The Other Side of the Last Boss

41. Quito acts as a duel referee.

I tell Shiranui a plan.

She was surprised with her eyes rounded.

"Are you fighting with fists without using weapons or techniques?"

"It's not just about to beat. Only one hand beats, and the other hand grips the cloth. Never evade and beat alternately, and it's better to release the cloth or give up."

"No, I understand the rules you mentioned. If you tell them to fight, I will silently obey. But my uncle-will Habaki obey?"

"I will obey. Whatever your hope is beyond this, nothing will be done and it will end."

"... Is it true that you're going to use Mr. Quito's city as a bargain?"

"No, I can't do that. There is my will, but it's everyone's city. I can't just decide on my own. I can only help with food and supplies. You wouldn't expect that your hopes would go through. It's not bad to drop it. "

"I see. But, after all ..."

I understand what Shiranui wants to say. If you help Habaki's revenge, you end up making many unhappy.

"Of course, no matter what the rule, we will always try to win if we fight. But there are times when it is. Is that all right?"

"It's okay. Even if Shiranui loses, it won't be what Habaki expected."

When I affirm, Shiranui frowns.

"Do you promise to go wrong?"

"I'll keep my promise. But if Habaki can't make it, it makes no sense?"

"What is it ..."

I smiled at Shiranui leaning her head.

It's hard to explain what will happen.

In the first place, the way of fighting that I proposed is transmitted among adventurers.

Adventurers are basically bloody roughmen. A fight is a daily occurrence. Aside from mild arguing and ad-hoc fights, devastating weapons killings have irreparable consequences. That's why the idea was to beat this cloth.

The purpose of this struggle is to beat each other until their spirits are exhausted before using their knives, and to discourage continued barren strife.

In fact, those who held the endurance confrontation, the name of the beating, were no longer in vain, regardless of the outcome.

I don't want anyone to hurt. And they hit each other to the limit with no guard. You will not want to do the same thing again, and your grudge against your opponent will disappear as you struggle to death.

A seemingly barbaric and stupid solution, but it works very well.

Of course, given the connection between Shiranui and Habaki, this would not solve all the grudges of each other. However, if they share the same limits, they will have the desire to step in a bit.

Even if they had not changed their minds, Habaki's revenge would almost certainly be abandoned at the end of the fight.

Yes, definitely.

Shiranui doesn't seem to realize why, but what about Habaki? Even if you notice it, you have to take Habaki's position, but ...

"Take my plan here for now."

In my words, Shiranui nodded while showing annoying behavior.


"I and Shiranui are fighting each other? Are you joking?"

Habakaki was clearly offended at my suggestion. But I do not withdraw and continue the negotiations.

"Don't be silly. If you beat Shiranui by those rules, I promise to help you fight. I can't lend the city, but I'll provide food and supplies. A good compromise, right? "

"... I can't deny it."

"Instead, if you lose, have Shiranui return the throne of the Kai family to Siranui. Forget revenge and promise to live in peace."

"Huh, peacefully?"

Habaki laughs with his nose.

"You, do you think I will obey such ridiculous conditions?"

"Do you have to obey stupid conditions, or are you going to be a bone in this exotic land, whilst keeping its fine revenge?"

"... It's a painful point, but that's exactly where you have no choice."

"Can I accept that it is affirmative?"

When I asked him quietly, Habaki nodded, albeit with a disapproval.

"Good, I'll follow Quito."

"Thank you, Mr. Habaki. And there is another condition."

"What? What's still there?"

"It's not difficult, just-"

I speak the last condition. As the word implies, it's a simple condition.

However, this condition prevents Habaki's revenge.

The duel between Shiranui and Habaki will take place in the middle of the village.

Well, it was me who put that condition.

All members of the Kai family, from soldiers to non-combatants, men and women of all ages, surround us, and watch over the victory with a solid saliva.

We already know what the fight is and the right to win.

A battle that determines the fate of the clan. Every gaze that is pointed is serious. No one is annoying, but the excitement and enthusiasm are suffocating.

"Are you both ready?"

I am the referee.

Shiranui and Habaki grip the cloth with their left hands and nodded with an expression of struggle.

Habaki hits first as a result of the coin toss.

The advantage of physique lies in Habaki. The weight of the fist will cause serious damage to Shiranui. But the advantage of youth lies in Siranui. Although physique is inferior, Shiranui will have better stamina and robustness.

When you stand between them in this way, you don't know who will win. In other words, you have to do it later.

"Let's get started!"

At the same time as my declaration, Habaki's forearm punched through Shiranui's face.

Gosh! The unpleasant sound that the bone and the meat hit. Shiranui blows nosebleed and turns back.

But he never fell. The cloth has not been released. Taking advantage of the body's momentum, Shiranui's sharp punch cuts into Habaki's dovetail.


A voice of agony that leaks briefly. The impact when hit is greater on the face, but the actual damage is much higher on the internal organs.

Habaki turns his face pale blue and floats sweat. The huge body is about to strike his knees, but stays shortly before. Using the knee spring, I knocked the upper into Shiranui's chin.

"Gha !?"

An intense blow where the neck is flipped. Shiranui, whose brain was shaken, staggered, but quickly stepped on the ground. Perhaps you hit the damage shortly before you hit him.

Still, the damage received is severe. It takes more than 10 seconds to make a rough breath on your shoulder. Shiranui finally returns to power and shakes Tekken on Habaki's face.

It was now Habaki's nosebleed. However, Habaki can endure it. And immediately fight back.

Shiranui also endured, hitting his fist without a break.

It looks like they are in extreme excitement with each other. The pain sensation diminishes, and the speed at which the fist moves back and forth increases.

"Ooooooo !!" "Ooooooo!"

Fresh blood splashing, fresh sound of bone hitting meat. Despite the terrible beatings, the people around you cheer for their brave appearance, which never goes back one step.

I think they have never had such a fight. For those who have learned correct and sophisticated combat skills from an early age, such a savage battle is a good thing.

Even if Shiranui and Habaki are beating each other, it must be an unknown experience. Evidence suggests that the speed of the fist's movements is increasing, but rather than trying to damage the opponent clearly, it has become a nasty fight that hits and hits back.

The spectacle itself was flashy, but the damage it accumulated must have been greater in the beginning.

Still, they are fighting desperately and the gallery is getting hotter.

Since ancient times, the struggle between two men for pride has heated the heart of the viewer. Even in wicked battles, the primitive instinct that sleeps deep inside cannot be suppressed.

By the way, the fight between the two was like a show.

But I know it's only now.

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