I remember the other day watching the commotion in front of me.

Until this point, it is within the scope of the assumption.

The rest should be pushed and people should slip into the Bridget Church.

If they have money, they'll be here any minute.

I'm complaining over there because I can't do that.

To bring them in, a penalty would require services such as having a Bridget denomination.

"Ugh. It's gonna be amazing."

Gemmy must have come out for a break.

Jemmy can't use magic, so she's fine because she's only been doing chores.

"Looks like the Angus Church is completely beyond capacity."

Euphiria also comes late.

And I frowned.

"Something wrong?

"There's a lot of it. Even if the Angus Church is confused, it's the people of Briton who are there."

"But when you can push me to that number, this one's tough, too, right?

Tiriza is making her clothes look patchy.

I guess I used my magic to sweat.

"That's why I'm in trouble. I wonder what's wrong."

Iris comes late at the end.

Seems to be the most worn out I've ever seen.

"Become. That is………………."

Iris sees the disturbance over there and stops moving in shock.

"Why is this happening..."

"I have exceeded the processing capacity of the Angus Church. Smash it gently. Too many people."

Iris hears my explanation frowning and tries to turn to the crowd.

"We can't leave it like this"

But I stopped it.

"They come to the Bridget Church if they wait. Or many will come if you go over there and solicit them. The Bridget Church says they can still afford it."

Now the battle is Iris's win. The illness also heals.

It is the perfect solution.


Iris is troubled.

"What do we need to worry about? Isn't it what Iris wants to get more believers?"

"What I want......"

"No, I wonder if it's him in the will of God. Am I right?

Iris thinks of it as my word.

Then, when I nodded, my eyes caught strength.

"Is that so……. You're right."

Iris walks straight in the direction of the Angus Church when he snaps.


We'll follow later.

As we approached the Angus Church, Nicholas, who found us, blushed.

"What are you doing here, huh? I laughed at it. Or did you come here to pull it all out?"

"It won't be if you're thinking about that!

Nicholas wanders to the strong tone of Iris.


"Gather severely ill patients."

"You need high refreshments to cure it."

"I know, I can use it."

Nicholas circles his eyes at Iris' words.

"The advantages of doing that to you………………"

"Come on!

"Yes, no. Fugu, gather it. Fu."

Dozens of seriously ill patients have been placed on stretchers under Nicholas' decree.

"I can't do this number..."

Iris and Tiriser are the only ones who can use High Refresh, and Euphiria can't.

To no avail in this situation, Euphiria bit her lips off of remorse.

"Let's just do what we can."

Tiliza talks about High Refresh and treats her.

But Tiliza, who had already used considerable magic, was out of magic before it reached even 10 people.

Iris is similarly out of magic.

"Jiu, enough fuzzy fuzzy fu"

"Yes, thank you."

People were also impressed by its appearance of indivisible healing even by those who saddled with other denominations.

There was already nothing left to make a fuss about.

"No, not yet. We still have some seriously ill patients."

"You can come back tomorrow, fu."

"It may not last until tomorrow."

"But how..."

Iris concentrates his spirit.

And we're getting closer to the next patient.

"Hey, that is…….."

Euphiria realizes the intention and tries to stop it.

I grabbed that hand.

"Hi Refresh."

When Iris casts his magic, the patient's fever drops and his breathing calms down.

"Uh, how?

Questions arise from the crowd.

The crowd watching Iris is haha amazed.

Iris was bleeding out of his mouth.

"Yes, there are ways to use magic even when it's out of power. If you sacrifice your life force..."

I'm using magic to cut my life.

"Oh, you don't have to be that far!

There are also those who try to stop him, but Iris went on to treat him.

"Healing people is what priests are all about."

"That's how I'm going to give you an image, huh? Am I right?

Nicholas screams unexpectedly.

I was afraid of Iris, who acted completely incomprehensible to me.

"Increasing the number of believers is an important task of the Church. But healing the wounded is a priority over all. God willing."

Nicholas looks at Iris like he's fallen in love.

"You have no choice..."

Tiliza was also prepared to continue her treatment.

Iris collapsed at the same time as he finished treating the last one.

He lost consciousness.

I held her.

"Ha, hurry up and get treatment!

Something unfamiliar with magic screams like that, but I shook my head.

"The part where you cut your life to use magic doesn't magically recover. I just have to leave it to natural healing. It will take a while. Just stop the bleeding."

Iris was bleeding from all over his body.

Euphiria receives Iris and rushes off.

"So, are you okay?

"A good adventurer is different from a normal human being and has a high vitality. There's nothing else in life."

Everyone is relieved by my words.

Tiliza also fumbled to Bridget Church headquarters, supported by Jemmy.

"This is not how it should be. It's not my fault, huh?"

Nicholas ran to the back of the denominational facility in confusion.

"You said Dalip or something. How many more patients can we see here?

"Uh, about a hundred people if it's mild symptoms. There are about 20-30 patients who need refreshments."

Dalip thinks a little and answers.

"Otherwise you should go to the Bridget Church."

"We can't afford to pay extra for treatment outside the faithful."

I hear voices like that.

"I'll do something."

I assure you without hesitation.

"How the hell did you" hear that twinkle, too.

"If you believe me, follow me."

"That's Lord Ashtar, who made a big scene in Jordan the other day. You can't go wrong with what he says."

He heard a burst of yelling from the crowd.

I think it sounds familiar, but let's just say it's okay.

"Well, if that's what one says, why don't you believe me?"

I started traveling with one, one more.

When I arrived at the entrance to Bridget Church headquarters, one person was already waiting for me.

Bridget Order Supreme Priest.

Azraylah, it was that person.

"I'm listening to you. Accept them. Well, we'll figure it out."

The colour of fatigue was also dark on Azrayla's face.

"Are you sure?

Though I thought I would have to put a lot of money on it.

"I can't be sure of anything after tomorrow, though. Iris went all the way there. We have to respond to that, too. My God wants that, too."

When I snorted at it, I turned to the underground temple.

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