The room they entered into was just a small bare space with a waist-high square table at the center.

But what actually jolted Qai's senses upon entry was the thing specifically placed on top of the small square table.

"I actually found three of them," Liu Hei said with a look of deep pleasure in his eyes.

Qai's jaws were literally dropped at the sight of two more of those mysterious eggs auctioned the other night. And he was speechless for some seconds.

"What the host reported at auction was right," the chief librarian broke Qai's unwavering attention, "they are not the eggs of a dragon."

Qai's paused for a moment with a careful gaze at the eggs and tried to think what could they possibly be.

Liu Hei most probably made his own research about the mysterious eggs. And to Qai, his confirmation were very reliable.

"Could they be Vermilion Bird eggs!?"

"You're overthinking things," the chief librarian replied in jest. "I have to tell you that they're not one of the mythical creatures."

Qai looked into the old librarian's eyes as if itching to know the truth.

The mythical creatures were those said to be the ancient guardians of the demonic beast world.

The most common of them, but not limited to, were the Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, White Tiger and Black Tortoise—and those kinds of beasts were believed to have the best chance to evolve from demonic beasts into Divine Beasts.

"They're actually turtle eggs," Liu Hei braggingly revealed.

All this time, Qai was assuming that the mysterious egg was truly a mystical one. But he was not aware as well how a turtle eggs really looked so he felt that it was fair to be deceived and it was his fault for expecting too much.

"Then didn't you just deceive all who attended the auction!?" Qai spoke with a slight palm strike on his face.

Liu Hei almost burst out in laughter.

"Well," the chief librarian chuckled. "These eggs are also special in a way."

Qai's suddenly focused as he was about to learn something new.

"That's because they're eggs from 'Dawn Turtles'," Liu Hei quickly added.

"Dawn Turtles!?"

Ranking the demonic beasts in existence in the cultivation world, the Dawn Turtles were ones that could be said to appear only once in thousands of years and were believed to have descended from one the mythical beasts, the Black Tortoise.

They were mostly gigantic in size when fully grown and had a hard carapace which actually featured a row of small ridges each peaking visibly that made up its high defensive ability. It also boasts of its especially hooked beak and hard jaws which were adept at crushing.

But as far as those eggs were concerned, those eggs do not belong yet to demonic beasts class but were actually part of the wild beasts. Transforming thus into 'Dawn Turtles' demonic beast remained only a potential.

"Watch closely..," the chief librarian said affirmatively. "I brought you here because they were actually about to hatch."


Qai took a step closer and waited patiently.


And after almost an hour, the eggs finally showed signs of something trying to forcefully emerged from within.


One of the two eggs cracked at last splitting the hard shells into two and revealed the wild turtle while Qai and Liu Hei were excitedly watching.

And after few moments, the other egg followed suit.

"I would like you to take care of one of them," the chief librarian suddenly said.


Qai was completely at a loss for words with Liu Hei's remarks.

The chief librarian explained that Qai's 'Chui Shi' coupled with the young cultivator's timely help was what made him decide to give him one of the remaining two turtle eggs.

In truth, Liu Hei was aware that the lightning black tiger was Qai's 'contracted' demonic beast. At the same time, he was neither aware that Qai had the ability to 'domesticate' more demonic beasts—but just the same, he wanted to give Qai one of the turtle hatchlings voluntarily.

Probably, the chief librarian just assumed, even without confirming, that it was still possible to put the turtle hatchling in Qai's 'Chui Shi' even if the black tiger had already occupied it.

Qai remained speechless but his facial expression was hesitant.

It should be remembered that there were actually rooms for Qai to tame more wild beasts and help them transform into demonic beasts—so there was actually no problem accepting the turtle hatchling.

However he was still obviously experiencing a predicament. Prior to his travel, he reserved the last space inside his spatial pendant for a flying beast—but with the unexpected appearance of the wild turtle hatchling, his heart obviously got cut into half.

"If you want to cross the 'West Islands' one day, you might need it," Liu Hei added. "These wild turtles, once it grew larger, could obviously ferry you through the vast seas."


Apparently, the chief librarian had no idea yet of the possibility of 'domesticating' wild beasts but his words sounded like the clincher to help Qai make a decision.

"Well..," Qai said with a smile, "it's not everday that we encounter such extraordinary wild beast.."

Before he continued, Qai moved closer to the table and gestured as if he was about to grab one of the two turtle hatchlings.

"I'll shamelessly accept your offer then," he said with a smile.

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