The Original Vampire

Chapter 669: determination (on)

"Lord Earl... do you want to chase?"

Seeing that the orcs fled the castle in a hurry, a knight in the south couldn't help but ask Colin while heaving a sigh of relief.

Colin glanced at him, then turned to look to the southwest of the castle - there was the blood cavalry camp where the blood cavalry was stationed, and there was a sound of fighting.

"I'll go there and see. As for whether you want to pursue it, listen to the arrangements of the Duke of St. Landers."

After speaking, Colin turned and left.

Only then did the Southern Knights realize that he should obey the command of the Duke of St. Landers, but he also subconsciously asked Colin for his opinion when a new Paladin was present just now.

On the one hand, he knew that he had to rely on the power of the Paladins to defeat these powerful orcs, and on the other hand, it was because of his deep respect and admiration for the Paladins.

For any citizen of the Radiant Empire, the three words Paladin represent absolute power and justice, and they are naturally able to gain almost unconditional following.

The Duke of St. Landers watched Colin's figure disappear into the darkness, but his heart was still pounding.

Of course he knew what was going on in the direction Colin was going.

That was a siege of the blood cavalry being launched by the Royal Guard!

Tonight's plan was a complete failure!

The Duke of St. Landers didn't know why things turned out like this. Prince Leahy, a paladin, tried to assassinate Colin, a sixth-order knight, but it was unsuccessful.

And it actually made Colin promoted to the sanctuary!

This kind of plot, the third-rate dare not write it like this!

But the truth is often more absurd than that.

"Lord Duke, are we going to chase?"

Just when the Duke of St. Landers was flustered and at a loss, his knight opened his mouth and pulled him back to reality.

"Stop chasing." The Duke of St. Landers muttered, "First clean up the battlefield, treat the wounded, and pay attention to the vigilance to prevent the orcs from attacking again."


The knight led the way.

As soon as the Duke of St. Landers turned around, he saw Earl Nicole approaching with flickering eyes, and whispered:

"how so?"

"How do I know!" The Duke of St. Landers roared angrily.

Earl Nicole snorted, but he didn't dare to reply, he could only stand there awkwardly, and after a while he uttered a stupid sentence:

"I'm going to see how Prince Leahy is doing..."

After speaking, he ran away in a hurry, not knowing if he really went to the ruins to find Prince Lehi.

The Duke of St. Landers rolled his eyes speechlessly. At this time, of course he didn't have time to pay attention to the Earl of the East. He walked into the castle with a gloomy face, and asked the attendant beside him:

"Where's the Yaleger?"

Before waiting for the attendant to reply, the Duke of St. Landers saw the Yarug Maester who had just come down the stairs.

He hurriedly strode over and told the Master Yarug what happened just now, and then asked anxiously:

"What should we do now?"

Maester Yaluger resolutely persuaded:

"Lord Duke, the royal family's plan has obviously failed, and Prince Leahy may have encountered an unexpected event... Under such circumstances, Count Angele's personal strength, the forces under his control, or his prestige in the empire have all been lost. Comparable people.

It is the most unwise choice to be his enemy, should make a decisive decision and turn to take refuge! "

The Duke of St. Landers frowned and said:

"But... we are also involved in the royal family's plan this time, won't Colin Angele settle accounts with us?"

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in the eyes of the Master Yaruger, saying:

"It depends on what kind of sincerity you are willing to give."

The Duke of St. Landers understood what Maester Yaluger meant, but seemed to be hesitant.

The Yaruger again advised:

"Lord Duke, the decline of the royal family has become a foregone conclusion. Count Angele could only be the behind-the-scenes controller of the empire at most, but now, after he has become a paladin, he can truly threaten the status of the royal family!

After all, to be a Paladin, Angele must not be his real surname..."

Hearing this, the Duke of St. Landers asked:

"Then do you think he is the leftover descendant of which Paladin family?"

"I can't guess." Maester Yarug shook his head, "but because of this, he can be a descendant of any Paladin family!"

The Duke of St. Landers stopped and seemed to finally understand the height that Colin Angele could reach, and the look in his eyes gradually became firmer.

Upon seeing this, the Yaleger didn't speak anymore.

The two came to the second floor of the castle with their heads down, and they saw Archon Fred striding over.

"Duke St. Landers, what happened just now? Did the orcs retreat?"

"The orcs have retreated." The Duke of St. Landers replied indifferently, looking at Archon Fred with an inexplicable meaning hidden in his eyes.

"That's good." Archon Fred walked to the Duke of St. Landers and asked in a low voice, "Just now... was that the promotion ceremony of a paladin? Who is it..."

"Colin Angell."

"K... Colin Angele?" Archon Fred's eyes widened in disbelief. "How could he be promoted to a Paladin..."


Just as Archon Fred was shocked by the news, a sharp long sword pierced into his lower abdomen like lightning.

The severe pain caused Archon Fred to hold the collar of the Duke of St. Landers tightly, and blood gurgled out of his mouth, accompanied by a vague question:

" actually betrayed...the royal family..."

"I'm just helping the Empire clean up the traitors." Duke St. Landers' eyes were cold. After breaking off Archon Fred's fingers, he took a step back and let Archon Fred slowly fall to the ground.

The Yaleger on the side watched all this silently, and when the Fred consul was silent, he said loudly:

"Consul Fred...killed by orcs!"

At this time, the royal guards were all sent to surround the blood cavalry, so the Duke of St. Landers didn't even bother to clean up the witnesses. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Only Cardinal Mensay came to hear the sound, but after seeing the situation at the scene, he instantly understood the truth of the matter.

Seeing the murderous gaze cast by the Duke of St. Landers, Cardinal Mensay ran without looking back.

The Duke of St. Landers naturally wouldn't let Mensay run away. Since he had already killed Archon Fred, he had made up his mind to follow Colin Angele to the dark.

But before he could catch up a few steps, he stopped.

Because, there was already a figure ahead blocking Cardinal Mensay's way.

"Cardinal Mensay, why are you so flustered?"

"Ann... Count Angele..."

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