The Other Side of the Last Boss

6. First day of transfer ②

When seating is finished, the rest will be on a selective basis.

One who trains his body, one who trains in various weapons, one who learns magic.

The range of adventurers is wide.

So there's not much for everyone in the class to do together.

Of course, you may decide what you want to do.

Many places don't take absence, so if you want to skip it, you can skip it.

However, there will be few others trying to skip.

This is a world where demon kings occur on a regular basis.

Failure to work out eventually bounces back on me.

Well, it's because there's a bunch of adventurers out there in the world.

I just transferred today.

I don't know what it is.

Now, when I was wondering what was going on, I heard a voice from before.

"Ashtar, do you have plans after this or something?

It is Euphoria.

"Ah dh is ah dh yuh."

"I'm fine with Euphoria, too. Or in Ufi."

You can hear the mystery language perfectly, Euphoria, that I don't know what you're talking about.

Is this also the power of the brave?

"Nd, matt is mtg nkym miy."

"Shall I show you the dizzying club if you like?

"clv omme gsmdm"

It was a ship to me, so I lowered my head.

"Is this conversation in place…………?

Iris is hanging his neck.

"Sounds like it. I know more or less about that now."

Tiliza says proudly.

You just figured that out in a gesture with your head down.

Euphiria seemed to have some business to attend to, and she broke up with him after promising to rendezvous later.

Then comes a man who was watching from afar.

"Hey, let me face it."

Took me somewhere else with quite a fight.

I don't recognize the man.

A man who looks like he has a bad pattern will show him where he doesn't seem to be popular.

It's called the back of the gym.

I was trying so hard to remember my past life.

Anyway, it was over a thousand years ago.

According to that memory, it's not a busy thing.

Several men were already gathered there.

"It's your first day at school, so you're on too well, aren't you?

One of them says with a glance.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what you're talking about."

I'll be honest. Often, this handful of people (from Ya) do not have a good idea.

"I'm telling you to be the second princess of this country and get too close to the school idol, Master Euphoria!

Men like Yankees dont walls! and slap.

The most magically reinforced walls don't scratch one.

"The other three are so popular that they all have fan clubs. You're not getting familiar!

I was surrounded by them with a wall behind my back.

"I'm telling you, there seems to be a misunderstanding, but I've never spoken to them from me. You just happen to care because your seats are close."

The men are exasperated by the words.

"You think that excuse works, Kola!

"You don't seem to know until it hurts!

It would be a one-touch situation, but there was a voice from afar.

Stop it.

A man brought Zorozoro and his brother-in-law here again.

It is a man of the same class. I have a number of rings on my fingers, as well as a bracelet. There were piercings in his ears as well, and everything was a luxurious gem.

It would all be magic items. It can be seen that he is quite rich.

She is now wearing a uniform designated by the school, but her personal clothes must be quite flashy.

The man speaks in a light tone as he lifts his blonde hair.

"Excuse me. My men are bloody. There's something a little too much to do."

"You're the best."

When I looked at the man, he answered with dignity.

"It's Vincent Everton. Even the countrymen would know about his name."

"I don't."

I answered instantly. Regardless of the big guy who influenced history, there's no way he's just checking out a fucking kid or anything.

"You don't know the Scottyard Kingdom!?

The surroundings are surprising.

"That's exactly what I know"

Neither do I like Dada to observe.

North of this country, one of the three great powers. The largest population in the world, a nation with national power.

Every time, the Demon King occurs around the southern edge of the continent. This means that the country in the northernmost is the safest in the world.

A catastrophe by the Demon King - often with little damage even when a demonic disaster occurs.

As a result, people have gathered and become the most developed nation.

"Master Vinzent is the first prince of that country. Soon you will be able to unify this world. You could be my subordinate, too."


You felt like I was interested, my kids got all fucked up at once.

"You'll be asking those guys, but would you like me to stop giving His Highness Euphoria a bite? Of course, I don't mind if I talk about how wonderful Vincent is. Lady Vinzent and Her Royal Highness Euphilia will soon be engaged. I don't have a problem with rumors like that."

I listened to what he said.

What interests me is that when a guy like this becomes King of the Kingdom of Scottyard, human society is going to be rough.

It is also fun to observe human strife. I've seen the Great River drama every time.

The point is that it can be ugly or worse than a demonic and human feud.

Most of all, it is depressed pottery that is involved as a party.

While I was thinking about it, I stuck my hands in my uniform trousers and stood there at my leisure.

"Hey! Are you listening to me!

My child gets angry at that attitude.

Of course it sounds like it, but it has nothing to do with an evil god who has no lust.

Yes, I'm an evil god.

In my previous life, I would have had to bow my head and beg for forgiveness.

But not now.

When I wondered how to deal with it, I heard footsteps coming from afar.

In my evil ear, it was easy to identify whose footsteps belonged.

From what I've just heard, if she comes, it will be over.

"What are you doing!

When she screamed, she ran towards me.

"This is Lord Euphiria. Still in a good mood today……………………………."

Vincent rushes to fix it.

I couldn't even feel the favor in Euphiria's eyes when she looked at Vinzent.

"You're bullying me for wanting to stop by again."

"It's a misunderstanding. I just talked to him."

Vinzent did not break his graceful attitude even in this condition.

The play is stinging.

"Leaving you surrounded by such an armed group alone, in a story?

The surrounding men carried thoughtful weapons such as swords, swords, and spears.

"We are those who aspire to be adventurers. If it is in the spirit of a constant battlefield..."

Vinzent's servant speaks modestly. He said it was only natural to carry a weapon.

Euphiria doesn't trust words like that at all.

"He needs to talk to me from now on. I'll borrow it."

"Yeah, I don't mind. We'll see you later on this business."

Quickly, the Vincents left early.

When Euphiria saw it, she unnerved and sighed "ugh".

"That was close."

There was nothing dangerous about it, but I thank you.

He came to such an unpopular place that he listened and rushed to me.

"v ar guchi kyu wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Naturally, I haven't been able to tell you, but it must be telling her.

"No, thank you."

Euphiria responded with a smile.

"He and that country are always like that, aren't they? It's a national thing now, because it's grand and allied."

I can't complain about Vinzent walking the school on my face like that.

The Kingdom of Scottyard is also the world's largest economic power. No country can lift its head. No matter what, this school also receives a lot of support.

"By the way, didn't he say something nasty to you?

"g is on g v o n gu sh fu gdnmt jayuku m (translated: well i guess just don't let my fiancée out a bit"

When I answered, her face turned red.

"Huh!? I'm not your fiancée! That's just saying it on your own. I've said no many times."

It wasn't the lights that turned red, it was the anger. It was the magnitude of her voice telling the story.

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