The Original Vampire

Chapter 633: On (top)

The night was dark.

Under the cold moonlight, the storm fortress standing among the mountains is like a sleeping beast.

Mark was lying in the open camp, looking at the fortress wall not far away, countless thoughts ran through his mind.

A day's fatigue made his body extremely tired, but Mark tossed and turned until the middle of the night and couldn't fall asleep.

Ever since he heard the rumor that Mr. Ho was about to sacrifice Storm Fortress, Mark couldn't keep his peace of mind any longer.

In fact, Mark himself was already prepared to die in battle. If his death really helped Mr. Ho to kill the orc emperor, Mark would not feel too angry and fearful even though he was a little unwilling.

But he also has a younger brother in the fortress.

If both brothers died, who should worship the parents far away from home?

What's more, there are hundreds of thousands of refugees from the western border in the fortress. .

These people are not soldiers, and Mark feels it is his responsibility to rescue them.

Therefore, Mark has quietly disclosed this rumor in the past two days, and most of the soldiers in the team have already learned the news.

However, due to the presence of overseers and the fact that these soldiers were drawn from various units and did not know each other, they could not unite in a short period of time due to lack of trust and tacit understanding. Fright and anxiety are pressing in my heart, watching, waiting...

And seeing that the construction of the city wall reinforcement is coming to an end, Mark is not going to wait any longer.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Mark moved his body carefully outside the camp. Whenever the soldiers on the night watch passed by, Mark immediately lay on the ground and pretended to be asleep.

After arriving at the edge of the camp without any danger, just when Mark thought he was not far from success, a majestic voice suddenly sounded behind him:

"Where are you going?"

Mark froze all over, turned his head slowly, and was thinking about what excuse he should use, when he suddenly heard a loud noise.

In the next second, the overseer's throat was pierced by an arrow feather behind him!

"Ho...ho..." The overseer stared, covering his throat with one hand and grabbing randomly in front of him with the other.

"what happened?"

This movement disturbed the soldiers on the night watch not far away. A series of rapid footsteps made Mark wake up from a dream. He didn't dare to stay any longer, and he didn't have time to think about who was helping him, so he spread his legs and walked outside the camp. Run away.

Mark's flight seemed to be a signal, and the other soldiers in the camp immediately stood up and started to flee.

At the same time, someone kept shouting:

"Mr. Ho wants to sacrifice Storm Fortress! All of us will be burned to death by him! Run away!"

A pot exploded in the camp, and the overseers and guards immediately started to suppress the riot, but to their horror, their own people were constantly being killed by various dark arrows and cold knives.

It was as if a cold-blooded killer was hiding in the dark night, mercilessly harvesting his prey.

Mark ran all the way forward.

The warm night wind whizzed past his ears, and there were continuous roars and screams behind him, but he just ran forward and didn't dare to look back.

As time went by, Mark discovered that the riot in the fortress was not the only place where he had just fled, and there were faint cries from all directions. At this moment, the sleeping giant beast in Storm Fortress was finally awakened.

"elder brother?"

A familiar voice made Mark stop. He leaned on his knees and gasped, then grabbed his younger brother who ran up to him and growled:

"Quick! Run! Run out of the fortress!"


The central castle, in front of the emperor's bedroom.

A group of anxious-looking imperial nobles are trying to negotiate with the guards.

"What kind of serious illness does Your Majesty have? Why can't you see anyone?"

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency, I don't know what your Majesty's illness is, but I can't let you in."

Earl Nicole stared, his gray beard stood up, and said anxiously, "Even if there are rumors in the fortress now and people are panicking, isn't Your Majesty going to see us?"

"I'm sorry, Lord Count, I'm just following orders..."

"Whose order are you following?"

"It's my order!"

Count Nicole turned his head and saw that the crowd behind him gradually separated to both sides, revealing a graceful and noble figure.

"His Royal Highness." Earl Nicole quickly turned around and saluted, and then asked, "His Royal Highness, what's the matter with Your Majesty?"

Queen Midella slowly stepped forward, with a sad face, and said:

"Your Majesty is saddened by the countless soldiers of the Empire who died in the Tianduan Mountains, as well as the people in the West who were devastated by the orc army. The grief is excessive, and coupled with the exhaustion of dealing with the orc army, it is impossible to get sick."

"But Your Highness, there are rumors going around in Storm Fortress. Isn't Your Majesty not going to come forward and clarify?"

"What rumors?" Queen Midella asked indifferently.

"Some of the soldiers who participated in the reinforcement of the city wall discovered that the building materials used were actually carbon stone, and then there were rumors... that Mr. Go was in the storm fortress, and he planned to set fire to the place, sacrifice everyone, and cast a forbidden spell. To assassinate the Orc Emperor."

In fact, the complete rumor is that the queen colluded with Mr. Gu, and prepared to sacrifice the Storm Fortress, but Earl Nicole would definitely not dare to tell the complete rumor in front of Queen Midella.

Queen Midella didn't seem surprised at all, she nodded and said:

"That's right, Mr. Ho is going to sacrifice Storm Fortress."


There was an uproar among the nobles.

Immediately, a terrible thought appeared in their minds——

Are the rumors true?

Is it really the queen who colluded with Mr. Ho to sacrifice the Storm Fortress?

Then... what about His Majesty the Emperor?

I don't know if it was because of fear or because of anger, Count Nicole's body began to tremble uncontrollably. His cloudy eyes stared at Queen Midella, and asked in a deep voice:

"Your Highness the Queen! How are you going to deal with Mr. Ho's crazy behavior?"

Queen Midella's cold gaze slowly swept across the imperial nobles and and finally stopped at Count Nicole and said:

"I'm going to let him complete this sacrifice!"


The crowd immediately exploded.

They never thought that Queen Midella would directly and frankly want to cooperate with a demon like Mr. Ho, and she was also preparing to sacrifice the Storm Fortress!

Today's Storm Fortress has gathered the main force of the Radiance Empire, as well as hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Western Region, and the total number has even exceeded one million!

"Your Highness! How can you do this?"

"Your Highness! You are destroying the foundation of the empire!"

"We want to see Your Majesty!"


Facing the excited crowd, Queen Midella remained calm and composed, and her crisp and firm voice sounded again:

"Without sacrifice, there is no glory!

This is our only chance to disintegrate the orc army!

If these people in Storm Fortress are reluctant to bear, then more people in the Radiant Empire will lose their lives under the poison of orcs.

All the sins, all the responsibilities, I will bear it with all my strength!

After today, I will use my life to atone for all the sacrifices in Storm Fortress! "

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