The Original Vampire

Chapter 72: Blood

   If someone breaks into Colin's room at this time, he will see a **** scene.

   A man and a woman entangled on the ground, the woman biting her teeth on the man’s neck, sucking greedily.

   And Colin sat beside him with his legs crossed, watching the strange and **** scene with interest.

   At the same time, he also guessed that the accident that happened when he gave birth to Cynthia before should be some kind of inheritance ceremony of the blood race.

   Maybe it should be called "first embrace".

   After being embraced by her for the first time, Cynthia became her own blood.

  As a descent, she can't hurt Colin.

   must also unconditionally obey Colin's orders.

   can't reveal the secrets of the blood family to outsiders.

   These three "iron laws" engraved in Cynthia's mind made Colin completely relieved of her.

   The only thing that disappointed Colin was that after becoming his own blood, Cynthia's blood could no longer help him advance.

  Moreover, it seems that there is a price of downgrading to make blood.

   This makes Colin a little depressed.

   But at the same time, he also understands that this kind of magical skill that can turn an enemy into a loyal servant is not too invincible if there is no necessary price and restriction.

   In that case, Colin would cheat as long as he saw people. It is estimated that the whole world will become a paradise for the blood race in a short time.

   However, what kind of setting is this kind of first embrace, he will continue to experiment.

   Now, what he is testing is whether the blood can reproduce the blood through the first embrace.

   At this time, the first embrace ceremony of Cynthia and Raymond is coming to an end.

   "How many knights are you now?" Seeing Cynthia let go of her blood, Colin asked quickly.

   "The second order."

   This is a step backwards.

   Colin nodded, then looked at Raymond.


   Raymond Knight opened his eyes, and after a brief period of confusion, he immediately woke up.


   Hearing that Raymond called his master, not the Lord Viscount, Colin knew that the first embrace was a success.

   He pointed at Cynthia again, and asked, "Who is she then?"

   "She is also my master."

   Colin frowned and continued to ask: "Then if my order conflicts with hers, who do you listen to?"

   "Listen to you." Raymond said this to Colin.


   "Because you are her master."

   Colin touched his chin, suddenly felt that this blood family inheritance was really interesting.

   Blood descent can even clearly know the context of the inheritance, as if a blood family tree has been printed in their heads, allowing them to distinguish who is the real superior.

   "How many knights are you now?" Colin asked again.

   "The second order."

   This is Raymond’s original position.

   Colin is now basically certain that the blood race that implements the first embrace will pay the price of a step backward in strength, while the strength of the blood race that is first embraced will remain unchanged.

   "Give me your blood." Colin handed over a cup and ordered to Raymond.


   Leimeng cut his arm open with a sword without any hesitation, and the blood poured into the cup.

   "Okay, enough."

   Seeing that the blood was almost overflowing the cup, Raymond showed no sign of stopping, and Colin hurriedly called a stop.

   He didn't want his blood to lose too much blood and belch directly.

   drank Lei Meng's blood, and Colin felt the changes in his body.

   However, the surprise did not happen.

   In addition to replenishing physical strength, the blood of Raymond Knight could not advance Colin.

   Colin completely gave up now.

   It seems that this shortcut is not working.

   After understanding the costs and restrictions of the first embrace, Colin knew that it would be impossible to create blood without restrictions.

   took out the parchment he had treasured, and Colin prepared to record these new discoveries.

   But as soon as he was about to write, Colin realized a problem.

   The two bloods he has developed now are both knights.

  So, can other professions be developed into blood?

   What about non-professionals?

   Thinking of this, Colin immediately asked Raymond to take a trip to the prison in Ice Rock City.

   Soon, Raymond brought back two prisoners.

   One is a first-order warrior, and the other is an ordinary person with no occupation.

   When these two prisoners saw Colin, they thought they were about to be executed, so they immediately begged for mercy.

   Colin felt that they were noisy, and directly caused Cynthia to faint with one sword.

   Then, his eyes hesitated between Cynthia and Raymond, and finally chose Raymond.

   "Raymond, go and bite him." Colin pointed to the first-order warrior.

   Raymond didn't dislike the stench on the guy who had just been fished out of the prison, and he took a bite.

   After a long time, Raymond almost sucked the death row soldier into a corpse, and the anti-suction hadn't come yet.

   Colin touched his chin, feeling that the warrior profession might not be a blood.

   His first embrace of Cynthia, and Cynthia's first embrace of Raymond, both sucked back when he was half of his blood.

   And now this...

   Colin did not stop, wondering if a miracle would happen.

   However, the miracle did not happen.

   The death row soldier was directly sucked alive by Raymond into a corpse.

   First embrace failed.

   Although there is not much hope, but Colin still wants to give it a to let Raymond go to hold the non-professional death row again.

   Warriors are not good, I guess this guy who is not even a warrior can't become a descent.

   It was another burst of madness.

   Poor Raymond suffered from vomiting several times in the middle because of taking too much blood. However, he still failed to hold this non-professional death row.

  Kolin also couldn't find other professionals, such as mages, samurai, rangers, etc., to do this experiment, so he had to give up.

   It seems that only a knight can accept the first embrace and become a descent.

   Colin wrote down this strange setting on the parchment, and he couldn't help but wonder.

   Why do you have to be a knight?

   Moreover, the blood of the high-ranking knight and the holy water of the church can help him advance, which is also very strange.

   Could it be, what is the relationship between the blood in this world and the glorious church?

   Colin shook his head, temporarily setting aside the thought.

   Now he is not qualified to explore the hidden mysteries.

   When his power is so strong that he can drink pure holy water as water, maybe he can test the relationship between the Lord of Glory and the blood race.

   However, the most important thing is to develop your territory and build an army loyal to you!

   Originally, Colin hoped to obtain an absolutely loyal army through the first embrace, but after discovering that the conditions for the first embrace were so harsh, he gave up.

  The blood is destined to be precious and rare.

   Therefore, it must be used in the most appropriate place.

   Thinking of this, Colin immediately ordered Cynthia:

   "Cynthia, you immediately set off to Fallen Eagle City, to be loyal to Earl Uman."


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