The Original Vampire

Chapter 601: Arrangement (top)

At the end of June, the ice field in the sky finally felt a little warmer.

The bright sunlight reflected by the snow and ice was so bright that it was almost impossible to open your eyes.

The Archbishop of the North, Adjani, squinted at the half-troll city, which had just begun to take shape, and asked in surprise:

"How long has it been? The city is almost finished?"

The knight accompanying him smiled and replied:

"It's been almost two months. It's also because it was rebuilt on the old site of the original Troll King City. It doesn't need to be re-planned, so it's a little faster."

"Two months?" Adjani was even more puzzled. "But didn't Count Angele capture Troll King City last month?"

"Yes. But before the expedition, Lord Earl has ordered all the troll slaves in the north to be called to rebuild the city."

Adjani raised her brows and said, "So, he knew before he set off that he would definitely win?"

The knight straightened his back proudly and said, "When the paladin Prince Otto and the White Wolf Witch King Squinn died under the siege of the blood cavalry army, the troll empire was doomed."

Adjani smiled slightly, but did not refute.

After some inspections at the city gate, the group entered the city smoothly.

The scene in the city is not as beautiful as it looks from the outside. Most of the places are still crumbling walls and tents that are temporarily set up.

The dense crowd of troll slaves are like hardworking ants, busy on the ruins of the city.

The troll slaves worked extra hard. I don't know if it was because they were building the former troll king's city, or because Count Angele had promised to set them free after the city was built.

"How many troll slaves are there?" Adjani asked curiously.

"If I remember correctly, a total of 1.35 million."

Adjani's beautiful brows frowned, and she asked, "With so many troll slaves gathered here, you won't worry about trouble?"

The knight smiled confidently and said, "Lord Count Angele is in charge of himself, which troll dares to make trouble?"

Adjani glanced at the knight beside her, only to realize that Colin Angele's name had probably become synonymous with invincibility in the hearts of trolls.

Modo II, Okamoto Volkin, Paladin Otto, White Wolf Witch King Squinn…

Even if the troll heroes paid the price of their lives, they could not push the mountain that lay before the troll empire.

Now, I am afraid that no troll has the courage to challenge Colin Angele.

As long as he is there one day, the north of the north will be as safe as a mountain!

And what Colin is doing now should be preparing to maintain this stable situation in the long run.

The Guardian of the North is worthy of the name!

While pondering, Adjani followed the knight all the way to the center of the royal city, and found that a magnificent palace had already stood here.

This should be the half-troll palace, and it is currently the only fully completed building in the city.

Entering the palace, walking through a quiet corridor, Adjani was led by the knight to a side hall.

"The Count is waiting for you." The knight stopped and made an inviting gesture.

Adjani nodded, put down the hood of the priest's robe, and walked into the temple.

Since the decorations have not yet been arranged, the hall appears to be very empty, with only a round table and a few seats.

Hearing the footsteps, Colin raised his head and greeted with a smile:

"Archbishop Adjani, welcome."

"Count Angele—" Adjani's eyes rolled around, and there was a hint of resentment in her tone, "You are now beautiful! The paladin, the white wolf witch king, and the troll emperor have all died in your hands one after another. You have conquered all the castles of the Demon Empire in one fell swoop!

Waiting for your victory, I am afraid that the title will be promoted again.

Unlike me, although I am still called the Archbishop of the North, I can't even use the bishops in the North. "

Colin coughed slightly, slightly embarrassed.

Of course he knew why Adjani was angry. The last time he forced the Pope to abdicate was out of whack, and Gregory would definitely have to settle the matter afterwards.

If Colin hadn't forced the Pope to agree to the appointment and dismissal of the Archbishop of the North, he would have to consult the Duke of St. Hilde first, and Adjani's position as Archbishop would have been lost long ago.

However, although the position was kept, Adjani's life was definitely not easy.

It is estimated that she has now been used as a display by the Pope.

"Be patient." Colin advised, "I will keep your dedication and sacrifice in my heart, and I will repay you one day. Now, I need you to do me a favor."

Adjani came to sit next to Colin, and the elegant orchid scent wafted through her nostrils.

"Are you going to convert the half-trolls to the Lord of Radiance?"

"Yes." Colin nodded, "The half-troll kingdom is the key to my solution to the threat to the north of the North. I need to make the people of this country have the same beliefs as humans, which will allow them to have the same beliefs between trolls and humans. It’s more human-like, and it’s better to become another half-elf kingdom.”

Adjani nodded and said, "I can help you spread the Gospel of our Lord in the half-troll kingdom. I also believe that these half-trolls who have just jumped from the bottom of the untouchables to the rulers are following your instructions. I will definitely be willing to surrender to my Lord.

However, there is a question you have thought about..."

"what is the problem?"

"The issue of the establishment of the parish." Adjani's face became much more serious, "The half-troll kingdom will definitely not be included in the northern parish, so a new parish must be established and a new archbishop appointed.

And this power, only Pope Gregory has. "

Colin pouted and said, "What if I don't want to pass Gregory?"

Adjani shook her head and persuaded: "Then your act of spreading the Gospel of our Lord in the half-troll kingdom is illegal, and the half-trolls here are not believers, but heretics!

If you really want to assimilate this country, assimilate this race, you can't be sloppy when it comes to beliefs, and you can't be opportunistic. "

Colin laughed and retorted: "Here? Who dares to say that a half-troll is a heretic? Gregory? What qualifications does he have?"

Adjani nodded earnestly and said, "Yes, just because he is the spokesperson of our Lord in the world."

Colin patted the thick parchment book on the table, and said, "But it clearly says, 'Whoever believes in me will be redeemed'!"

Only then did Adjani notice that there was a copy of the Holy Scripture in front of Ke Lin.

Of course Adjani is very clear about the sentence that Colin quoted.

But she still frowned and said: "Of course this sentence is true, but how to define 'belief'? Pope Gregory said you are a hypocrite, can you still argue?"

"Yes." Colin nodded seriously and said solemnly, "I just want to challenge Gregory's right to interpret the Holy Codex!"

When Adjani heard this, she was not worried but happy, and quickly asked:

"What are you going to do?"

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