The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 18 - 18: The Children Strike Back

"Scavian Art: Shadow Step!" Layla says, as her speed immediately increases.

"Jack let's go!" I command, as we both nod at each other.

We both bullet towards Layla and start swinging our weapons at her aggressively. She attacks back at us easily putting an end to our pressure. Layla kicks Jack back and almost hits me in the face before I duck in time!

"You two are swinging like two drunks at a tavern! Focus your attacks and make them more precise!" Layla says as she starts swinging at us at blinding speeds.

"Jack be careful she's like a speed demon!" I say, as barely manage to dodge her attacks.

"Girls we could use some help here!" Jack says, as he tries to attack Layla.

"We're a little too preoccupied here!" Mari yells, as I look back and notice that Kira is attacking them.

"Damnit! They saw right through our strategy! Don't worry about us, just stay focused on Layla!" Sachi says as she's shooting a countless amount of arrows at Kira.

"Sachi watch out! Mardian Art: Neko Summon!" Mari yells as she summons a large tiger-like creature.

"Ah, seems Master Celine has taught you a couple of things!" Kira says, as she smirks.

"You told us to stay proactive, right?" Mari says as the tiger-like creature pounces on Kira.

The creature opens its jaws and tries to chew at Kira. Kira blocks it with her dagger and kicks it off of her!

"Not bad, you're finally learning to fight back, but you'll have to do better than that! Scavian Art: Shadow Slash!" Kira says as she launches a curved dark blast from her dagger.

The attack hits the summon and instantly makes it disappear!

"Crap! That easy?" Mari says, her voice full of frustration.

"Keep fighting Mari, don't get discouraged! Windian Art: Homing Arrows!" Sachi says as she shoots green magic arrows from her bow.

"Gotcha! Mardian Art: Three Clone Attack!" Mari says, as three clones of Mari appear and start swinging their staffs at Kira.

"That's right girls! Don't let up on me!" Kira says as it seems she's enjoying this too much.

"Better pay attention Crow! She's moving even faster now!" Jack says as Layla starts attacking us like a speeding bullet.

"I'll try to keep us with her, just try to catch her off guard! Scavian Art: Avian Boost!" I say as I can instantly feel myself move faster.

"Catch me if you can Crow!" Layla says, her voice full of playfulness.

Layla and I enter an all-out blade struggle as we both move across the field at blinding speeds. Layla keeps the pressure on me while I narrowly dodge her attacks. Finally, I catch one of her attacks as I block her with my dagger and bear hug her.

"Adora!" I yell, as Jack descends from 10 feet in the air.

"Bracadier Art: Lumberjack Smash!" Jack says as he's about to hit the ground.

"Too slow! Scavian Art: Dark Transportation!" Layla says as she disappears from my arms.

"Uh oh!" I say as Jack's attack is about to hit me.

"Crow watch out!" Jack says, as his attack hits me directly in the stomach.

"Ugh… Watch where you're going you idiot!" I yell angrily on the ground.

"What? You're the idiot that let her get away! How about being quicker on your feet?" Jack snaps back.

"HAHA! You two are so dumb, if you'd stop the bickering you might have been able to stop me!" Layla says as she seems quite amused by our dispute.

"Shut it! I'll show you not to mess with me!" Jack says as he runs at Layla like a raging bull.

"Jack wait! She's trying to bait you!" I say.

"I got this Crow! Just give me back up! Bracadier Art: Iron Fists!" Jack says as both of his arms turn into iron.

"The same spell from your sparring battle!" Layla says, as she bullets towards Jack confidently.

"Take this!" Jack says, as he throws his sword away and throws a flurry of punches at Layla.

"Scavian Art: Dark Blast Punch!" Layla says, as she punches Jack in the face.

"URGH! Get over here!" Jack yells angrily.

"Jack you have to calm down!" I say, as I jump in front of him and try to attack Layla.

"Just trust me, I got this!" Jack says as he pushes me out of the way.

"How idiotic! Scavian Art: Dark Blade Push!" Layla says as she pushes Jack and I back at least 20 feet.

"Jack, what the hell are you doing? We aren't going to be able to beat her if you keep letting your emotions get the best of you!" I say as we both start breathing hard.

"I'm the stronger one, just hang back a little and let me take care of her!" Jack says as he stands back up.

"Jack, you have to learn to trust me! It's not going to be too long before all of us are doing jobs together, we need good chemistry if we want to make a living here! This is why you lost the other day, you don't think things through!" I say bluntly, as Jack grows quiet.

"Sorry to interrupt your little quarrel, but you're still in the middle of a battle!" Layla says as she starts attacking me again.

"What nothing to say now, Jack?" I ask as Layla swipes a piece of hair of with her dagger.

"Ugh, I was quiet because I realized you're right! I'll follow your lead, but you better follow through Crow!" Jack says as he lunges towards Layla.

"Alright then!" I say as both of us put pressure on Layla.

"Crap, you're actually making me sweat now!" Layla says, as she's dodging and ducking our attacks.

I swing at Layla four times, each swing getting closer and closer to hitting her. Jack comes from behind and tries to punch her five times as one of the punches almost lands in her stomach.

