The Original Vampire

Chapter 644: fight

On the last day of August, the orc army also came to the Loire Valley.

In the west of the river valley plain, the black army formations were lined up, and there was no end in sight.

Countless orc soldiers stared at the opposing human position with scarlet eyes, beat their chests, and let out arrogant roars.

In the eyes of these confident orcs, human beings are nothing more than defeated generals, and they are just doing unnecessary struggles at this time.

As long as they launch an attack, what the army is pointing at will surely crush all the resistance in front of them to powder.

In the rolling tide of beasts, the tall figure of Saruman the Great was particularly eye-catching.

It's just that the orc emperor is a little embarrassed now.

One of his eyes was attacked by Prince Leahy in Wind's Rest City, and it completely turned into a blood hole, while his right arm was half destroyed by Queen Midella's [Eye of Judgment]. .

Think of his dignified sanctuary skull crusher, an invincible existence in this world, how has he ever suffered such damage.

The flames of anger burned and rolled in the chest of Saruman the Great, and at this moment there was finally a chance to pour out.

"These cowardly human beings, I thought you only dared to hide in Yulong City!" Emperor Saruman opened his **** mouth and roared and ordered, "Warriors, kill them all for me!"


In the eastern part of the river valley, the human army has long been waiting.

When the "sick for a long time" emperor's chariot appeared at the forefront of the army, whether it was intentional or the soldiers voluntarily, cheers like a tsunami resounded through the sky.

It has to be said that the San Lorenzo family has ruled the glorious empire for more than a thousand years, and with its prestige, even an unreliable emperor like Emperor Reinhardt can gain the almost instinctive support of the soldiers at the bottom.

Although many nobles have noticed the emperor's abnormality in recent contacts, all kinds of undercurrents are only limited to the high-level nobles, and no one will spread the news that the emperor may be possessed to the army at this juncture. middle.

In a word, today's Reinhardt the Great is still a competent symbol of imperial power. When he came to the front row of the human army and faced the surging tide of beasts, the extraordinary courage and responsibility he showed completely ignited the soldiers of the imperial coalition. The fighting spirit in the heart.

The thunderous cheers stretched out, and even overwhelmed the roar of the orcs on the opposite side.

Within dozens of miles, countless imperial soldiers raised their swords and guns and shouted loudly.

If you hadn't been there in person, no one could imagine what kind of grand momentum this was.

Colin stood on a high ground in the back, condescending to see all the scene in front of him.

Facing such a heroic scene, he suddenly calmed down completely, miraculously swept away the tension and hesitation before the battle.

The cheers that rang through the river valley before undoubtedly shocked him.

Countless flags fluttered in the air, countless knives and guns flashed with dazzling cold light, and even covered the sun in the sky, making it impossible to look directly.

A chilling aura rose up, and there was a chill between heaven and earth.

The cruelty and ugliness of war had long been felt by Ke Lin, but every time he was on the battlefield and smelled the stench of blood, Ke Lin found that the hot blood in his body would always boil uncontrollably. .

As if there was a crazy and bloodthirsty beast, roaring in his chest, trying to break through the cage of reason and release the tyranny that had been suppressed for a long time.

Marquis Garcia commented on Colin very early:

This is a man born for the battlefield.

Now it seems that maybe it is.

Even if Colin had never commanded an army of this size, even if he had never faced such a terrifying enemy, even if he was still hesitant last night, at this moment, when the strong aura of war swept through the sky. At that time, Colin seemed to be a different person.

Mingming's heart was violently tumbling, but his mind was unusually calm. No matter how chaotic and complicated the battlefield, in his eyes, it was a clear and distinct chessboard, waiting for his move.

As a result, a series of concise and decisive orders were quickly issued from Colin's mouth, and conveyed by the messengers to all positions of the army.

Immediately before the battle, Emperor Reinhardt also pulled out the long sword from his waist and roared angrily:


You are the most elite soldiers of the empire and the last barrier of mankind!

As the twenty-eighth emperor of the Radiant Empire, I hereby swear that as long as I have a breath, I will never take a step back! "

"Never step back!"

"Never step back!"

The emperor's soldiers were like a spark falling into the hot oil, which completely ignited the blood in the hearts of the soldiers of the imperial coalition.

In the face of the surging orc army, the army formation of the imperial allied army was like a giant beast awakening from a slumber, finally showing its ferocious fangs.

At the first contact between the two armies, there was no temptation or reservation, and the most intense battle was launched as soon as they came up.

The plain of the Loire Valley is wide enough that even if millions of troops are fighting here, it will not seem crowded at all.

The two torrents crashed together in the middle of the plain, splashing countless blood-red waves.

There is no doubt that the physical advantages of orc soldiers are extremely obvious.

However, the resistance of the human soldiers was exceptionally tenacious.

Especially when they saw Emperor Reinhardt wearing bright armor, rushing to the forefront, their fighting spirit was completely inspired.

The emperor is so heroic, how can the soldiers not work hard?

At this moment, even the orcs were shocked by the energy they burst out.

It was as if the already familiar opponent suddenly changed his face.

Forward, forward, forward again!

Emperor Reinhardt seemed to be the tip of a spear shimmering with cold light. Behind him, countless reckless human soldiers brandished their long knives desperately, using their lives to tear open a gap in the orc army, allowing the follow-up to follow. The robe on the top quickly inserted, and in the orc army, a **** storm was set off.

The sturdy and wild imperial soldiers, led by Emperor Reinhardt, marched forward with all their might, and shook the formation of the orcs with a terrifying death blow.

However, the consequence of such a hurricane advance is to fall deep into the enemy's line.

Even with the fighting spirit inspired by Emperor Reinhardt, the advantages of the orcs on the frontal battlefield could not be completely made up for.

Moreover, the orc emperor also noticed the extremely conspicuous existence of Emperor Reinhardt.

Although he did not expect that this human emperor would suddenly burst out with such courage, causing him a lot of trouble, he did not panic too much. He just transferred his most elite direct line army, the Battle Song Legion, to the place where Emperor Reinhardt was. battlefield.

At the same time, Emperor Saruman also walked over to Emperor Reinhardt himself.

He was going to crush the head of this human emperor with his own hands!

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