The Original Vampire

Chapter 651: post war

"The original blood clan (

The silver moon is low.

The Loire Valley plains are dotted with sparks of light.

Even at night, the extremely rich smell of blood attracted countless greedy vultures circling in the air.

Countless orcs and human corpses covered almost the entire plain, and a large amount of blood flowed into the tributaries of the Loire, dyeing the river a dazzling red.

On the edge of the river valley, there are still small-scale orc soldiers still resisting, but what awaits them will be slaughtered.

Human soldiers ran back and forth on the battlefield, scavenging for trophies, and by the way, made up for those orcs who were not dead.

The voices were noisy, mostly cheers for victory. .


Finally, victory!

The nightmare that started from the Heavenly Broken Mountains has finally come to an end.

The enemy who seemed to be invincible forever was finally defeated.

The crisis of the empire is lifted.

Humans will continue to be the masters of this continent!

The soldiers of the Blood Cavalry took off their helmets and greeted the envy and admiration of their comrades.

Everyone knows that their fatal blow to the Warsong Legion is the key to determining the outcome of this war.

The No. 1 Army in the North, from today onwards, can truly be called the No. 1 Army in the Empire!

The Rogue Knight turned red with excitement, as if he was drunk.

He rode on the battlefield on a war horse, watched as he fought to his death in exchange for victory, and enjoyed the cheers and praises around him.

His brain is still hot, and it seems that he has not fully digested everything now.

In a trance, a majestic voice pulled him back to reality:

"Rogue Knight."

"Lord Duke." Seeing that it was the Duke of St. Landers, Knight Logue hurriedly leaned over and saluted.

However, he did not dismount. After all, Knight Logue was a vassal of the North, not a vassal of the Duke of the South, so naturally he didn't need to be too humble.

Of course, the Duke of St. Landers will not care about these subsections, not to mention that he also knows that the commander of the blood cavalry is a great hero of this battle, and sooner or later he will become an important noble in the empire. is the smartest thing to do.

"Knight Logue, don't know where Count Angele is now?"

"Lord Count is going after the Orc Emperor."

Upon receiving such an answer, the Duke of St. Landers frowned slightly.

Because in his opinion, since Colin was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the imperial coalition by Emperor Reinhardt, he should not lead the army to pursue the pursuit alone at this time, but should stay to deal with the post-war affairs.

Now that the commander is gone, who will preside over the aftermath?

Of course, the Duke of St. Landers would definitely not say such words publicly, so he had to bid farewell to Knight Logue and go to look for Emperor Reinhardt.

But to his disappointment, Emperor Reinhardt fell into a coma because of his injuries.

Of course, the Duke of St. Landers was not surprised by this. After all, in the battle just now, Emperor Reinhardt took the lead in the charge and was under the greatest pressure. Now that he is still alive, he is already protected by the Supreme Lord.

It's just that the commander was not there, and Emperor Reinhardt fell into a coma again, and the current human coalition is actually in a state of leaderless.

As the person with the highest title and the most prestige here, the Duke of St. Landers had no choice but to temporarily shoulder the heavy burden and begin to deal with the aftermath.

He first sent sentries to guard around, in case the orc army came back - this may be very low, but it has to be guarded.

Then he sent someone to contact the chasing Count Angele, deal with the capture of the battle, count the number of casualties, and organize the rescue of the wounded...

Only then did the Duke of St. Landers deeply realize how much blood and sacrifices were hidden behind this miraculous victory.

The most tragic casualties were undoubtedly the Central Army led by Emperor Reinhardt.

This royal direct line army of about 80,000 people, as the arrow of the human coalition, rushed into the orc army, attracting the most firepower, and then confronted the most elite war song army of the orc empire. After coming down, I found that most of the Central Army was killed in action, and those who survived were all injured.

In fact, if Reinhard the Great had not been leading the charge, with such a terrifying casualty rate, this legion would have collapsed long ago.

The Duke of St. Landers was horrified, but he couldn't help coming to the battlefield of the Central Army in person.

This is the area with the densest corpses on the entire plain, and the strong smell of blood is almost suffocating.

The soldiers in the rest of the area were cheering, but here, the sound of suppressed crying occupied the mainstream.

Even the laughing soldiers of the Central Army had tears in their laughter.

A **** royal knight saw the Duke of St. Landers, struggled to stand up and saluted, then said with a smile:

"Lord Duke, we are victorious!"

Laughing and laughing, the knight suddenly burst into tears while holding the long sword.

Perhaps thinking it was rude, he immediately wiped his tears and forced an ugly smile.

"Yes, we have won." The Duke of St. Landers gave a solemn salute.

But seeing the unknown royal knight suddenly slumped on the ground, UU read www. laughed "hahaha", but it was a particularly ugly laugh, twisted and depressed like a lunatic.

The Duke of St. Landers was in a panic, and after walking a few steps, he saw a familiar figure.

"Consul Fred." The Duke of St. Landers looked at the gloomy royal consul and sighed and comforted, "Please mourn. Although we paid a heavy price, we finally won the final victory."

"The Duke of St. Landers." Fred's consul looked cold, raised his hand and pointed around him, with uncontrollable anger and pain in his tone, "Yes, victory. But the Central Army also fought. No more! Tell me, what is Colin Angele, the commander of the coalition, in his heart?"

The Duke of St. Landers sighed again and advised:

"Consul Fred, I can understand your pain. But victory always comes with a price, and the Central Army is indeed the most suitable for attracting the firepower of the Warsong Legion, allowing them to go deep alone and fall into our encirclement..."

"Shit!" Archon Fred yelled, "This is a conspiracy against the San Lorenzo family! The royal family paid the most painful price, but all the glory was taken away by his blood cavalry!"

Having said that, Archon Fred suddenly lowered his voice and said:

"And Your Majesty... don't tell me you didn't see anything unusual! Would the real Reinhardt take the lead in this way and take the lead in a desperate charge?"

Faced with this question, the Duke of Saint Landes flickered a few times, and when he was thinking about how to answer, he heard a burst of cheers suddenly erupted in the distance.

Immediately, a messenger ran quickly and reported:

"Lord Duke, Count Angele and the others are back! Moreover, His Royal Highness Prince Lehi also decapitated the Orc Emperor!"

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