"Tch, Scavian Art: Dark Trans–" Layla says.

"On no you don't! Bracadier Art: Lumberjack Kick!" Jack says as he kicks her across the field.

"My turn now! Scavian Art: Avian Attack!" I say as I lunge towards her as my Taqa covers my body.

I hit Layla with my attack and throw her towards Jack!

"No!" Layla yells.

"Adora!" I yell as Jack nods his head.

"Bracadier Art: Iron Fist!" Jack says as he punches Layla into the ground.

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about bro!" I say, as we both fist bump.

"Wow, so that's what good teamwork looks like!" Jack says.

"Hate to ruin your little bromance! But we could use some help here!" Mari says as it's obvious she's really tired.

"Ah, the boys managed to stop Layla! Not bad, but I'd prepare yourselves! I'm putting you all to work today!" Kira says, as her Taqa emanates from her body and causes a bunch of wind to whip through the purple field.

"She's about to get serious guys! It's transformation time! Windian Art: FPS Mode!" Sachi says, as her Taqa starts emanating from her eyes.

"Gotcha! Mardian Art: Artist Mode!" Mari says, as her Taqa grows larger around her body.

"Getting serious eh? Bracadier Art: Lumberjack Mode!" Jack says, as his muscles grow larger.

"Time to strike back! Scavian Art: Flight of The Crow!" I say, as two black wings grow on my back and my Taqa unleashes.

"Did you really think I was done? Scavian Art: Spin Blade Mode!" Layla says, as she somehow is back up and her Taqa becomes jet black.

"Scavian Art: Umbra Mode!" Kira says as she has a psychotic grin on her face.

"Don't back down, give your attacks everything you have!" Jack commands.

"Got it!" We all say in unison as we run towards Kira and Layla.

Mari and I both start attacking Kira, as she dodges all of our attacks with ease. I fly above Kira and start attacking her from above.

"Scavian Art: Dark Triad Blades!" I say as I shoot dark triangle-shaped magic attacks.

"Gotta be faster than that Crow!" Kira says as the attacks cause the purple grass to burn on fire.

"Adora!" I yell as Mari approaches from behind her.

"Mardian Art: Radiant Blast!" Mari says, as she shoots a huge blue magic beam at Kira.

"Woah!" Kira says, as she barely dodges in time.

"No way, even that couldn't hit her from point-blank?" Mari says as she starts breathing even harder than before.

"Sachi just keep shooting I'll keep her busy!" Jack says as he throws a bunch of punches and kicks at Layla.

"Everyone watch out! Windian Art: Million Arrow Attack!" Sachi says as she shoots an endless amount of arrows at Layla and Kira.

"Layla now!" Kira commands.

"Scavian Art: Dark Absolute Shield!" Layla yells as a dark circular shield covers Kira and Layla from Sachi's attack.

"Unbelieveable, they were able to stop that many arrows!" Sachi says as she falls to the ground of exhaustion.

"Ugh, that took everything out of me… The rest is up to you Kira." Layla says, as she knocks out and falls onto the ground.

"Good work, Layla! Now, time to put an end to this!" Kira says as she walks slowly towards us.

"We have no choice guys! Everyone uses their best attack, right now!" Sachi commands, as we all nod at each other.

"Mardian Art: Sphere of Art!" Mari says as she shoots off a giant blue sphere.

"Bracadier Art: Avalanche Smash!" Jack says, as smashes both of his fists on the ground all around us fracturing it with ease.

"Scavian Art: Winged Attack!" I yell as I fly towards Kira with all of my Taqa surrounding my body.

"Windian Art: Specialist Arrow!" Sachi says as she shoots off an enormous green arrow the size of a truck.

"Oh my! Quite the situation I'm in! Sorry kiddos, but I have to use this transformation on you! Scavian Art: Zero Point Mode." Kira says, as her eyes change from red to white.

Kira destroys Mari's attack with a dark beam. She avoids Sachi's arrow with ease as it explodes behind her. She reconstructs the ground below us putting an end to Jack's attack. Lastly, she grabs one of my wings and punches me dead in my gut.

"Oww… That really hurt." I say, as I lay on the ground in pain.

"No, we've all ran out of Taqa." Mari says, as her Taqa disappears.

"She got us good, gotta give it up to her." Jack says, as he falls onto the ground.

"Nothing hit her, not a single attack. She really is amazing." Sachi says, as she kneels on the ground to catch her breath.

"Now, now. Don't get a long face, it's not that you guys didn't fight hard, you just need more time and experience." Kira says as she helps me up.

"That transformation was ridiculous, where did you even learn that?" Sachi asks.

"I've been fighting for centuries kiddo, I couldn't explain that transformation without telling you my whole story. Maybe I'll tell you about it when all of are ready?" Kira says, as she puts Layla on her back.

"Sure." Sachi replies.

"Come on, let's head home and have supper. I know all of you are tired." Kira commands.

Another day of getting our butts kicked, but at the very least we were able to fight them pretty well.. We have a long way before we can really survive in Goliath.

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