The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 24 - 24: Responsibility

It's a brand new day and all of us finally got some decent sleep. The trip getting here was really tough for all of us. We checked on Tano and Lena and she's looking in pretty good shape again. One thing I've learned from living here in Goliath is that the Frodians aren't that different from humans. They have a lot of the same issues as us. War, trafficking, death, corruption, crime, I could go on forever.

Saving this land won't be easy. Even if we manage to take down the Colossi, will that really solve anything? In my opinion, probably not. Peace just never seems to be an option no matter what world I'm in, the pressure of being a Chosen Child is really starting to get to me.

"Crow?" Sachi says as she approaches me in the backyard.

"Sorry for disappearing like that after breakfast! I just had to clear my mind for a bit before we start the job for real." I say.

"No need to apologize, I get it. I think we can all admit having Kira around has given us a sense of security, but this is the first time where we have to fend for ourselves. Getting to the source of the goblins means they're going to fight like hell." Sachi says as she sits next to me on a bench in the backyard.

"Have you been doing okay? You've been really quiet lately, maybe a little more than usual." I ask.

"I'm okay, I tend to get like this when I'm trying to accomplish something. Are you good though? I know you try your best to hide your pain but I can tell you've been really stressed out Crow." Sachi says.

"You and Mari can see right through me. I guess I've just been taking all of this new world in. Both the good and the bad. I'm thankful for this second chance at life but all of it is… " I say.

"It's a lot. It's hard to come to terms that as far as we're concerned we're dead in our original world. We've all had to start over basically with the weight of this new world on our shoulders." Sachi says.

"Adora sure is a demanding mother!" I say as both of us laugh.

Out of nowhere, Malnio approaches us.

"Master Crow! Miss Sachi! Miss Kira is requesting all of you to meet in front of the Mansion!" Malnio says, his voice full of respect.

"Hey, no need to be so formal kid. Just call me Crow!" I say.

"And just call me Sachi. We may be older than you, but not that old." Sachi says as she cracks a small smile.

"Right!" Malnio says as we walk back to the mansion.

We're all in the front as we prepare to depart.

"It's a shame I won't get to see the Chosen Children in action today, but something tells me I'll get a chance before you solve this issue!" Master Almar says confidently.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jack asks, his voice full of skepticism.

"Well, anyways do be careful out there! The goblins have been getting quite stronger lately to the point that some of them might even give your master some trouble!" Master Almar says as he smiles at Kira.

"Tch, whatever. Like I even care!" Kira says as she tries to ignore him.

"Malnio, be sure to buy extra meat, I want stew tonight!" Master Almar commands.

"Yes sir! I'll be sure to write that down!" Malnio says.

"Great! Kira, if you want to join me for drinks and maybe something more. I'll be in my study!" Master Almar says with a cocky grin on his face as he walks back into the mansion.

"Not in a million years you snake!" Kira says angrily.

There's clearly a bigger history between those two, but I'd rather not pry into Kira's privacy like that.

"Okay kiddos, you know the drill right? What are the four most important rules in the field? Mari, you go first!" Kira asks.

"Rule number one, always pay attention to your surroundings." Mari says.

"That's right, you never know when an enemy might attack! What's rule number two?" Kira asks.

"Fight smarter not harder." Sachi says.

"Battles aren't about being flashy, they're about surviving. If you see an opportunity to win without expending too much of your Taqa, you take it! What's rule number three?" Kira asks.

"Think quickly on the field, allow your mind to be as adaptable as possible." I say as Kira shakes her head.

"Right! Always be prepared for the situation to change, just because you have a plan doesn't mean it won't fall apart. Last rule, bring it home Jack!" Kira says.

"Don't put your personal feelings above the job or the party." Jack says, begrudgingly.

"That's right, part of being a competent person in Goliath is getting the job done. There will be times where all of you will have to make difficult decisions. When that time comes you're going to have to learn to live with those choices." Kira says.

"Are you done lecturing us now? We have a job to do." Jack says.

"Ah, you're very snarky today. Nothing else from me for now. Good luck and you all better come back to me alive! Layla would chew my head off if you didn't!" Kira says as she smiles.

"Understood!" We all say in unison.

Kira walks back into the mansion.

"Lead the way little man!" Jack says.

"Follow me!" Malnio says as we walk out of the mansion gates.

We walk out of Tario and enter a meadow full of beautiful blue flowers. The wind is blowing very gently and the petals of the flowers start flying around us.

"This place is incredible! I wish I could stop here and paint it!" Mari says as she admires it.

"This place is pretty famous because a lot of couples propose here. It's so beautiful here, I just wish my memories of this place weren't so tainted." Malnio says as we continue to walk through the meadows.

"Don't worry for too much longer little man! We'll be leaving out of here with your sister before you know it!" Jack says as he pats Malnio's head.

"Really?" Malnio asks, his voice full of excitement.

