All who heard the words of Elder Lu were noticeably stunned.

The idea of the elder joining the Shu family would undeniably be a welcome upgrade. The family could finally have a bonafide merchant to man their small businesses and could probably transform them dramatically should the elder truly join them.

Shu Wei took a glimpse at Qai who was already beaming with a big grin as if attempting to send a message to immediately accept the elder's proposal.

"Ahem..," the elder respectfully said trying to break the sudden silence, "what do you think, Shu Ling?"

What Elder Lu did even more surprised the Shu family as he suddenly turned to the mother of the family as if asking her for some sort of assistance. Shu Ling, on the other hand, did not dawdle around and immediately hinted what was on her mind.

"Hi hi hi," Shu Ling timidly laughed. "I'm pretty sure you'll be able to handle our inn and shops better than I do."

"Indeed.. indeed..," the elder answered with a smile.

Everybody felt that it was already a done deal when Shu Ling made the affirmation even if, in the first place, they were all actually elated to have the merchant join their plateau.

"Well," Shu Wei determinedly said, "I guess we're going to have the third elder in the family sooner than expected."

Those words created cheers among the members of the family as it clearly indicated that the head of the family officially accepted the elders proposal.

But before the Shu family finalized everything, Shu Wei would have to properly inform the Moon Village chief about the matter as it would appear that the Shu family robbed the village of something important.

And so, in order to do such, the Shu family decided to stay in the village for the night and, at the same time, help Elder 'Fatty' Lu to pack his belongings.


Early the next day, Shu Wei, Shu Wu and Qai together with Elder Lu visited the Moon Village chief to formalize Elder Lu's decision to join 'The Hunters' Plateau.'

The village chief, on the other hand, could not do anything about it. Even if he wanted to raise his objections, the way of cultivation world was actually dependent upon oneself. Anyone was free to do whatever he wanted—as long as he had the strength to back it up; and that a the end of the day, one lived and died with the choices he made.

"If only I could make the same choice as you," the village chief jested as he grabbed Elder Lu's shoulders. "I know you will truly bloom under the Shu family's patronage."

Elder Lu simply nodded and picked one of his spatial rings from his fingers which he handed over to the chief. The chief showed a slight confusion at the gesture of the elder.

"This is my parting gift to the village," Elder Lu explained.

"Be sure to visit me and the village every once in a while," the chief stressed as he accepted the ring with a grateful facial expression.

"I will..," the elder replied.

But before the chief could say another word, Elder Lu was quick to make his own light remark.

"And, may be, by the time I come back to see you..," he said exaggeratedly with a big smile, "..this village will already be a city."

In truth, "The Hunters' Plateau' was just half-a-day travel from the Moon Village—so it was not like the elder would not be able to see his village friends for a long time. In fact, he could be regularly seeing a lot of them for business purposes in the near future.

The chief then faced the members of the Shu family and expressed his request.

"Take good care of him," the chief said, " may already be a bit late.. but he's still a gem in the rough."

Shu Wei nodded in approval as he had long known the elder for quite some time.

Indeed, if only Elder Lu had a good environment to support him back in his early days, he could have been considered a genius.

His rare 'Metal' elemental affinity was enough to entice many big families or clans to recruit him into their fold back then—but as everyone knew, he was a travelling merchant who focused more on the business side of the cultivation world and happened to settle in Moon village with his then young nephew.

The Shu family members clearly knew what they were getting and obviously knew that they owed the Moon Village big time as they did not exert any effort for them to obtain a caliber merchant.

"Don't worry, Esteemed Chief..," Qai suddenly interrupted, "it's not like our family has any feud or something with Moon Village."

"Indeed," Shu Wei followed suit. "As a matter of fact, our plateau together with you and Gale village are more like allies in this backwater area of the region.. we have had already a pretty good history of helping each other out."

The Moon Village chief could not agree more. What Shu Wei said was actually true. So he simply smiled and said his thanks.

And so, after few more words of goodbye, Elder Lu finally left the village together with the Shu family as he rode on to the cart pulled by the Battle Ox.

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