The Original Vampire

Chapter 649: trap

"The original blood clan (

The setting sun is like blood.

The epic battle on the plains of the Loire Valley has finally come to an end.

The army of orcs fled westward across the mountains and plains, and only the Warsong Legion remained in the encirclement of the human coalition, struggling to the death.

Perhaps it was because they were in a desperate situation, or perhaps because of the influence of Saruman the Great, the soldiers of the Warsong Legion in the encirclement began to go crazy one after another.

But to be honest, the madness of the orcs does not have much effect on the battlefield.

After all, war is not a group fight, and the role of individual force in it is very limited. What really determines the outcome is the correct strategy, effective tactics, and the organization that can cooperate with each other and complete the order.

No matter how brave the mad orcs are, they can only die with hatred in the face of the tacit cooperation of humans and the interspersed cavalry formations.

Even more orcs died not at the hands of humans, but by the axe of their mad brethren.

Therefore, the mad counterattack of the Warsong Legion in a desperate situation only looks scary, but in fact it is a futile and dying struggle.

Seeing that the overall situation was settled, Ke Lin didn't have time to rest. He personally led a group of blood cavalry troops and chased in the direction of the fleeing orc army.

Of course, to be more precise, he wasn't actually chasing the army of orcs.

Because the orc army was defeated, but in fact the casualties were not necessarily greater than that of the human coalition, and rushing to pursue it may not be able to achieve more results.

So, Colin actually went after Saruman the Great. .

After the orc emperor became mad, he was led by Duke St. Grian and Prince Lehi into the army of the orcs, which was another important reason why the orcs chose to retreat.

Colin obviously did not intend to let the orc emperor go so easily.

Now the Warsong Legion is in a desperate situation. At this time, as long as the orc emperor is killed again, the third orc empire can be declared destroyed.

The remaining armies of orcs from various tribes will only become a mess of sand again.

They will no longer be able to pose any threat to the Radiance Empire, and are destined to be defeated one by one.

However, they said that Prince Lehi and Duke St. Grian led Emperor Saruman to the west, chasing the trail of the orc army.

Along the way, the mad Saruman the Great kept slaughtering his compatriots, leaving behind corpses all over the mountains.

But with the passage of time, the speed of Saruman the Great's slaughter gradually slowed down.

Until the end, he suddenly stood there, looking around in confusion, as if wondering why he was here.

Prince Lehi and Duke St. Grian immediately understood that Saruman the Great should have woken up from his madness.

Then, instead of retreating, they advanced and charged towards Saruman the Great.

Because they know that the Orc Skull Crusher after the madness will experience a period of weakness, plus Emperor Saruman is not lightly injured, this is the best time to kill him!

Of course, Emperor Saruman also knew this. Looking at the two Paladins chasing behind him, he decisively plunged into the forest.

The trees in the mountains are lush, blocking the afterglow of the setting sun.

In the quiet darkness, Saruman the Great carefully hid his breath and hurried through the forest.

At this time, his sanity gradually recovered from the state of madness, and he probably guessed what happened on the battlefield just now.

And all this made Saruman the Great's heart full of anger and remorse.

Damn humans!

Cunning humans!

Emperor Saruman knew that he had to flee back to reorganize his army now, otherwise the Orc Third Empire he had finally formed would surely fall apart.

It's just that he also knows that after the collapse of the Warsong Legion, his ability to control the major tribes of orcs has declined sharply. If he rushes back at this time, he may not be able to subdue the unruly tribal leaders, and he will even be blamed by them for this fiasco. The culprit.

Therefore, Saruman the Great felt that he must first try to gain the support of some tribal leaders.

Just when he was thinking about which tribal leaders could be drawn by him, or intimidated, Emperor Saruman suddenly stopped, as if he had noticed something abnormal.

In the next second, his left fist was like electricity, slamming into the dark place ahead.

In an instant, the violent airflow ripped apart the vegetation in the forest, and the rumbling muffled sound was like thunder.

However, the blow came in vain.

A figure fluttered and fluttered, and the frantic airflow swept over him but was immediately tamed, and obediently supported him to stand on the top of the tree.

"Your Majesty Saruman, I have no malice."

Hearing this, Emperor Saruman withdrew his attacking stance, but his body was still tense, and he obviously didn't fully believe the other party's words.

However, Emperor Saruman also knows that his current state is not good. If he wants to fight recklessly, he may not be an opponent who comes, so he can only mutter:

"You must be Mr. Gou?"

Mr. Ho smiled slightly, put his left hand on his chest and made a knightly manner, and said, "I didn't expect you to have heard of me, Your Majesty."

"What do you want?" Saruman the Great asked coldly.

Mr. Ho looked at the direction of Emperor Saruman when he came, UU read and said: "Your Majesty, the movement just now may lead to some troublesome fellows, we will discuss in detail in another place."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Saruman the Great hesitated, but followed.

He knew that this Mr. Ho was not a popular character in the Radiance Empire, so maybe it was possible for him to seek cooperation this time.

If it was before the First World War on the River Valley Plain, Saruman the Great would never have paid attention to people like Mr.

But now, Saruman the Great will at least be patient and listen to the other party's proposal.

The two walked through the forest one after the other, and soon came to a small stream.

The gurgling sound of the water makes the surrounding environment seem more tranquil, and the rising crescent moon is reflected in the stream, rippling with sparkling waves.

"Tell me, what do you want?" Saruman the Great said indifferently.

"Of course cooperation." Mr. Ho smiled, "After all, we have a common enemy."

Saruman the Great gave Mr. Ho a noncommittal look and continued to ask:

"How do you want to cooperate?"

"I think..." Mr. Ho said, but his voice gradually became lower.

Emperor Saruman didn't hear clearly, and he took a few steps closer in doubt, but still couldn't hear clearly, so he frowned and shouted:

"Be louder! What are you talking about..."

Before he finished speaking, Emperor Saruman suddenly felt a strong arcane wave. At this time, he suddenly realized that Mr. Ho was simply chanting and casting spells!

"Unfaithful human beings!"

Realizing that he was being deceived, Emperor Saruman roared angrily, then flew over and rushed over.

But in mid-air, the bright moonlight suddenly fell from the cracks of the trees like rain, trapping Saruman the Great like a chain of chains.

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