The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 41 - 41: The Strength Of Many

"Rena you're kidding, right? Please tell me you're joking?" I ask as I lightly grab her shoulders.

"No… I'm not. A lot of the people here are a part of Silver Fang. Our veteran members have a base elsewhere but all of our new recruits are here." Rena replies as it feels like everything around me has slowed down.

"You mean to tell me that you're okay with murdering innocent people? Rena this isn't funny! A boy lost his mother today because of your group!" I shout as her entire mood changes.

"That Mardian woman may have been a mother but she certainly wasn't a good person! None of these nobles are! They do as they please and rule our land with an iron fist while the rest of us have to eat off of their table scraps! Wouldn't you say that's unfair Crow? I thought you understood where we were coming from?" Rena argues as she spreads her arms wide.

"You didn't let me finish my answer earlier. I was going to tell you that while I think that the power imbalance is wrong, I also can't agree with murder just to get your point across! Have you ever thought about the fact that the commoner's numbers far outweigh the nobles? The people will always get the last word but we just have to fight for it first!" I reason as Rena shakes her head.

"You're still blind to the truth of it all Crow and it really breaks my heart. I was hoping that tonight you'd become one of us and learn the ways of the Silver Fang! Our people would listen to you since you're a chosen child but apparently, your convictions aren't strong enough to be one of us! I'm sorry Crow but you know too much! I have to take you and your friends out." Rena declares as out of nowhere her body starts transforming into a demiwolf.

"Damnit! Don't do this Rena! I don't want to hurt you!" I reason as I ready my dagger and unleash my Taqa.

"We have to make the nobles bend the knee! That's the only way that true equality will come! You're in my way Chosen Child! You're way too strong to be kept alive!" Rena shouts as she lunges at me like a wild beast.

"ADORA!" I yell as all of my party stands next to me with their weapons prepared.

"Well, well. It seems we've found Silver Fang!" Jack jokes as he unleashes his Taqa.

"Rena? Is that really you?" Layla asks her voice full of disappointment.

"It is… The offer is still on the table for all of you to join us! This doesn't have to end in violence! We know all of you are formidable warriors, we could definitely use your help in sticking it to the nobles!" Rena offers as her ears flop down.

"Hahahaha!" Mari laughs hysterically.

"Um did you have a stroke, Mari?" Jack asks as he looks creeped out.

"No, that's not it… I just find it funny how my hunch was right! I knew from the second I saw this girl that shouldn't be trusted yet Crow got enamored in her spell! Now here we are, our mystery has already been solved in less than a day! Listen up Rena, we're going to expose all of you for what you really are, you murdered those people in cold blood and I'll never forgive you for that! Now enough talk! Mardian Art: Picasso Mode!" Mari shouts confidently as a huge amount of Taqa unleashes from her body.

"That's a shame! It really is a tragedy that we must take out such powerful warriors but you leave us no choice! All of my family of the Silver Fang! Shed your fur and let them all hear us howl!" Rena commands as all of the young Frodians in the room transform into the demiwolves.

"Wow, even you Feno?" Layla asks as she stares at Feno intensely.

"I'm sorry but I'm tired of the nobles stepping over all of us! We can't sit idly by while they continue their corruption!" Feno replies in his demiwolf form.

"I see… Well, it's no point in crying about it now. If you truly believe in what your doing then so do I! Scavian Art: 1 Point Mode!" Layla shouts as a large amount of Taqa emanates from her body.

"It's been a month since I've really let loose! Bracadier Art: Lumberjack Mode!" Jack commands as his muscles grow larger.

"Windian Art: FPS Mode!" Sachi yells as she cocks back her bow with explosive arrows.

"Sorry Rena… Scavian Art: Flight of the Crow!" I yell as my wings spread out of my back.

"This isn't mindless goblins anymore! They all have experience in combat! Don't you dare hold back against them our they'll rip you to shreds!" Layla commands as we all nod at each other.

"Understood!" We all say in unison as we all run towards the pack of 15 demiwolves.

