The Original Vampire

Chapter 646: choose

"The original blood clan (

"She's playing injury-for-injury."

On a high ground on the edge of the battlefield, Prince Lehi looked at the Duke of Saint Grian and the Orc Emperor in the fierce battle with a puzzled expression.

Beside him, Mr. Ho stood impressively.

Prince Leahy didn't seem to understand Duke St. Grian's style of play, and couldn't help asking: "How dare she fight the Skullbreaker in the Sanctuary? Don't you know that with such a reckless physical fitness and head-on confrontation ability, St. Aren't the knights completely different?"

Mr. Ho seems to be very confused about this, and he also pays attention to another key:

"What's even more strange is how did she recover from such a serious injury before? Even if Pope Gregory is willing to treat her personally, it is impossible to cure her in such a short period of time."

The two were silent for a moment before Prince Leahy spoke again:

"Perhaps...she has mastered a certain way to quickly repair her body, so she dares to use this kind of injury-for-injury play to fight the orc emperor recklessly.

The Sanctuary Skullbreaker is indeed physically superior, but similar to the Paladin, once he is injured, it is difficult to recover in a short period of time. If this is consumed, there may be hope of victory! "

Mr. Ho narrowed his eyes and said in a deep tone:

"I'm afraid it's not that the Duke of St. Grian has mastered the method of quick recovery..."

Prince Lehi gave him a surprised look and said, "What do you want to say?"

"A year ago in Bailu City, when you chased me into Colin Angele's room, what did you see?" Mr. Ho suddenly asked a seemingly unrelated question.

Prince Leahy was stunned for a moment, and then recalled: "I saw Colin fell to the ground with a blood hole dug in his chest..."

"That's right!" Mr. Ho stretched out his right hand, clenched it abruptly, and said in a condensed voice, "I clearly remember that he once dug out his heart and squeezed it with one hand!


Prince Leahy frowned and did not speak. .

He actually didn't pay much attention to Colin, the Earl of the North, who had risen rapidly in recent years.

Of course, this is also because for most of Colin's rise, he was obsessively chasing the real murderer who framed him, Mr.

Moreover, as a paladin, Prince Lehi's pride also made him not think much of anyone under the sanctuary.

But Mr. Ho is different.

From the initial troll invasion, to the half-elf kingdom coup, to the northern chaos, Colin played an extremely important role in it.

And it gave Mr. Ho a huge "surprise" time and time again.

Perhaps at first, Mr. Ho did not pay attention to this young man from the north who climbed the high branch of the Saint Hilde family, but as his plans were repeatedly destroyed by this person, Mr. Ho would naturally not be able to take him lightly.

So when he was in Bailu City, Mr. Ho was determined to kill him and get rid of this young man who always made him feel out of control.

But unfortunately, he actually failed.

And it failed in an incomprehensible way.

Can someone even survive a crushed heart?

By the time of the Storm Fortress, Mr. Ho thought that the overall situation had been settled, but he did not expect this northerner to appear again, and once again turned the situation around in a way that he couldn't understand.

All along, Mr. Ho has always regarded himself as a chess player, and he is proud that he treats everyone in the world as his chess pieces.

But suddenly, there appeared Colin, a character who was not on the chessboard and was not under his control.

No matter how reluctant he is to admit it, Mr. Ho now has a faint fear of Colin.

What frightened him the most was that he couldn't see through Colin's cards at all, couldn't see through Colin's tactics, and didn't know how Colin reversed the situation.

This made him not know how to deal with Colin, for fear of being countered by the other party's strange means again.

"Do you think the Duke of St. Grian's injury was cured by Colin Angele?" Prince Leahy couldn't help asking when Mr. Gou was silent for a long time.

"That's right." Mr. Ho nodded affirmatively, "This northern knight is too weird, I... can't see through it. Moreover, not only the Duke of St. Grian, but also Emperor Reinhardt, I am afraid he has also been controlled by him. ."

Hearing this, Prince Lehi couldn't help but turn his attention to Emperor Reinhardt who was fighting at the forefront.

That look of giving up his life and even going crazy is really not something that the emperor he knows can do.

But Prince Leahy was a little disapproving of Mr. Ho who attributed all the anomalies to Colin Angele.

Because Mr. Ho had been instigating and inciting, and wanted Prince Leahy to regard Colin Angele as his worst enemy, so Prince Leahy would inevitably think that this was also a way for Mr. Ho to deliberately exaggerate Colin's threat.

While the two were talking, the situation on the battlefield changed again.

The Duke of St. Grian's injury-for-injury style of play, although it did add a lot of injuries to the Orc Emperor, but he was injured more seriously.

Just the axe mark on her chest that almost split her in half, made Prince Leahy look terrified.

Still not dead?

However, the Duke of St. Grian was still fighting with the Orc Emperor as if he were nothing.

It's just inevitable that it will gradually fall.

And the situation of Emperor Reinhardt is even Since the Orc Emperor transferred his most elite direct line army - the Warsong Legion, Emperor Reinhardt's assault came to an abrupt end, And gradually fell into the siege of the elite army of orcs.

Although the royal guards fought desperately to resist, they still couldn't make up for the weakness of human beings against the orcs.

Likewise, on the battlefields of the entire river valley plain, the human army began to struggle hard.

The battle lines were crisscrossed, but visibly sunk toward the humans.

Prince Lehi frowned, involuntarily grabbed the long sword around his waist.

Mr. Ho seemed to have seen through what Prince Leahy was thinking, and immediately discouraged:

"You don't want to help him, do you?"

Prince Leahy glanced sideways at Mr. Ho, and said in an unquestionable tone:

"My surname is San Lorenzo, and protecting the empire is my mission!"

After saying this, he rushed towards the battlefield without looking back.

Mr. Ho opened his mouth, but finally sighed and said no more.

Immediately, his eyes turned to the position behind the human army, locking on the figure that made him fearful and helpless.

Colin didn't know that he was being watched by Mr. Ho, and he was concentrating on observing the changes in the situation on the battlefield.

Seeing that the human army is gradually falling behind, he is not too nervous, after all, this has long been expected by him.

A series of orders were quickly issued from his mouth, and then passed on to the various armies.

Immediately, the formation of the imperial coalition began a new round of changes.

The central army led by Emperor Reinhardt resolutely began to retreat, but the friendly armies on both sides began to advance, as if to provide cover.

The Warsong Legion obviously didn't want to let the human emperor go easily, and immediately chased after him.

And at this moment, the earth began to tremble.

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