The Original Vampire

: Six hundred and eight called


It was midsummer, and there was a scorching smell in the scorching wind.

Knight McCoy knew that it was the smell of a corpse burned by the flames.

Looking at the flames that were gradually extinguishing in the distance, Knight McCoy walked forward numbly.

"Sir! Let's wait and see first, the orc army may not have left..." The soldiers behind him grabbed the Custer Knight.

Knight McCoy was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

The group walked forward cautiously, carefully hiding their tracks.

When it was confirmed that the orc army had left, they quickened their pace.

The further you go, the stronger the smell of burnt stench.

Immediately, they found the first body, lying in the stream that surrounded the village.

There was a narrow stone bridge over the stream, on which hung a dozen dead people.

After crossing the stone bridge and going forward, you will see the burning village.

There was no screaming, no crying, just a dead silence.

The charred corpses could be seen everywhere, but it was no longer able to make Knight McCoy feel angry.

After all, they have seen too many scenes like this along the way.

Their former homeland, and now the Western Region, has been completely reduced to a **** on earth.

Knight McCoy only hated why he didn't die in the Tianduan Mountains. That way, at least he wouldn't have to suffer more.

The only belief that supports his survival now is revenge!

Revenge on the Orcs!

Even if he knew that this was his own death, Knight McCoy had no intention of retreating at all.

His comrades-in-arms, his family, and his city have all been turned to ashes before the army of orcs. Knight McCoy only wants to seek relief, and if he can pull a few more backs before he dies, then for him, it is The greatest consolation.

Wooden houses collapsed in the flames, sending up puffs of white smoke.

In the smoke and dust, Knight McCoy and his party followed the trail of the orc army and continued on their way.

All the way east.

When the sun was gradually sinking, Knight McCoy and his party heard the faint sound of killing again.

"My lord, in front of you is Little Rock City, the territory of Viscount Custer..."

Knight McCoy nodded, but did not speak.

He knew Viscount Custer, and secretly admired Viscount Custer's daughter, but he knew that his identity was not enough, and he never dared to express his heart.

If he could come back, Knight McCoy would definitely not hesitate, because the woman he admired had already died on the battlefield of the Tianduan Mountains.

Looking at the plume of smoke rising from the sky above Little Rock, Knight McCoy knew that the city had been occupied, but he still leaned over without hesitation.

Crawling in the grass, Knight McCoy and his party tried their best to hide their whereabouts.

When they approached the southern city gate, they could see the corpses of civilians piled up at the city gate by the afterglow of the setting sun. At a glance, there were hundreds of them.

The blood has dyed the land red, and even the road into the city has turned into a quagmire.

The movement in the city clearly showed that the orcs were massaging the city.

The screams, the roars, the killing sounds... as if they were sounds from hell.

Knight McCoy was breathing heavily, and was about to rush in to kill him, but his companions behind him stopped him again:

"Sir, wait until it gets dark!"

Knight McCoy stared at the little officer with scarlet eyes, but the other party just accepted McCoy's gaze indifferently, and after a long time he added: "Go in at night to kill more orcs."

This remark immediately put the knight of McCoy to his knees, and slumped into the grass again, staring at the direction of the setting sun, as if waiting for the moment when it completely fell to the horizon.

Time passed little by little.

Knight McCoy never thought that the twilight would be so long.

But the dark curtain is still a little bit, gently and firmly pressing the setting sun to the horizon, and it is about to completely cover the earth.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise from the city gate, and then a knight rushed out.

Behind him, seven or eight orcs followed closely.


Knight McCoy no longer hesitated, roared, and rushed over.

The orc who rushed out of the city saw that there was a helping hand, and immediately raised his fist and beat his chest, and at the same time made a loud roar, it seemed that he was calling for support.

In the blink of an eye, Knight McCoy had already rushed in front of the orc at the head, and the long sword in his hand pierced like a poisonous snake, pointing directly at the throat of the orc.

And the orcs didn't dodge, they swung the giant axe in their hands and slashed towards Knight McCoy.

This is fighting on the battlefield.

There are no bells and whistles, just a fight for life.

There was a sneer at the corner of Knight McCoy's mouth, and the scarlet in his eyes became more and more intense. I saw that he was short in stature, and the whole person shrunk into a ball like an ape, just avoiding the giant axe of the orc, and he used the power of forward charge. , as if thrown into the arms of the orc, the long sword in his hand firmly pierced the throat of the orc.

The orc roared wildly, but he hadn't completely died, and his right fist slammed towards Knight McCoy.


Knight McCoy raised his arm to block the blow, but even with armor, he could clearly hear the sound of his left forearm fractured.

With a grunt, Knight McCoy rolled on the spot, dodging an axe smashed by the orcs.


The orc swung a few more axe, and finally died.

The knight who escaped from the city saw that Knight McCoy had dealt with the strongest Orc Skull Smasher among the pursuers, and immediately cheered up, and immediately said loudly:

"Let's go! Don't stay too long!"

When Knight Mack turned his head, he finally recognized that the knight who rushed out of the city was the Lord of Little Rock, Viscount Custer.

A trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, obviously disdain for the lord who abandoned his people and territory, and turned around to chase the orcs again.

When Viscount Custer saw that this group of people actually rushed towards Little Rock City, he was instantly anxious. Seeing a group of orcs rushing out of the city again, he rushed over to grab Knight McCoy and said anxiously:

"Let's go! Little Rock City can't hold it anymore! If you go in now, you will die!"

Knight McCoy turned his head coldly, glanced at Viscount Custer and said:

"Even if you die in battle, it's better than running away!"

Viscount Custer was stunned for a moment, but he was not angry at Knight McCall's rude remarks, but lowered his voice again and said:

"I was already planning to die in Little Rock, but I just received a letter from Lord Duke, she is calling all the warriors of the West who are willing to fight to go to Wind's Rest!"

"Lord Duke!" Knight McCoy was stunned, and his eyes that were deadly still glowed again, "Lord Duke, is she still alive?"

"Of course I'm alive! I think Lord Duke should be preparing to stop Lord Orcs in Wind's Rest City, so instead of sacrificing in vain here, you might as well follow me to Lord Duke!"

Knight McCoy was no longer stubborn this time, and immediately shouted:


The group immediately ran towards the mountains and forests, disappearing into the dark night in the blink of an eye.

However, the sky of Little Rock City was illuminated even brighter by the raging fire.

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