The Original Vampire

Chapter 599: shock

East of the Tianduan Mountains.

The eastward orc army and the human coalition have been fighting fiercely here for nearly a month, and the fierce battle has dyed the land red.

The disgusting smell of blood was always in the air, attracting a large number of vultures circling in the air.

Whenever there is a gap between battles, these vultures will swoosh down and enjoy their feast.

But there was an area where these scavengers were patrolling in the air, not daring to land, just because a heroic female knight was passing by in that battlefield.

She was wearing a silver fine-iron armor, with complicated and mysterious patterns covering the surface of the armor, flowing with a mysterious brilliance under the sunlight.

It's just that her face was very bad, and her body exuded a daunting murderous aura. She also carried a man in her hand and rode all the way to the station of the northern army.

Of course, the guards knew the only female Holy Knight of the Radiant Empire, and did not dare to stop him, so he could only let the other party rush into the camp on horseback.


"Garcia, is he from the North?" Duke St. Grian rushed into Marquis Garcia's tent, leaving the man who passed out in his hand to the ground, and asked angrily.

Marquis Garcia stood up calmly, glanced at the man on the ground, and nodded:

"That's right."

"Why did he spread rumors all over the Western Territory, saying that the imperial coalition had suffered a fiasco in the Tianduan Mountains, and the orc army was about to ravage the Western Territory?" Duke St. Grian's face was frosty, obviously not lightly angry, "This rumor has now spread in the Western Territory. , causing great panic, and a large number of civilians who believed in it began to flee.

To be able to cause such a big impact shows that he is not the one who spread the rumors, it must be organized and premeditated!

Garcia, aren't you going to give me an explanation! "

Marquis Garcia nodded indifferently and said, "Yes, this rumor was spread by my subordinates."

The Duke of St. Grian raised his eyebrows, his murderous aura burst out, and said angrily:

"What do you want to do!"

"I'm just getting ready in advance." Marquis Garcia was still calm in the face of a murderous paladin, as if he didn't feel that he was wrong at all, "Duke St. Grian, this battle has already begun. At this stage, don’t you still see reality clearly?

Do we really have a chance of winning when we fight the orcs in the Tianduan Mountains? "

The Duke of St. Grian suddenly became angry: "Garcia, did a fiasco in Shadow Canyon make you look like this? Do you even have the courage to fight to the end?"

Marquis Garcia shook his head and said, "The war is not just about loneliness, but more importantly, strategy and tactics. As I said earlier, what we are implementing now is an extremely stupid strategy!"

"You're just making excuses for your cowardice!"

"This is not an excuse, but a fact. If the current situation continues, within three months, the imperial coalition will completely collapse."

"No one can decide who wins or loses until the last moment! Every human warrior here is ready to sacrifice! Only you, Garcia, you have lost the courage and faith that a knight should have!"

"I have never been afraid of sacrifice, and I have never doubted that every human being here has the courage to fight to the end, but do we really want to bury the most elite army of the empire here?

Land occupied can be recaptured, cities destroyed can be rebuilt, and civilians can be slowly recovered even with heavy casualties, but the formation of an elite army cannot be accomplished in a short period of time.

If the most elite army of the empire is buried in the Tianduan Mountains, then we may not even have the ability to fight back. "

Duke St. Grian shook his head, as if he had been completely disappointed with Marquis Garcia: "Garcia, don't make excuses for your cowardice. I will report this to Your Majesty, perhaps the commander-in-chief of the Northern Army needs to be replaced by someone else. already."

After saying this, Duke St. Grian turned around and walked out of the tent.

Marquis Garcia looked at the back of the other party, clenched his fists, and seemed to have finally made up his mind.


Not long after the Duke of St. Grian left, a new round of battle started again.

The battle lines between the two sides spread out along the outline of the Tianduan Mountains, stretching for dozens of miles. At a glance, there were densely populated human and orc soldiers fighting.

Emperor Reinhardt stood on the hillside behind, carefully observing the trend of the battlefield.

His brows were tightly knitted together, obviously not satisfied with the current battle situation.

During this period of time, the defensive positions of human beings have retreated again and again, and the number of casualties has exceeded 100,000. Although the soldiers are still fighting heroically, they are already showing signs of fatigue.

On the contrary, the orcs became more and more brave, and the brutal fighting aroused the desire for blood in their hearts, and even death could not make them retreat.

As the war gradually developed in a direction unfavorable to human beings, the voice of the army about temporarily retreating and retreating into the city to fight a defensive battle gradually became louder, including the previous suggestion of Marquis Garcia, which was also received by more and more people. Officers discuss.

However, such a voice was strongly opposed by Reinhard the Great and the Duke of St. Grian.

Duke St. Grian's objection is understandable. Of course, she hopes to keep the orcs out of the west, so that her territory will not be poisoned.

As for Reinhard the Great, it was more about face.

This proud emperor was full of ambition before the war, and wanted to take this opportunity to make great achievements, so how could he allow the army to retreat.

Once retreated, wouldn't it be an admission of the failure of this blocking campaign.

As the unfavorable war continued, Emperor Reinhardt felt more and more depressed and irritable. At this time, anyone who dared to withdraw troops in front of him would be scolded immediately.

"Your Majesty." Duke St. Grian approached quickly and bowed slightly in greeting.

Emperor Reinhardt nodded and asked casually, "What's the matter?"

The Duke of St. Grian immediately told the story of the fact that Marquis Garcia sent people to spread rumors in the West.

Emperor Reinhardt seemed to have found an outlet for his emotions and roared:

"What does Garcia want to do? Let him come to see me immediately!"

The messenger hurriedly led the way and ran away.

The Duke of St. Grian persuaded: "Your I think Garcia is no longer suitable to be the commander of the northern army. His cowardice and hesitation will drag us into the abyss of failure!"

Emperor Reinhardt did not speak with a gloomy face, his eyes flashing with a terrifying cold light.

While they were waiting for Marquis Garcia to come to be held accountable, the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed.

The right wing of the human army suddenly sank into a large area.

This change caught both the enemy and us by surprise.

Emperor Reinhardt subconsciously took a few steps forward, then stopped:

"What's the matter? Whose zone is that? Why back?"

"That's the defense zone in the north!" Duke St. Grian almost clenched his silver teeth, "Garcia, does he want to escape!"

Emperor Reinhardt's face instantly became extremely scary:

"Garcia, I'm going to kill you!"

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