The Other Side of the Last Boss

22. Wang Du Qingcheng Battle ①

A few days later in the morning. A severe earthquake runs into the Kingdom of Briton.

The army of the Magic Marshal Fumeles was coming right next to the king's capital, Rhodan.

"Why didn't you notice the approach so far!?

Richard II rages.

"also, my apologies"

King Knights Commander Gordorf apologizes.

The dungeon where Fumeles lurks is southeast of the Wang capital, Rhodan. But the enemy came from the northeast.

They marched all the way across the mountains, detouring and marching.

The distance traveled doubled, but he succeeded in teasing the human eye.

"I'm sorry, but your surveillance was very modest."

What's more, the demon king's class was scouting around, crushing orders.

There's no way we can shake that pursuit off and report it.

For this reason, I did not notice until I came to the position I could see from Wang Du.

"Father, now is not the time."

Euphiria looked pale. I can't sleep at night because of my worries, and my diet doesn't go through my throat.

"Right... I can only go to the castle anymore."

Now that it was not a time of war, the forces in the king's capital had greatly interrupted 10,000.

The Kingdom of Britons can mobilize many times its strength.

But from now on, we can't get together as soon as we can.

It could not be included in the battle power of the castle.

"This king's capital, Rhodan, is surrounded by huge walls. It won't fall so easily here."

Gordorf declares forcefully.

"Oh, my God. I'll take command."


Gordorf lowers his head and leaves the room.

The walls of Rhodan are ten meters high. It is a fortified wall with defensive magic.

It would not have been so easy to break.

But the number of allies is too small.

The enemy is more than a dozen times more.

A further problem is the Demons. Many of them have wings. I have the magic of flying in the sky without it.

If you can fly through the sky, the walls are pointless.

It takes anti-aircraft combat to prevent such opponents.

Archers, the Demon Squad has no choice but to repel troops coming from the sky.

The enemy will of course come after that unit as a priority.

They are inferior to their defensive abilities, so if they are attacked by the Demons, they will be devastated in a short time.

If we allow the demons to break in, things will be serious.

When you get rammed all over the city, your allies no longer float.

The chain of command is also disrupted, making organized combat more and more difficult.

At that stage, the whole city would already be in a state of turmoil.

And if the gates of the town are opened to the enemies who broke inside, that's it.

It was obvious that it would be ravaged without even making it 100,000 enemies.

"If a brave man had such a dark face, he would have lost his morale."

Fiona, a senior of the brave, speaks out to Euphalia.

"Ha, yes. Excuse me."

"You should stop analyzing the war situation. Anyway, it's a good result. Why can't it float?"

Fiona laughs and slaps the Euphorian one.

"Well, it's more than an actual demonic disaster. Not when you're Selina, for example. Due to this shitty war situation, reinforcements don't come anymore. Circumstances say there is no surplus force in mankind. If we lose, mankind perishes. Much better than that, don't you think?

"Right. I need to be able to bounce this much………………"

Euphiria slapped her cheeks pissy in order to regain her temper.

"If we endure today, there will be knights in territories close to the king's capital, and then there will be reinforcements from outside the country. Exactly. If countries are in this situation, I'll give them reinforcements right away. Tomorrow is selfish."

If we'd cooperated from the start, this wouldn't have happened.

After many wars of demon kings, mankind should have come to cooperate......

Euphiria thought so, but broke up with Fiona without putting it to words.

Euphiria left the castle and headed for Vinzent's mansion.

This was the only place Euphoria could think of a reinforcement.

"Oh, Euphoria. Just in time. You coming, too?

Vincent is ready to go somewhere.

"Where are you going?

"It's up to the country. I know the war. You can't have me in such a dangerous place!

Let's get out of here before the battle starts.

"No...... what about reinforcements!?

"I'll be dispatching more than this. But this king's capital will not last. That's why you're coming with me, Euphoria."

"Don't be ridiculous...... I am the princess of this country. And he's a brave man. You can't just abandon the people and run away."

"Is that so… I'll go then."

This is not Vincent's country. So he has no obligation to protect the country.

That Euphiria also understands.

But the school kids I usually follow. People who can use it for the mansion. I know. You mean abandon those people and run away just yourself?

That was a feeling that Euphiria could not understand.

"Wait, we're talking reinforcements."

"I told you earlier. The Third Knights of the Border are already on the move."

Vinzent seems irritated by Euphiria for repeating the same story.

"Then we won't make it. Send an elite unit to warp. Now I want the strength of one man."

"There aren't that many people who can use warp. My father would not allow me to send an elite unit back to a battlefield where I had no prospect of returning."

"Oh no..."

"Bye. I hope to see you again."

When Vinzent was taken by his men and disappeared in warp, Euphiria knelt down disappointed.

Vinzent's words were terribly cold.

If you can't afford it, is this how this man feels?

I hated it more and more.

And myself for trying to rely on a guy like that.

Why did you want to rely on such a guy?

Euphiria embarrassed herself.

But then who do I rely on? Euphoria didn't know.

"This is an unexpected development."

Grandpa Ya talks to me eating udon in the dining room.

Already, the king's capital, Rhodan, is making a fuss like he's got a hive.

We don't have hours before the battle starts.

Everyone was desperate to do what they could.

"So the battle is funny"

"Because the enemy's movements weren't monitored by evil eye (ibil-eye) vision?

Evil Eye "Ibir Eye" vision. Magic that allows you to glance at most places in the world as you please.

"You'd be bored to see it. Besides, it's impossible to monitor every corner of the world."

"So, what do we do?

Jeko, who had refrained by his side, asks.

"We'll fight when the enemy arrives. Who and how to fight it is a situation. The enemy comes inside anyway. So wait at the school in the heart of town."


"Needless to say, don't stand out too much."

I cautioned while pointing to the two of them with chopsticks.

"That's bad behavior, so please stop it"

Grandpa gave me a heads-up.

The people of Wang Du were housed in various facilities that seemed robust.

Needless to say, the Royal Castle is one of them: the Adventurer Guild, the School.

"Master Ashtar."

I was visiting Auletta, the guild of adventurers, just before the war began.

People are ruining it.

"This place is dangerous. We can evacuate them somewhere safe."

A safe place is a dark temple.

"Will you stay? Then I'll stay too."

"I'm not dying here. Not like you."

"I also have an attachment to this town, this guild. You can't let the demons ravage you."

Her will seems stiff, so I stopped talking about it any further.

There are times when people should risk their lives.

It will tarnish that readiness.

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