The Original Vampire

Chapter 640: play off

There was darkness in the horizon, and Colin's consciousness was forcibly returned to his body.

When he looked at Queen Midella again, he saw that the blood slave who had just been transformed had completely turned into a pile of ashes.

The dead can't die anymore.

Unfortunately, the forbidden spell could not be completed.

Only petrified half of the arm of the orc emperor.

However, Colin was not too discouraged.

Originally, he didn't have much hope for this, and just let the ceremony go on with the idea of ​​giving it a try.

It doesn't matter if the orc emperor is dead. Anyway, Queen Midella has received the punishment she deserves. .

Contentedly, Colin turned and walked towards the stairs.

Halfway through, he turned back again, concentrated all his strength in his right hand, and hurriedly smashed it toward the ground.


The basement suddenly shook, and dense cracks and cobwebs quickly covered the ground.

Colin looked at the completely destroyed circle, then nodded with satisfaction, turned and left the basement.

Going back to the top floor of the castle, I saw that Duke St. Grian had woken up.

"How does it feel?"

Colin walked over with a smile, and at the same time felt the blood connection between himself and the Duke of St. Grian.

The Duke of St. Grian stared at Colin, with doubts in his eyes, but also reverence that came from his heart, which could not be concealed.

"I feel very... wonderful." Duke St. Grian carefully organized his words, "Are you a favored one?"

"Yes." Colin nodded decisively.

Then, without blushing, he told the Duke of St. Grian about that brainwashing rhetoric.

Without this experience of coming back to life, the Duke of St. Grian would not have believed this statement, but now, after experiencing the miracle in person, even the determined paladin respectfully solemnly stands in front of Colin. Kneeling down, he said excitedly:

"Lord God's Favor, has my Lord really not abandoned His followers?"

"Of course not." Colin said boldly, "The glory of our Lord will never be extinguished, and mankind has never lost the care of our Lord."

"Praise my Lord!"

Perhaps it was because of the painful experience of the fall of the Western Territory and the deepest powerlessness and despair in front of the Orc Emperor, the Duke of Saint Grian, who had come back to life, needed a spiritual sustenance even more than the average believer.

And Colin just gave her such hope.

"Praise my lord!" Colin stretched out his hand and gently stroked the top of Duke St. Grian's head, chanting like a magic stick, "All sufferings are temporary, all trials are necessary, firm belief and unswerving determination. , We will wait until the final redemption!"

The Duke of St. Grian only felt that Colin in front of him was exuding a magnificent and warm sense of holiness, and this feeling made her tremble and burst into tears at the same time.

At this moment, she felt that she had regained her firm belief.


Colin blinked, looking at Duke St. Grian who had lost his temper, and muttered in his heart—

Has my ability to control the bloodborn become so powerful?

But if he was so powerful, how could Marquis Vincent of the Eastern Territory betray him?

Perhaps, a determined paladin like Duke St. Grian, once influenced, is more likely to believe in miracles.

Paladins are the closest creatures to God. In their eyes, only God can make them move in this world.

Colin gave the Duke of St. Grian a new life, and naturally he became a **** in her heart.

"Okay. We need to transfer the imperial coalition to ambush in the Loire Valley as soon as possible, and at the same time arrange for the refugees to evacuate in time."

"Yes, Lord Blessed One!" Duke St. Grian responded respectfully.


Gu "Prince Leahy, what's the use of you chasing me like this?"

Mr. Ho stopped, turned his head and pointed in the direction of Storm Fortress, "If you want to stop me from sacrificing Storm Fortress, you have already succeeded."

Prince Leahy smiled coldly and said, "What if I still want to kill you!"

Mr. Go shrugged, shook his head and said:

"You chased and killed me for a whole year before, from the north to the east, and from the east to the west, did you succeed?

Let's face it, you alone can't kill me. "

Prince Leahy stared blankly at Mr. Ho, "Don't you think these two words can make me give up my pursuit of you?"

"No. I just hope you can understand what is futile and what you should really do."

"Then what do you think I should really do?"

"Emperor Reinhardt is dead, what do you think you should do most?"

Hearing this, Prince Lehi's eyes flashed slightly.

Mr. Ho captured this expression keenly, and immediately said: "Don't try to deny it, when you acquiesced to Queen Midella to kill Emperor Reinhardt, I knew that you coveted that position for a long time!

And this is the foundation of our cooperation..."

Hearing this, Prince Leahy couldn't help sneering and said, "Mr. Ho, you actually think that I will cooperate with someone who once framed me and tried to murder me just now?"

"That's right, I did frame you back then, and just now I did plan to let Ernest cast [Eye of Judgment] to get rid of you." Mr. Ho said frankly.

He understood that in order to win the trust of Prince Leahy, he must first admit the contradiction between the two.

Sure enough, upon hearing Mr. Ho's remarks, Prince Leahy was stunned.

Mr. Ho continued:

"However, that's because our positions were different before, but now that we have a common enemy, we also have a basis for cooperation."

"A common enemy?"

"That's right. It's Colin Angele." Mr. Ho asked in a deep voice, "If I'm not mistaken, the reason why you suddenly became suspicious of me was because of this person's provocation?"

Prince Leahy nodded.

Mr. Ho continued: "Have you ever thought that our previous perfect plan, which gathered three paladins, had the support of the queen, and got rid of the emperor, was unexpectedly swept away by a northern earl in a blink of an eye. Soundly stopped such a person, it is terrible!

And if he continues to lead the imperial coalition to repel the orc army, hehe, at that time, don't say you want to ascend to the throne, even if the royal family is still surnamed San Lorenzo, I am afraid it is not certain. "

"That's all you have to provoke?" Prince Leahy said disdainfully.

Mr. Ho smiled slightly and said leisurely:

"It doesn't matter whether the provocation methods are clever or not, the key lies in whether there is really a contradiction between you.

When Colin provoked a relationship between you and me, was it very clever? Didn't you fall out with me because you met Ernest in the basement?

That's right, I did want to kill you before.

Likewise, do you dare to say that Colin Anglet is not a hindrance to your ascension to the throne?

This man is Prince Harrison's teacher.

Even if he has no intention of usurping, he will definitely support Harrison's rise to power.

What are you fighting against him now? "

Prince Leahy did not speak.

That majestic and indifferent face flickered in the moonlight.

Although he didn't get a response, Mr. Ho looked at Prince Lehi, who was bowing his head in silence, and the corners of his mouth lifted up proudly.

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