The Original Vampire

Chapter 664: launch

The twilight of the setting sun shone on the vast land.

Ke Lin and his party also came to Dongquan Town before night fell.

Looking at this small town standing by the Dongquan River, Ke Lin's eyes were quite emotional.

Because just a year ago, he had been here.

At that time, he accompanied Vera to return to the north from Yulong City, and deliberately turned a corner on the way to Dongquan Town.

It was also because of the suggestion of the Prime Minister, Baron Heidegger, that Colin found the former Imperial Minister of Agriculture, Bachelor Sonny Granto, in this small town, and thus opened the prelude to the agricultural reform in the north.

To this day, it is thanks to the new farming and animal husbandry system formed by this reform that the northern border can quickly recover from famine, and even have enough food to support the northern border army to fight east and west.

Therefore, Colin still has a good impression of the Granto family, the lords of Dongquan Town.

But unfortunately, Baron Grantu unfortunately died in this orc war, and what is even more embarrassing is that the place where he died is in the Tianduan Mountains.

Therefore, when Colin revisited the old place, the people of the Granto family did not give him any good looks.

Obviously, the death of Baron Granto was counted on the head of the North.

However, the people of Dongquan Town were very enthusiastic towards Ke Lin, and regarded him as a hero who saved the empire from fire and water.

Entering the castle, although the conditions were simple, the Grantu family showed the greatest enthusiasm and entertained the group who escorted the remains of Emperor Reinhardt. .

Of course, out of respect for the dead emperor, there was no drinking at the banquet, and it ended early.

Just after eight o'clock, Colin returned to his residence.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, Colin stood by the window, staring at the dark night in a daze.

He didn't know where the royal family was going to start, but it was not far from the Loire Valley to the Royal Dragon City, just two or three days' journey.

The hostility of the Granto family in Dongquan Town to Colin made him feel that there was a high probability that the royal family would choose to act here.

In addition, he was still thinking about why he would risk warning himself during the day, that of the Yale Maester.

He had never had any friendship with the confidant of the Duke of Southland before, so why would he do this?

Could it be that he is the secret son of the Saint Hilde family arranged in the south?

However, one thing has been confirmed - the Duke of St. Landers has been attracted by the royal family and the church.

This is also expected.

After all, when the Duke of St. Landers came to the door before, Colin clearly rejected the other party's conditions.

I just didn't expect that in order to solve the threat in the north, the royal family could even agree to the conditions for splitting the empire.

Maybe Fred just pretended to promise the Duke of St. Landers, and it is not impossible to go back on it afterwards...


The night was dark, and the silver moon hung low.

Only the faint sound of owls could be heard in the silent castle.

This time, Colin brought 300 blood cavalry soldiers with him, and they set up a simple camp on the west side of the Grantu family castle.

A figure approached the camp carefully, and after finding the position of the sentry, it touched it like a ghost.

There were two blood cavalry soldiers at the post, shrouded in bright red armor, motionless, like a puppet.

Johnny Knight knows that these are the elites of the blood cavalry army, and they are also the most powerful armed force in the hands of Count Angele. It is said that these people are all professionals. In the forefront, no matter how powerful the enemy formation is, they can easily tear them apart.

This has been verified on the battlefields of the Loire Valley. Even in the face of the most powerful Warsong Legion of the orcs, the Blood Riders did not suffer in the slightest.

To be honest, Johnny Knight admires these northern warriors, but unfortunately...

No way, who made his surname San Lorenzo.

Johnny Knight suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart, his eyes sharpened!

In the next second, a cold light pierced through the darkness and penetrated deeply into the back of the blood cavalry soldier.

Before he could scream, another big hand wrapped around his neck like lightning.

There was a crackling sound, the sound of the cervical spine being twisted.

Johnny Knight was relieved, then turned his head to look to his side, where his companion had also dealt with another sentinel, and was now turning his head to look at Johnny Knight.

But the next moment, the companion's eyes suddenly became extremely frightened.

Johnny Knight was in doubt when he suddenly felt a piercing pain.

When he lowered his head, he was stunned to find that the blood cavalry soldier who should have died in his arms was still staring at him with scarlet eyes.

That kind of eyes without a trace of emotion and reason made Johnny Knight think that he has encountered a beast in the mountains.

How is this possible?

Johnny Knight couldn't believe all this until his death.

Before he lost consciousness, he also heard a short scream from his companion who was acting together.

Are the blood cavalry all undead monsters?

It's a pity that Johnny Knight is doomed to be unable to get the answer to this question.

After his death, vigorous figures quickly surrounded the blood cavalry camp from all directions.

Unfortunately, what awaited them was not the expected blood cavalry soldiers who had already fallen asleep, but the fully armed and prepared killing machines.

Accompanied by a short and suppressed scream, a fierce fight began under the shroud of night.

The city head of Dongquan Town.

The guard soldiers rarely dozed off.

This is of course not because they suddenly became loyal to their duties, but because the captain of the guard, Knight Victor, came to the city to inspect in person.

In the past, this victorian knight would get drunk every night, and today I don't know what happened...

The soldiers guessed that the Victor Knights probably wanted to show off in front of the nobles of those paths.

But the nobles are resting in the castle, who will know if you are doing your duty outside.

Of course, the Knights of Victory did not know that the soldiers were full of dissatisfaction and slander. He patrolled the city back and forth with torches in hand, paying attention to any disturbances.

In fact, the reason why he is so diligent today is entirely because Master Benson mysteriously told him that something big will happen tonight, and he is required to guard the city gate.

Knight Victor wanted to know what the so-called major event was, but Master Benson refused to say anything.

If it was usual, Knights of Victory would not take Master Benson's words seriously. Even if he came up on duty, he would always be lazy, but today there are so many important guests in the castle.

Knights of Victory didn't want to embarrass the Granto family, and intuitively told him that something big might really happen tonight.

During the patrol, the Victor Knight suddenly heard a commotion in the city.

He looked suspiciously at the southwest corner of the castle, summoned a soldier, and ordered:

"You went there to see what happened?"


As soon as the soldiers left, there was another sound outside the city, like dull footsteps.

Victory Knight was startled, UU reading hurriedly rushed to the city wall, holding a torch and looking down.

In the dark night, nothing could be seen clearly.

But the footsteps became louder and louder, and even the ground began to tremble slightly.


The Victor Knight roared, and the next moment, he saw tall figures rushing under the city wall from the darkness.

With the dim light of the torch, he finally saw the ugly and terrifying faces under the city.

The next second, a sharp roar resounded through the city:

"Beast... Orcs! Orcs! Enemy attack!"

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