The Original Vampire

Chapter 628: Undercurrent (below)

The latest website: "This... used it."

Colin touched his nose and made an embarrassed look, while paying attention to every subtle change in the expression on Duke St. Grian's face.

"Does it work?" Duke St. Grian asked eagerly.

Colin nodded.

An astonishing brilliance suddenly erupted in Duke St. Grian's eyes, as if years of longing had finally been fulfilled, and his tone became a little trembling:

"Really? Anna is really pregnant with your child?"

Colin carefully discerned Duke St. Grian's expression, and found that the other party was not actually happy that Anna was pregnant, but more like a surprise that Anna "could" be pregnant.

"No, my lord, you have misunderstood. I mean, Vera is pregnant."

Hearing this, the brilliance in Duke St. Grian's eyes quickly faded, and his expression became cold: "Are you kidding me?"

"How dare I play with you." Colin quickly explained, "It's just that Vera is my wife, and she has always wanted to have my child, so... I certainly gave her the mistletoe first.

But if you really want to see Anna pregnant with my baby, I'll try harder later. "

The Duke of St. Grian nodded indifferently, indicating that he understood.

Seeing this, Colin became more and more curious as to why the Duke of the West was so concerned about whether Anna was pregnant with his child.

However, he also knew that there was no time to dwell on such gossip now, and the top priority was to persuade the Duke of St. Grian to give up the crazy idea of ​​supporting Mr. Ho to sacrifice Storm Fortress.

"Lord Duke, if I'm not mistaken, Mr. Ho is preparing to sacrifice Storm Fortress to use [Eye of Judgment] to deal with the Orc Emperor?"

The Duke of St. Grian glanced at Colin and nodded frankly.

"Lord Duke, how can you agree to such a crazy plan?"

"Crazy?" Duke St. Grian sneered, "Compared to Garcia St. Hilde's equally insane behavior, at least Mr. Ho's plan has a chance of success."

Collin was a little embarrassed, but continued to persuade:

"Lord Duke, we obviously don't need to sacrifice so many people's lives. As long as the imperial coalition forces retreat to the Loire Valley and take advantage of the complex terrain there, I can be sure to concentrate superior forces..."

"This is Garcia's plan?" Duke St. Grian interrupted with a sneer.

Colin was at a loss for words, he hesitated for a moment and nodded.

To deny it at this time is to insult the intelligence of the Duke of St. Grian.

"Since that's the case, what position do you have to accuse Mr. Face of his plan? Garcia sacrificed the Western Border, and Mr. Face sacrificed the Storm Fortress. Who is more just than the other?"

Colin wanted to say that Marquis Garcia had no intention of offering sacrifices to the Western Border. If everyone followed Marquis Garcia's advice and arranged for the evacuation of the Western Border people in advance, there would be no such tragic situation.

But this is the end of the matter, and it seems extraordinarily pale to say this.

Marquis Garcia's plan has already been stained with countless blood.

"Let's go." Duke St. Grian said indifferently, "Don't try to sabotage Mr. Ho's plan, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Colin opened his mouth, finally sighed, and turned away.


"What are you doing here?"

Emperor Reinhardt looked at Queen Midella who was approaching, and asked angrily.

"Let's help you make up your mind." Queen Midella said with a smile.

"I don't need you to point and tell me what decision I make!"

"Your Majesty, you have misunderstood." Facing the cold words of Emperor Reinhardt, Queen Midella still maintained a gentle attitude, "I'm just here to give you some advice, and I don't mean to interfere with your decision-making."

Emperor Reinhardt's expression softened a little, but he still didn't want to pay attention to the queen.

"Your Majesty, what are you hesitating about? Are you reluctant to bear those refugees?" Queen Midella asked actively.

Emperor Reinhardt snorted softly and said:

"How could I bear those pariahs? It's their honor to be able to dedicate their lives to the continuation of the empire! I just don't want to bury the imperial army..."

Queen Midella smiled and said:

"Your Majesty, you don't think about changing the city to sacrifice, right? Mr. Ho said that to kill the orc emperor, one million sacrifices are needed. With a population of this size, there is only Dragon City in the entire glorious empire..."

"Of course you can't sacrifice Yulongcheng!" Emperor Reinhardt interrupted, and then said with flickering eyes, "I was thinking, can I drive the refugees from the Storm Fortress to the nearby big city, maybe..."

"Your Majesty, have you thought about the consequences of doing this?" Queen Midella's face froze, and she immediately advised, "If you sacrifice the storm fortress, you can put all the responsibility on Mr. Ho, claiming to be ignorant. But If you force the refugees into a large nearby city, and then that city will be sacrificed... Do you think the people of the Empire will still believe in your innocence?"

Emperor Reinhardt's expression changed, obviously realizing that his thoughts were a little stupid.

But he pondered for a moment and asked unwillingly:

"Then can I transfer the royal family's direct legion out of Storm Fortress ahead of time? There are not many people, only about 30,000 people, so it shouldn't affect..."

"No! Your Majesty, you must not do this." Queen Midella once again dissuaded her with a serious face, "You think about it, everyone else's army was sacrificed, but only the royal family's direct army was spared, who would then Believe in your innocence?"

Reinhard the Great was suddenly a little discouraged.

Seeing this, Queen Midella spoke again:

"Your Majesty, it's actually good for you to sacrifice the imperial army in the storm fortress. At least the elites in the southern and eastern regions have been wiped out. In a short period of time, neither of these two regions will be a threat to the center..."

"But the elites of the royal family are gone!" Emperor Reinhardt interrupted angrily.

Then, he seemed to realize something, his eyes immediately became dangerous, and his tone became indifferent:

"No, your army in the north is fine! So that's the real reason you persuaded me! Isn't it?"

Queen Midella slowly shook her head and said:

"Your Majesty, think about it again. If only the northern army was spared, then, in the eyes of the people of the empire, who would be the mastermind behind the evil plan to collude with Mr.

Emperor Reinhardt's eyes lit up, and he seemed to finally understand, and blurted out:

"Garcia Saint Hilde!"

"That's right." Queen Midera nodded and said, "The Saint Hilde family will not be the profiteers, on the contrary, they will become the target of public criticism! You can even use this reason to declare the Saint Hilde family a traitor. , deprive them of their territories and titles!

Reclaim the North Territory!

Until then, the most powerful remaining military force in the Radiant Empire will be under your control. "

Emperor Reinhardt was stunned, and UU reading said in a strange tone after a while:

"Have you forgotten your last name?"

Queen Midella smiled lightly and said:

"Your Majesty, it doesn't matter what my surname is, what matters is what my son's surname is!"

Emperor Reinhard stared deeply at his empress, as if to tell how sincere she was.

After a long while, he slowly nodded and said:

"Okay, I'll trust you again."

Queen Midella smiled and said:

"Your Majesty, if you want to control the North, there is another person who will become an important obstacle."

"Vera Saint Hilde?"

"No, it's Colin Angell."

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