The Original Vampire

Chapter 662: be aware

"I'm afraid this is not right..."

Although Archon Fred was happy in his heart, on the surface he made a look of worrying about the country and the people:

"The North will not be captured without a fight. What's more, the victory in the battle of the Loire Valley has turned Marquis Garcia from a traitor to a deeply misunderstood hero. To stimulate the North at this time, I am afraid it will lead to great consequences. of unrest.

Why don't I do this, I can help the church on behalf of the royal family to explain the situation to the North..."

"Will people in the north believe it?" Cardinal Mensay interrupted angrily, "Don't say that our church can't produce evidence of Marquis Garcia's suicide, and even if we do, people in the north won't accept it. !

They already had a grudge with the church, and now they have such a good excuse, how could they not use it?

Therefore, in order to avoid greater turmoil, we must take the lead and nip the danger in the bud! "

Fred frowned, wondering: "But the people from the north just made great achievements in the battle against the orcs..."

"Consul Fred, now the Northern Territory has reached its peak in terms of strength and prestige! Don't tell me, the royal family is not threatened!

I know very well that the Imperial Central Army was completely crippled in the Battle of the Loire Valley, and even His Majesty died heroically!

Such a result has achieved the glory of the people in the north.

Didn't the royal family realize the hidden crisis? "

"What are your plans for dealing with the North?" Prince Leahy said first before Archon Fred spoke again.

Fred rolled his eyes immediately, and was extremely speechless at the behavior of Prince Leahy's pig teammates.

Although the royal family also wanted to deal with the northern border, it was obvious that the church was more anxious now, so Fred had been holding a stance before, just to take the opportunity to blackmail the church.


Cardinal Mensay saw that Prince Leahy was moved, and immediately regained his spirits, saying:

"His Royal Highness, the military strength of the North is mainly due to two people - Marquis Garcia and Count Angele!

Now Marquis Garcia is dead, so as long as we can kill Colin Angele, the army in the north will completely lose its backbone, and there will be no more storms! "

Archon Fred snorted softly and said:

"Secretary Bishop Mensay, are you planning to assassinate an imperial count? And a count who just commanded the imperial coalition to win the battle of the Loire Valley and saved the Radiance Empire?"

Cardinal Mensay had already figured out the true mentality of the royal family at this time, so he did not pay attention to the questioning of Consul Fred, but looked at Prince Lehi with piercing eyes and said:

"His Royal Highness, Colin Angele is the hero of the empire, but he is also a threat to the empire! Under the current situation, he will become the source of civil strife in the empire! Therefore, at such a critical moment, there can be no woman's kindness. !"

Prince Leahy nodded and then asked:

"Tell me about your specific plans."

The afternoon sun was pleasantly warm.

Colin put his hands on the back of his head, lying lazily on the hilly **** covered with four-leaf clovers, looking at the tributaries of the Loire River flowing slowly below.

Annoying vultures swept through the air from time to time. Although the battlefield had been cleaned and the corpses had been burned and buried, the smell of blood had not completely dissipated, attracting these scavengers to wander unwillingly.

There was a sound of light footsteps behind him, accompanied by the elegant fragrance of roses.

Colin raised his head slightly and saw that it was indeed the Duke of Saint Grian.

She was wearing a goose-yellow tunic dress, with bare white and flawless feet, and slowly squatted down beside Colin. Her pure blue eyes were full of curious smiles, and her golden hair was casually draped over her shoulders. up, reflecting the brilliance of the sun.

"You are very relaxed..."

"Then what else can we do?" Colin pilgrimage Duke Grian returned a smile, "I want to be busy, but some people don't want to."

"Hmph! They can't fight against foreign enemies, but the right to fight internally is quite exciting!" Duke St. Grian said angrily.

"Don't worry, no matter what kind of intrigues and tricks, in front of absolute strength, it is a cloud. As long as Harrison succeeds, the war will continue, and you will soon be able to return to the West."

The Duke of St. Grian looked deeply at the west, gritted his teeth and said:

"I can't wait for this day to come!"

"It's almost time. It is estimated that Frederick should also receive the news of Emperor Reinhardt's death. When he returns to the camp, he can discuss the issue of escorting His Majesty's body back to Yulong City and the new emperor's succession."

"Oh, by the way, Fred has come back. I just saw him come out of Prince Leahy's tent in a rage just now." The Duke of St. Grian said gloatingly.

Colin smiled slightly, not caring about it.

But the next sentence of the Duke of St. Grian caught his attention:

"Besides, I also saw Mensay, I don't know how he got here..."

"Cardinal Mensay?" Colin's eyes narrowed.

"Yeah. I guess he received the news of the victory and came to console the army on behalf of the church."

Colin, however, did not respond to Duke St. Grian's guess. Instead, he sat up straight and said in surprise:

"No, in the victory of this battle, the Northern Territory won the greatest glory. How could the church come to express condolences? They should hide in Yulong City and scolded us for bad luck..."

The Duke of St. Grian also looked at the serious Colin and asked:

"Then why do you think he came to the Loire Valley? Is he preparing to make a fuss about the succession of Prince Harrison?"

Ke Lin shook his head again and said, "It shouldn't be. The news of Emperor Reinhardt's death could not have reached Yulong City so quickly. Mensay didn't come for this."

"What's that for?"

Colin was silent for a moment, then said in a positive tone:

"Dragon City, I'm afraid something happened!"

"What happened?"

"I don't know." Colin stared at the distant wilderness, his eyes gradually losing focus.

The Duke of St. Grian thought that Colin was meditating, so he sat on the grass next to him and did not say anything to disturb him.

In fact, Colin's perspective has been switched to Royal Dragon City.

At the beginning, in order to prevent someone from attacking Prince Harrison, he deliberately left a few blood slaves to guard in the dark.

At this time, the consciousness possessed the blood slave, and Colin heard the conversation between Prince Harrison and a royal knight:

"Sorry, His Royal Highness Harrison, we have searched the whole city and still haven't found the whereabouts of Marquis Garcia..."

"What about Cathedral of the Holy Light? Did you search it too?"

"This... Church is a sacred place after all, we can't search it easily..."

"You idiots! Before my uncle disappeared, he went to the church to make a confession. Why don't you search the church?"

The knight lowered his head and dared not speak.

Looking at Prince Harrison's angry roar, Colin finally understood the real reason why Cardinal Mensay came to the Loire Valley.

At this moment, surging anger boiled in his chest.

Cold words squeezed out of his teeth:

"Gregory, you better not do stupid things!"

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