The Original Vampire

Chapter 660: disagreement

Loire Valley, Imperial camp.

"He's killing the king!"

Archon Fred, like an angry bull, rushed into Prince Leahy's tent.

"This is a trampling on the honor of the Empire and a blasphemy against the Codex of Radiance!"

He had already left for Yulong City and was about to hold a meeting of the Senate to elect the regent, but he was chased back halfway.

Because, Emperor Reinhardt actually died!

Once the emperor dies, there is no need to elect a regent, and a new emperor succeeds directly.

Archon Fred's plan was completely in vain.

"What evidence do you have to prove that it was Colin Angele who killed the emperor?"

Prince Leahy asked indifferently.

Archon Fred suffocated slightly, but then became even more angry, shouting:

"Who else is there besides him? I said why he was so good at talking at the military regular meeting before. It turned out that he was well prepared!"

"I'm talking about evidence, not speculation." Prince Leahy continued to pour cold water.

Archon Fred suddenly raised his head and stared at Prince Leahy, but only saw a pair of calm and indifferent eyes.

After a few short breaths, Archon Fred finally calmed down.

Because what Prince Leahy said was right, they didn't have any proof.

Reinhard the Great is dead, and he died in the camp guarded by the royal guards. The cause of death was also seriously injured in the Battle of the Loire Valley. Everything is so reasonable.

If it wasn't for the great change in Reinhardt's temperament before his death, and the timing of his death was too clever, Prince Leahy would have thought that was the case. .

But now even if they suspect that Colin Angele is behind the scenes, there is no evidence.

"Then what should we do?" Archon Fred calmed down and began to analyze the current situation rationally. "Your Majesty has passed away. According to the law of succession, Prince Harrison should succeed him. He is a student of Colin Angele. , the blood of the Saint Hilde family is still flowing in the body.

If we don't do anything, the future Radiance Empire will probably be the people from the north!

Even... the master of the empire will change one! "

Prince Leahy fell into silence and seemed to be at a loss.

Archon Fred's eyes flickered, and he suddenly lowered his voice and said:

"Perhaps, we can prevent Harrison from succeeding to the throne!"

Prince Lehi was puzzled and asked:

"How to stop it? Harrison is the first in line to the throne and has not committed any fault."

Archon Fred did not speak, but his eyes revealed endless killing intent.

Prince Leahy immediately understood the meaning of Consul Fred.

This is to assassinate Prince Harrison to prevent him from succeeding to the throne!

"You want to assassinate a fourteen-year-old child? And this child is still your cousin?" Prince Leahy looked at Archon Fred with a look of contempt.

Under the gaze of Prince Lehi, the consul Fred felt a sense of shame in his heart, but he was immediately suppressed by him.

"This is a political struggle, not a duel of knights!" Archon Fred said through gritted teeth, "Here, there are only winners and losers, no justice and honor!

Assassination, poisoning, deception... No matter how dirty the means are, as long as they can achieve their goals, they are the best means! "

Prince Lehi smiled disdainfully and said:

"I finally understand why you pretended to be deaf and dumb, and even helped them slander me when you knew that Reinhardt and Midella were the real murderers of your father.

So this is what you call political tactics?

How ridiculous! "

Archon Fred was flushed by Prince Leahy's sarcastic words, and immediately retorted:

"Prince Leahy, have you forgotten that you were ruined by such a 'ridiculous' method and left in a state of embarrassment from the political center of the empire?"

"Yes, that's right." Prince Leahy nodded, and did not feel any shame because of the words of Consul Fred, but raised his chin proudly, "but I dare to face the scrutiny of the Supreme Lord without any shame. Deliberately declaring that I will always abide by the way of knighthood!

you, dare? "

"The way of knights?" Archon Fred sneered, "Wake up, Leahy, the Supreme Lord has long stopped paying attention to this world. Even the church has become a place of filth, what are you insisting on? What's the point of a **** knight?"

Prince Lehi also shook his head and said solemnly:

"No, the Sovereign Lord's eyes never leave us, this is just a test for us."

Archon Fred pouted in disdain, and just as he was about to speak, he heard Prince Leahy continue:

"You've never set foot in the sanctuary, so you'll never understand.

This is not a realm that mortals can enter by their own strength at all, this is the forbidden land of gods!

Without the mercy of the Supreme Lord, I will not be able to break through the sixth rank after spending my whole life.

Therefore, the only thing I can do is to serve Him with the greatest devotion! "

Consulate Fred looked at Prince Leahy for a while in disbelief, and then said with hatred:

"Don't be stupid, Leahy! If the Supreme Lord is really still there, do you think the Pope will be as unscrupulous as he is now? He is the mortal who knows the gods best!

And your stubbornness and ignorance will only make you lose in this dirty and bottomless political arena! "

Prince Lehi said unmoved:

"Who said that in order to win, you have to do whatever it takes? Have you forgotten how to defeat your opponent in an open and honest way?"

"Fair and fair?" Archon Fred seemed to be annoyed, "Now that Colin Angele is full of wings, how can you beat him upright and fair?

Do you really think the royal family still controls the most powerful army in the empire?

Or are you going to assassinate him?

But don't forget, the Duke of St. Grian has obviously become his lover. Are you sure you can defeat this woman? "

"The strength of the enemy is not the reason for you to avoid, Fred." Prince Leahy said righteously, "If you don't understand this truth, you will never be able to step into the peak of the way of knighthood."

Archon Fred let out a sigh of relief and seemed to have given up persuasion completely:

"Okay, UU reading Prince Lehi, then I'll wait and see how you deal with Colin Angele!"

After saying this, he walked out angrily.

But at the entrance of the tent, Archon Fred suddenly stopped again, turned around, looked at Prince Leahy with bright eyes, and said:

"You never wanted to assassinate Harrison, not because...he's actually your illegitimate child!"

Prince Leahy raised his head suddenly, looked at Consulate Fred coldly, and denied:

"of course not!"

Archon Fred pouted, not knowing whether he believed what Prince Leahy said, he turned around and walked out.

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