The Original Vampire

Chapter 666: fight

Colin stood in front of the window, listening to the sound of fighting in the distance getting closer and clearer, but there was no expression on his face.

His eyes stared straight at the night sky outside the window, but his eyes did not have any focus.

But with the sound of a push on the door, Colin immediately came back to his senses.

"Prince Leahy." Colin turned around and smiled at the person who came, as if he had expected the arrival of the other person.

Prince Leahy was quite surprised by Colin's calmness, and then nodded before saying:

"Count Angeli."

"I don't know what is the matter with His Royal Highness coming to see me so late?" Colin calmly raised his hand to motion for Prince Leahy to take his seat, and poured him a glass of water on purpose.

Prince Leahy didn't sit, just stood at the door with a blank expression and said straight:

"I'm here to kill you!"

Having said this, Prince Leahy paused and carefully observed Colin's reaction.

But to his disappointment, Colin's expression didn't fluctuate, as if he didn't realize that his life had been threatened—and it was a threat from a paladin.

Colin smiled lightly and said:

"His Royal Highness, I want to know, why did you kill me?"

"The death of Emperor Reinhardt, don't tell me that it has nothing to do with you. Besides, in the battle of the Loire Valley, why did the Central Army suffer the most losses?" "You don't have to argue with me, it will only make me look down on you."

Colin spread his hands and said, "So, I can only sit and wait to die?"

Prince Leahy hesitated for a moment, then his tone softened a little:

"For the sake of your outstanding contribution to the empire, I can give you a way out, as long as you can promise me three conditions."

"What conditions?"

"First, divorce the Duke of the North and renounce the title and territory of the North; second, disband the blood cavalry; third, swear allegiance to the royal family. Don't worry, I will guarantee that you can receive the title after you are loyal to the royal family. The Marquis has obtained the equivalent of the title in the Scarlet Flame Territory."

"I refuse." Colin said without hesitation.

Prince Leahy's condition seems to be helping Colin to improve his title, but in fact it is forcing him to make a complete cut from the forces he currently controls and become a vassal of the royal family instead.

Said to be a vassal, but in fact it is a slave.

Without enough strength to support, Ke Lin can only be at the mercy of the royal family.

No matter how stupid he was, he could never agree to such a condition.

"You don't need to think about it again?" Prince Lehi's tone turned cold again.

"No." Colin said firmly.

As soon as the words fell, Prince Lehi's aura suddenly changed.

In the darkness, his eyes lit up with golden light.

Ke Lin didn't even see the trajectory of the opponent's shot, and was shocked to find that a long sword made of holy light had already stabbed in front of him.

Fortunately, he was well prepared, and the paladin blood slave rushed out of the shadows when Prince Lehi locked him.

For a while, the wind was gusting, and the screams were harsh.

Prince Lehi's eyes narrowed and he quickly changed his moves.


With a loud bang, the two sanctuary powerhouses collided head-on in front of Ke Lin.

Circles of invisible ripples bloomed rapidly, and the terrifying aftermath of the battle caused tiny cracks to appear all over Ke Lin's body.

He resisted the shock in his heart and slid back suddenly.

And even more horrified than him, was actually Prince Leahy.

He thought that after the Duke of St. Grian was transferred, he could easily handle Colin, but he never thought that there was a Sanctuary powerhouse beside Colin!

And, he's a paladin!

There is only one paladin in the troll race, and that is Prince Otto.

But wasn't Prince Otto already surrounded by the blood cavalry army in the ice field in the sky?

Doubts flashed in Prince Lehi's heart, but the movements in his hands did not stop at all.

The white-gold holy light on the long sword suddenly rose sharply, spreading wildly from the blade like a living thing, but it was immediately blocked by a purple-black force.

The paladin Blood Slave, holding a long sword, launched a storm-like attack on Prince Lehi with a crazy attitude of advancing but not retreating, attacking but not defending.

Prince Leahy was forced to retreat again and again, tired of parrying.

It's not that Prince Lehi's strength is not good, but that he can see that the paladin in front of him is really trying his best.

He has seen all kinds of opponents, experienced countless life-and-death fights, and encountered many life-and-death fights.

But those are all bluffs that seem to be bluffing, but in fact, as long as a sword is stabbed to the point, they will still return to defense.

However, the paladin in front of him was really fighting for his life. He completely gave up on defense and focused on offense.

Prince Leahy tried several times to regain the offensive and defensive momentum, but all of them were unsuccessful and kept being beaten.

In fact, there is not much difference in the strength of the two, but Prince Lehi was completely suppressed in his aura.

The crazy posture of the paladin made Prince Leich couldn't help but think of Reinhard the Great on the battlefield of the Loire Valley.

At that time, the originally cowardly emperor, uncharacteristically, showed a madness that was not afraid of death.

Could it be that... this paladin, like Emperor Reinhardt, has been controlled by Colin Angele?

Yes, it must be so.

Otherwise, as Colin, the destroyer of the troll empire, how could a paladin die for him!

At this time, Prince Leahy realized that it was impossible for him to kill Colin Angele today. On the contrary, if he was not careful, he might even be killed by this puppet paladin.

Thinking of this, Prince Lehi no longer had the will to fight, turned around and ran away.

However, the next moment, the three armored men rushed in from the door, blocking Prince Lehi's retreat.

"Go away!"

Prince Lehi roared angrily and slashed out with a sword.

The fierce sword light slanted down like moonlight, seemingly beautiful but hidden extreme danger.

However, the three armored men who rushed out had no intention of avoiding them at all.


In front of this sword light, the fine gold armor was like a piece of paper, and it was torn apart in an instant.

The sharp sword light continued to penetrate, and almost cut off the three armored men.

A large amount of blood spurted out like a spring, but they still blocked the door, and even took out their weapons and attacked Prince Leahy.

Prince Lehi hurriedly, but at the same time, the pursuit of the paladins behind him had already killed him.

With the afterimage of the tearing space, the black blade slammed into Prince Lehi's back shoulder.


A large amount of golden blood spilled into the air, and Colin, who was watching, couldn't help licking his lips.

Prince Leahy snorted, and in an instant, the golden light in his eyes flashed, and the dense golden lines quickly covered his face, and a terrifying aura swept out, and suddenly the three armored men who were blocking the door flew out.

With a fiery flame, the golden long sword swept across the sky at a strange speed and stabbed into the chest of the paladin blood slave!

However, the next moment, the paladin Blood Slave did not retreat but advanced, letting the long sword run through his heart, and at the same time using his own long knife to cut Prince Lehi's throat!

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