The Original Vampire

Chapter 621: Turnaround (top)

Latest URL: "When did it happen?"

"About four months ago."

Marquis Garcia froze for a moment, then glared at Colin.

Obviously, Marquis Garcia had calculated that Vera was pregnant when he decided to lead the army to force the Pope to abdicate.

At that time, he was immersed in the grief of losing his daughter, and on the other side, Colin knew that Vera had woken up, but kept him in the dark, and even had the intention to create a human...

Colin avoided Marquis Garcia's gaze in embarrassment, and persuaded:

"So, Lord Marquis, if you want to see the birth of this child with your own eyes, please don't act recklessly."

The joy on Marquis Garcia's face only lasted for a while, and then quickly faded away.

He bowed his head and was silent for a moment before speaking again:

"Colin, Vera and her unborn child will be handed over to you to protect..."

Seeing that Marquis Garcia still didn't change his mind, Colin said in a hurry, "Lord Marquis, why are you doing this?"

"I am too tired…"

"Huh?" Colin was stunned.

Marquis Garcia's face actually showed pain, and his tone was deep:

"do you know?

Since the withdrawal of the Tianduan Mountains, I haven't had a good night's sleep.

As soon as I close my eyes, the **** faces of the imperial soldiers who died in the Tianduan Mountains, countless people who were devastated by orcs and howling in agony, and the Western Territory that has become **** on earth... will all appear before my eyes, torturing me. heart…"

Colin quickly persuaded: "But, Lord Marquis, these are not your fault. The defense line of the Tianduan Mountains is unstoppable, and it is the most stupid thing to fight with the orcs there. Your strategy is the only possible victory. hope."

Marquis Garcia slowly shook his head and said solemnly:

"No matter what the reason, it doesn't give me peace of mind.

I have an inescapable responsibility for the soldiers of the Empire and the citizens of the West who died at the hands of the orcs.

Yes, they are necessary sacrifices, the price of victory.

However, they are also living lives, sins that I have to bear..."

"Lord Marquis..." Colin looked at Marquis Garcia, who was immersed in pain and guilt, and his heart became more and more anxious, "I believe that if those who died at the hands of orcs knew that their sacrifices were worthwhile, they would also be willing to sacrifice. Give your life."

Marquis Garcia smiled bitterly and said:

"No, they won't. They'll just resent and resent that I didn't give them a choice.

And this kind of sacrifice made without choice under authoritarian coercion is not called dedication at all, but should be called sacrifice. "

Without waiting for Colin to continue to persuade, Marquis Garcia said again:

"I didn't say this, but Vera said it to Sirius Saint Hilde herself."

Collin was stunned.

He did know that when Vera saw the last Duke of Saint Hilde again in Ice Rock City, she had decided that she would not forgive the other's actions, no matter what difficulties he had.

At that time, Vera had said something similar.

Because in her opinion, for whatever reason, Seris Saint Hilde sacrificed his eldest son, adopted daughter, younger brother, nobles, soldiers, and even the black cavalry with his authority and conspiracy. unforgivable.

"What's the difference between my behavior and Sirius?" Marquis Garcia's eyes turned into a deadly gloomy look again, "I can't face Vera, and I can't face the torture of my inner conscience. Death is actually the most important thing. Good liberation is also the only way I can atone for my sins."

Colin opened his mouth, but didn't know how to persuade.

Marquis Garcia let out a long breath, suddenly smiled, and said:

"Furthermore, if I didn't kill Reinhardt, how could the imperial coalition forces gathered in the Storm Fortress retreat smoothly?

Don't say you have a way to persuade Emperor Reinhardt to agree to my plan. You should know for yourself that this is impossible.

It is impossible for that stubborn and stupid emperor to admit that his previous strategy was wrong, and it is even less likely to bow his head to a man whom he has condemned as a traitor.

So, let me use this method to atone for this turbulent empire, to the soldiers and people who died tragically at the hands of the orcs. "

Colin looked at Marquis Garcia's firm and gentle eyes, and his heart was blocked for a while.

Perhaps the moment Marquis Garcia decided to withdraw from the Tianduan Mountains, he had already made plans to atone for his sins with death.

No matter what excuses he had, no matter what lofty goals he had, Marquis Garcia could never escape the torment in his heart.

Everyone thinks that Marquis Garcia is a cowardly deserter, but in fact, he is the most courageous and dedicated knight in this empire!

Also a true hero!

However, the hero is not always understood.

The fate of heroes seems to always have a tragic ending.

Colin was still thinking hard about how to persuade, but Marquis Garcia had already stood up.

"Let's rest early." Marquis Garcia seemed to put down his burden, and the whole person felt much more relaxed. "The future of the empire, the future of the North, and Vera... I will leave it to you."

After speaking, he left without looking back.

Colin stared blankly at Marquis Garcia's slightly hunched back disappearing into the darkness, unable to calm down for a long time.


Can't let Garcia die!

Colin clenched his fists, thinking hard about the solution in his heart.

While thinking about it, a familiar scent of roses suddenly came from the tip of the nose.

Turning his head to look, he saw Queen Midella reappearing at some unknown time.

"Your Highness the Queen, didn't you go to rest?" Ke Lin forced a smile and saluted.

Queen Midella smiled slightly and said:

"I couldn't sleep, so I came out for a walk."

Colin doesn't have the heart to pay attention to this coquettish queen now, what's more, the last encounter with Oak Manor has made him determined to keep a distance from this woman.

"His Royal Highness, it's getting late, please allow me to retire first..."

"Didn't you persuade?" Queen Midella suddenly interrupted.

"What?" Colin was stunned.

Queen Midella chuckled and said, "What else? Didn't you try to dissuade Marquis Garcia from assassinating Emperor Reinhardt just now?"

Colin didn't answer, UU reading just looked at Queen Midella quietly.

Queen Midella rolled her charming eyes and said coquettishly:

"What? Don't you trust me yet?

Garcia had already told me his plan. What's more, without my cooperation, how would you mobilize the imperial coalition to retreat after Emperor Reinhardt's death? "

Colin calmed down his impatience and asked:

"So, Her Royal Highness, what are you trying to say?"

Queen Midella took a few steps closer and came to a rather ambiguous distance, exhaling like Lan said:

"I want to say that I have a way to persuade Garcia to give up the plan to assassinate Reinhardt."

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