The Original Vampire

Chapter 589: guess

As the sun went down, darkness gradually enveloped the ice field in the sky.

Colin stood in the tent just set up, admiring the new member of the Blood Guard - the troll paladin Otto Volkin!

At this moment, the forces controlled by Colin finally made a qualitative leap.


From now on, Colin finally no longer has to worry about the threat of Mr. Ho, and even, he has already begun to figure out how to lure Mr. Ho to assassinate himself.

As long as the opponent dares to come, Ke Lin can besiege him with the current Blood Shadow Guard!

In addition to the excitement, Colin also had lingering fears.

In this operation, although he had brought the blood cavalry with him to be safe, and did not take the risk of only using the blood shadow guard to surround and kill Prince Otto, he did not expect that the development of the final situation was still so thrilling.

After seeing the entire blood cavalry army dispatched, Prince Otto not only did not retreat as Colin expected, but chose the hard steel that could be called death.

What Colin didn't expect was that the White Wolf Witch King Squinn did not come to the Holy Mountain to worship, but specifically to cooperate with Prince Otto and manipulate the opponent's corpse to complete the assassination of Colin.

Even if it was an enemy, Colin couldn't help but admire the courage of Prince Otto and the White Wolf Witch King Squinn.

These two can be said to have the determination to die, and laid out this almost seamless assassination against Colin.

If it weren't for the mistletoe of the ancient oak, I'm afraid Colin would have died.

Thinking of this, Colin involuntarily took out the mistletoe and looked at it carefully.

Compared with the ordinary ones before, the mistletoe now exudes a green light, and even if you touch it, you can still feel a faint temperature, as if it was alive.

When Duke St. Grian gave this mistletoe to Colin, he should have hoped that Colin could give birth to a child with Anna St. Pros as soon as possible with its help.

Although he didn't know what secrets were hidden between the Duke of St. Grian and Anna St. Pros, and why he was so concerned about her relationship with Colin, Colin knew that the Duke of St. Grian would never guess, Her gift unexpectedly saved Colin's life.

Looking at the jade-like mistletoe in his hand, Colin felt more and more that he was really inseparable from the legendary Druid who had disappeared in the long river of history.

Perhaps, the "blood family" I thought was actually a Druid?

It is said that Druids respect nature and are experts in shapeshifting, able to acquire special abilities by transforming into various animal forms.

So, is it possible that the vampire characteristics that Colin has now is actually the ability that Druids have after simulating the form of a bat?

If this is the case, then the blood race is just a branch of the Druids of this world.

The more Colin thought about it, the more likely it was.

But unfortunately, the records about the Druids have long been annihilated in the long river of time, leaving only some legends that are hard to distinguish between true and false.

Perhaps, only by entering Huiyue Forest and finding those elves who are reclusive and secluded can they get more information about Druids.

In addition, this incident also gave Colin a wake-up call-don't underestimate the clergy.

Like a human priest, a troll witch doctor is an auxiliary profession and does not have much combat power.

But obviously, it would be naive to think they can't pose a threat to themselves.

Thinking of it this way, it is no wonder that the Duke of St. Grian has repeatedly advised himself not to drive Pope Gregory to a dead end, and it is no wonder that Queen Midella was disheartened and wanted to leave when she learned that the North and the Pope could not reach a reconciliation. Royal Dragon City, just to avoid the coming disaster.

I am afraid they all know that Pope Gregory must have some hidden means, and the result of excessive persecution may be unimaginable.

So, unless it's a last resort, don't provoke Pope Gregory yet.

At least until he figured out the opponent's trump card, Colin felt he couldn't be reckless.

Spokesmen for gods like the Pope and the Witch King of the White Wolf possess unpredictable abilities.

However, Colin was not too worried.

Especially when his eyes shifted to the freshly-baked Sanctuary blood slave in front of him.

Perhaps by boiling the frog in warm water, the strength of the church can be slowly weakened, and its branches are cut off bit by bit, so that even if Pope Gregory tried his best, he would not be able to make up his mind, until in the end, he completely lost his resistance. Ability……

While thinking about it, Colin suddenly heard footsteps outside the tent.

"Lord Count, the team that went to the Holy Mountain has captured the White Wolf Witch King Squinn."

Hearing this, Colin immediately let the paladin Otto get into the coffin next to him, and then said, "Bring it in."

Immediately, four cavalrymen carried Squinn into the tent.

When Colin stepped forward, he saw that the White Wolf Witch King was completely silent, and his state was similar to what Colin had seen in Paladin Otto's consciousness space before.

Skinny and skinny, it almost became a skeleton frame.

Colin drew his saber and chopped off Squinn's head with a snap.

Then, while lifting his head and placing it in a wooden box, he commanded:

"Drag his body down and find a place to bury it. As for the head, hehe, this is a gift we prepared for the Troll Emperor."


The soldiers dragged Squinn's headless corpse, bowed, and exited the tent.

Colin quietly looked at the head in the wooden box, and the expression on his face became extremely gloomy.

Although Okamoto didn't appear this time, Colin was sure that this kid was absolutely inseparable from this matter.

A paladin, a white wolf witch king, sacrificed his own life and set up a lore game against Colin and the blood cavalry army, how could there be no back moves?

To be honest, Colin was very curious about how Okamoto persuaded the paladin and the Witch King of the White Wolf to come here to die generously, and admired the fact that this old rival came up with such a wonderful method.

If there is no mistletoe from the ancient oak tree, I am afraid that this time it is really possible for Okamoto to make a comeback.

Think about it if Otto and Squinn really Then the Northland would really be like a naked girl, and she would open her arms to the troll without defense.

The trolls have already put the lives of the paladins and the White Wolf Witch King on the line, how could they be indifferent?

Colin was certain that Okamoto had already led the army and was ready to go.

Of course, Colin was not nervous at all about this, and even had some expectations.

After being ravaged by Marquis Garcia and him several times, the troll empire was already exhausted. It would be difficult to pull out a decent expeditionary force to go south.

Since Okamoto took the initiative to send it to the door, then Colin should reluctantly give the other party a good military education class.

After all, the troll emperor has something to play with intrigue, but in the military... at least his performance when he played against Colin last time was full of flaws.


Colin closed the wooden box and let the darkness completely cover Squinn's dead eyes.

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