The Original Vampire

Chapter 655: inherited

"The original blood clan (

A magnificent historical picture unfolded slowly in front of Colin.

In the picture scroll, is the life of the founding emperor of the Radiance Empire, the legendary Paladin, San Lorenzo of Garner.

When he was young, he showed his extraordinary talent in martial arts. When he grew up, he sharpened himself on the battlefield, and continued to grow in battles with various enemies. He was deeply caught in the whirlpool of conspiracy, tasted the taste of failure, and experienced the betrayal of his comrades. …

At that time, human beings had not yet established a unified empire, and they did not have the glory they are today. They were still competing with trolls, elves, and orcs for the most fertile land in the middle of this continent.

However, Garner San Lorenzo led a group of followers with his extremely powerful force and extraordinary leadership charisma. It took only ten years to complete the unification of mankind, establish a glorious empire, and expel the alien races. The center of this continent has established the dominance of mankind.

Colin looked at Garner San Lorenzo in the light and shadow, and while feeling the extraordinary strength of the human emperor at close range, he also felt a wonderful blood connection.

It seems to be a connection with his own blood!

Garner San Lorenzo certainly couldn't be Colin's bloodline.

But this connection is real...

Ke Lin guessed that the founding emperor of the glorious empire was probably also a blood clan!

Could it be that the secret of the blood clan that he has been pursuing so much is in the Great Emperor of Ghana?

But if Emperor Garner is also a blood race, why is there no record of blood race in the historical books of the Radiance Empire?

During the contemplation, the picture in front of him changed again.

The Great Emperor of Ghana stood on the top of the holy mountain, receiving the cheers and support of thousands of people at the foot of the mountain.

A sturdy holy light descended from the sky, pierced straight into the top of the holy mountain like a sharp sword, and enveloped the Great Emperor of Ghana.

In the holy light, a pair of huge wings slowly spread out, revealing an angel-like figure whose face could not be seen clearly.

His brilliance was so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly, and he held a crown in both hands, which seemed to be preparing to crown the Great Emperor of Ghana.

But the next second, Emperor Garner suddenly pulled out the long sword from his waist and slashed at the angel light and shadow above his head!

Colin was caught off guard by this, and his eyes suddenly widened.

But the violent holy light filled the whole picture, and for a while, nothing could be seen clearly. .

Colin had to close his eyes.

When he opened it again, he saw darkness in front of him.

Just when Colin was puzzled, a step suddenly appeared in the darkness.

Colin's eyes climbed up the steps, and at the end of the steps, in the boundless void, he finally saw the Great Emperor Garner sitting on the throne again.

The emperor was covered in blood, but his eyes were still firm, like a raging fire that would never go out, crossing the boundaries of time, across the distance of life and death, and fixed his gaze on Colin.

At that moment, countless thoughts flashed through Colin's mind, but none of them were clear.

Emperor Garner didn't say anything, but Colin seemed to understand his beliefs, his will, his helplessness, and his expectations.

Infinite holy light erupted again in the darkness, and the Great Emperor Garner gradually melted away like ice and snow under the direct sunlight, until he completely disappeared in this dead silence.

Only the throne hangs high in the air.

It was also stained with the blood of the human emperor.

As if inspired by some kind of inspiration, Colin involuntarily sat on the throne.

The holy light that filled the void gradually faded, and darkness swept in again.

Ke Lin looked down at the dark and dark scene in front of him, although he still had countless doubts in his heart, he was no longer confused.

At this moment, he found a way forward.

"Lord Earl, Lord St. Landers asks to see you."

"Please come in."

Colin opened his eyes, all the illusions disappeared, and everything just now seemed to be just a dream.

He tucked the mistletoe from his chest back into his shirt, confirming a decision he had made earlier.

"Count Angele." The Duke of St. Landers walked into the tent and bowed slightly to Colin.

But when he saw Colin's gaze, he suddenly froze for a moment.

"Duke St. Landers, what's the matter with you?" Colin returned a salute and asked with a smile.

The Duke of St. Landers was secretly shocked, because he was actually shocked by Colin's eyes just now, and that kind of staring eyes made the Duke of St. Landers astonished.

He hurriedly restrained his mind, but his posture unconsciously became much more respectful, as if facing a real human emperor.

"Count Angele, I came here to ask you how you plan to arrange the next battle."

Colin shrugged, spread his hands and said:

"Duke St. Landers, weren't you also present at the military meeting just now? Didn't you understand what Archon Fred meant?

Now that I am no longer the commander of the imperial coalition, the next battle arrangement will have to wait for the Senate to elect the regent, and then he will make the decision. "

The Duke of St. Landers said:

"Count Angrie, UU reading I think you are the most suitable candidate to be the commander of the coalition forces. I believe that even if the Senate elects a new regent, he will definitely continue to appoint you to be in charge of the future. fighting."

Colin took a deep look at the Duke of the South, as if he wanted to see what the other party had in mind.

Perhaps Colin himself didn't realize that his current attitude towards the Duke of St. Landers was entirely from the perspective of a superior, as if the other party was his vassal for granted.

The Duke of St. Landers was aware of this strange feeling. He tried hard to get rid of this absurd thought, but found that he involuntarily bent down under the scrutiny of Colin, as if the man before him Young people should naturally accept their own support.

If someone broke in at this time, they would witness an imperial duke bowing down to an imperial earl, but this scene seemed so natural.

The Duke of St. Landers tried his best to maintain his aura, but it seemed a bit futile.

The young man in front of him is like a born king, and he exudes a chilling aura inadvertently.

"Duke St. Landers, what are you trying to say?"

"I want to say...if you want, I can help you at the meeting of the Senate."

Colin's eyes narrowed.

He gave up the battle for the Senate before, and was determined to let Emperor Reinhardt die because he thought that Frederick had already managed everything, and even if he fought, it would be in vain.

But now, the Duke of St. Landers has expressed his willingness to help himself.

If the elders of the Southern Border line fell to his side, Colin suddenly felt that Prince Lehi might not be able to become the regent as he wished.

But the question is, why should the Duke of St. Landers help himself?

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