"That's right, the Chosen Children will take care of it!" Jack says confidently.

Jack should be careful, it's been four months. Even if Malnio's sister is alive, how did she survive?

"Here's where it was! Right here!" Jack says as we approach a huge forest of trees.

"I see… The meadows end right here and lead to a large forest. A perfect place to set up a hideout or something." Jack says.

"Hey guys, who do you think left these?" Mari says, as she points towards some tracks in the dirt that lead to the forest.

"Hmm, those are pretty small footprints. It may be a child's but it could also be a goblin's." Sachi says as she studies the steps intensely.

"Should we keep heading in?" Mari asks.

"That would probably be best, it doesn't seem like they'll be popping out around the meadows. The areas too open and don't they prefer darker spaces?" I ask.

"Alright little man, head back to the village! Go get those groceries! We'll be back before it gets too late!" Jack says, as it's clear he's trying to protect him.

"But what if my sister is here? I need to be here when you guys find her!" Malnio says.

"We don't want you to get hurt! If Kira was here we'd probably be fine, but we just can't risk it." Sachi says.

"But, I can feel it! She's waiting for me! She probably wouldn't go with you guys anyway, she's not a very trusting person!" Malnio says the rest of us start looking at each other.

"What should we do?" Sachi asks.

"We should probably send him back, we don't know how bad it is in the forest. I don't want that weighing on my conscious." Mari says.

"I agree, our skills might not be enough to keep him truly out of harm's way." I say.

"Oh, I see… I'll head back home then. If you find her, please keep her safe!" Malnio says as he walks away.

"Hold up a sec little man! Don't leave yet!" Jack commands.

"Huh? What are you doing man?" I ask.

"Maybe we should let him go with us? We got this guys! We've put in enough training to protect a little kid, what kind of protectors of the land would we be if we couldn't?" Jack asks.

"You idiot, we barely managed to get out okay with Kira! What makes you think we can do this now!" Mari says angrily.

"Jack I like to play devil's advocate with most of your decisions but this is different! People are counting on us to get rid of these things, did you already forget about rule number 4?" Sachi says.

"Kira said she wanted us to spread our wings, well this is our chance to start leaving the nest! Just trust me on this guys, if anything goes wrong I'll handle it! I promise!" Jack says passionately.

"Crow? What do you think?" Sachi asks.

"If your serious about this Jack then I'm on board, but you better keep your word! All of us are putting our lives on the line here! We haven't been trained to protect, we've been trained to be fighters first. You better come through for us!" I say, my voice full of seriousness.

"I understand, you have my word!" Jack says, as punches his chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to speak for you guys. Are you okay with this?" I ask as I look at Sachi and Mari.

"I'll go along with it this time, stay focused Jack." Mari says, her voice full of skepticism.

"I need to keep my eyes on any traps or ambushes. He's your responsibility Jack." Sachi says as she walks into the forest.

"I got you! I won't let you down! Come on Malnio, let's find your sister!" Jack says, as grabs Malnio's hand.

"Wait, really?" Malnio asks.

"Stay behind me, it's going to be dangerous in here!" Jack says as he pulls out his axe.

For the next twenty minutes, we all walk through the very dense forest and light seems to be very scarce here.

"This feels like something straight out of an old slasher film. It's way too dark in here! Mardian Art: Light of Adora!" Mari says as she shines a light with her staff.

"Try to dim it down a bit. We don't want them to know that we are here." Sachi says.

"Good point." Mari says as she dims the light down.

"I'm used to dark places like this, guess it would make sense that all of you are nervous about it." I say, as I keep my dagger ready and look around me.

"You're nervous too! Stop acting like you're so cool!" Jack says.

"Shh! Keep it down." Mari says as Jack covers his mouth.

"Hey, Jack?" Malnio says as he taps his shoulders.

"What's up little man?" Jack says as he smiles at him.

"Who are all of those people above us? They've been watching us since we've been here?" Malnio asks.

"Huh? Above us?" Jack says, as all of us look above at the enormous trees and see hundreds of goblins looking down at us.

"Damnit! Watch out! GOBLINS!" I say as all of them shoot hundreds of flaming arrows at us.

"Unbelievable, they were above us this whole time! How didn't I catch that!" Sachi says as all of us enter an all-out sprint through the forest.

"Hang up on buddy! I got you!" Jack says as he puts Malnio over his shoulders.

We keep sprinting through the forest as more and flaming arrows are being shot at us.

"We can't keep this up for too much longer! At this rate we're going to run into–" Mari yells.

"Traps! Everyone dodge!" Sachi yells as a giant log flings towards us on a rope.

We all barely jump out of the way in time.

"Whew, is everyone okay?" Jack asks.

"Jack!" Malnio says, as he pushes Jack out of the way and is captured by a goblin swinging on a rope.

"Malnio! NO!" Jack says, his voice full of desperation.

We can't catch a break…

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