeded from their own interests and certainly did not like the church that always wanted to intervene in secular power, and also wanted to limit the authority of the church to the realm of faith, the problem was that they absolutely did not want to be the vanguard against the church.

You must know that although the pastors of the church have not been able to fight against the aristocracy for so many years, the prestigious Knights Templar are not vegetarian.

"The greatest glory needs the sharpest sword to guard."

This is the rhetoric made by the first Pope Peter Messier when he founded the Knights Templar.

The Knights Templar, with only three thousand people, is a powerful force that daunts all the lord armies.

Because this is not three thousand ordinary soldiers, but three thousand knights!

You know, the number of knights in the entire Northern Territory is only in the early 300s.

Of course, knights are not invincible. Unless a single knight steps into the sanctuary, it will only die under the siege of the army.

However, when the number of knights is large enough to form a well-trained, well-coordinated army, they will be a terrifying force that is invincible on the battlefield.

No army, even the blood cavalry, can resist the charge of the Knights Templar head-on.

If it really broke the face with the church, how much destructive power this Knights Templar would cause to the North, the lords shuddered when they thought about it.

Moreover, the truly terrifying aspect of the church lies in their control over the people of the empire.

The soldiers, farmers, and merchants really want to choose between the lord and the church. Who knows what choice they will make?

Anyway, no lord can remain confident when facing this problem.

You know, at this time, their opponent is not the church, but the faith represented by the church.

If you really want to reach that point, will the army in your hands be obedient? Will there be a rebellion in the fief of your own family?

Even among the nobles, there is no lack of church fanatics. Will they allow the glory of the church to be trampled on by the Saint Hild family?

Therefore, for thousands of years, even the imperial family that nominally controls the entire Glorious Empire has always been stubborn and helpless when faced with the seemingly weak church, and has even been suppressed and humiliated many times.

Of course, the nobles know the fall and decay of the church, but with the supreme prestige and supreme glory of the Lord of Radiance, it is enough to keep the entire empire in the shadow of his spokesperson.

The crown, which symbolizes the highest authority of the empire, was required by the pope to put on the emperor from the beginning of the founding of the country.

What's more, now that the Third Empire of the Orcs has been established, they will surely launch a massive invasion of the Glorious Empire. Is it really a wise move to cause civil strife at such a critical moment? Valley

The lords exchanged their eyes, and they all saw hesitation and worry from each other's eyes. They nodded tacitly and had reached a tacit understanding to try to dissuade the Marquis Garcia from giving up this crazy idea in the next lords meeting.

As the agreed time approached, the major lords of the Northern Territory had basically arrived.

Of course, it is basic, in fact, there are still very few lords who did not know how they planned to attend.


The ancient bronze bell made three beeps, and the lords in the Knights' Hall suddenly looked solemn.

The meeting began.

Colin first took a step forward and said to the steward of the St. Hild family:

"Butler Basty, are everyone here?"

The Butler Basti came out more and more, holding a roll of sheepskin scroll in his hand, and said respectfully:

"Master Earl, there are five other lords who did not attend."

Colin asked blankly: "Which five?"

"Viscount Sola, Baron Billy, Baron Lombard..."

"My Lord Earl!" At this moment, a young knight walked out of the crowd in a cold sweat, and said anxiously, "I am the White knight of the Lombard family, and the Baron Lombard is leading his army to Lin. On the way to Winter City, due to several waves of thieves, UU Reading failed to arrive on time. Therefore, I hereby pray for your forgiveness on behalf of Baron Lombard!"

Colin took a cold look at Knight White and asked, "Then can you represent Baron Lombard?"

Knight White hesitated, but under Colin's scrutiny gaze, he was shocked and quickly gritted his teeth and nodded: "Yes!"

Colin nodded in satisfaction: "Okay."

Afterwards, he motioned to Butler Basti to continue with his gaze.

The butler of Basti pronounced the names of the remaining two lords who were not present.

Colin immediately drew out the long sword, pointed it diagonally upward, slowly sweeping across the audience with his cold eyes, and said loudly:

"I, Colin Anglia, represent the Duke of St. Hilde with the authority of the Guardian of the North, depriving the Sola family, the Billy family, the Feckens family, and the Ganters family of their titles, and take back the corresponding titles. territory!"

As soon as he said this, the audience was silent.

The atmosphere that was already depressing enough suddenly became more stagnant, and it was almost suffocating.

The lords looked at each other with horrified eyes, and realized that this lords meeting was probably not a consultation meeting, but a war mobilization meeting!

The Saint-Hilde family did not come to ask the lords for their opinions, but to give orders!

Those lords who wanted to persuade them all died down and did not dare to say much.

Colin retracted the long sword, then stepped back a few steps, and handed the rostrum to the Marquis Garcia.

The Marquis of Garcia did not procrastinate, and immediately said in a cold tone:

"Presumably you all know that I have united with Count Anglia, the guardian of the North, to declare war on Pope Gregorian.

So now, let's all stand.

Who wants to continue to follow in the footsteps of the Saint Hild family?

Who wants to abandon his vows? "

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