All five of us take 3 each to even out the battle. Rena and two of her companions swipe at me furiously with their long Claws and I use my aerial advantage to narrowly dodge their attacks. Feno and two of his companions start trying to bite Layla but to no avail as Layla kicks and punches all of them away from her.

"Don't lose heart! Our numbers outweigh theirs just keep attacking they'll get tired eventually!" Rena commands as three wolves try to attack Jack.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that! Bracadier Art: Earthquake Smash!" Jack yells furiously as he slams the group with his two axes and causes fissures to form.

All three of the wolves dodge his attack as they put a lot of pressure on Jack clawing and biting towards him.

"Try to get close if you dare! I'll roast you alive! Windian Art: Dynamite Arrows!" Sachi shouts as she shoots red magic arrows towards the three wolves that are attacking her.

The arrows strike the ground exploding as all of the wolves are instantly knocked out.

"Bullseye! Good shot Sachi! I gotta keep up, Mardian Art: 9th Wave!" Mari command as she shoots a giant wave of water from her staff that causes the room to start flooding a bit.

The giant wave washes away all of the wolves that were about to attack her as the water starts to disappear reaching leveling towards our ankles.

"Good! They're all vulnerable! Bracadier Art: Iron Fists!" Jack yells as his fists become covered in iron.

Jack throws a flurry of punches at the wolves as each of them starts yelping in pain. He knocks all of them out as he starts breathing really hard.

"Damn! They're even stronger than I thought!" Rena barks her voice full of frustration.

"You're going down! Scavian Art: Dark Wing Attack!" I shout as I shoot dark magic feathers from my wings that are almost like bullets.

I knock out the two other wolves while Rena seems to be the only one who can withstand my attack.

"Don't give up! She's fast but not invincible!" Feno growls as he continues to try to swipe at Layla.

"Sorry Feno but even in this form, you can't beat me! Scavian Art: Rotation Sphere!" Layla replies confidently as her whole body starts spinning like a wheel and she unleashes a dark shield that hits all of the wolves attacking her.

"AGH!" Feno yells as he falls to the ground in pain.

"Whew, are there any left? I can tell my Taqa is already falling because I drank… " Jack asks as he's trying to catch her breath.

"She's the only one left!" Mari points out as Rena stares at all of his with an exhausted look on her face.

"Come on Rena, just give it up! I'm sure if I ask Kira none of you will serve life in prison but you have to face justice! What you're doing is putting the capital in danger!" Layla reasons as she tries to walk over to Rena.

"So that's it? Commoners just have to stand by and submit to the Nobles? Forget that, we aren't going down without a fight! Demiwolf Art: Howl of the Fang! AWOOOOOO!" Rena howls loudly as all of us cover our ears.

"Ugh, what is this?" I yell as I notice that all of the wolves we just defeated are starting to get back up.

"No way, that ability is bringing their strength back!" Sachi adds as bright Silver Taqa starts emanating from all of the wolves and their eyes start rolling up.

"That's it, my family! Now shred them! Don't let a single one of them escape!" Rena orders as all of the wolves are definitely stronger than before.

"Watch out! They're–" I warn as I look right in front of me and Rena is already attacking me.

"They're too fast! Maridian Art: Blade of! Ouch! I can't even cast a spell!" Mari yells as the wolves shred her clothes causing her to get injuries all over her arms.

"Crap! This really isn't good! Try to hold the line, everyone! I need to think of a way for us to get out of here!" Layla tells us as she's barely blocking Feno's attacks now.

"I'm almost out of explosive arrows!" Sachi informs us as she's shooting her arrows like her life depends on it.

"I'm low on Taqa! I can't fight them off for too much longer!" Jack proclaims his voice full of panic.

"AGH! Someone… Help me… " Mari squeaks as one of the wolves picks her up with its wide jaw clenched on her stomach.

"Mari are you okay?" Sachi asks as she stops shooting.

"Mari?" Jack asks his voice full of worry.

"Mari!" Layla shouts her voice full of pain.

"No… NO! MARI!" I yell as my body instantly transforms as it did during Almar's fight.

"Huh? What the hell!" Rena screams her voice full of fear.

"Let her go!" I yell as I fly towards the wolf and punch it with all of my might.

The wolf immediately lets go of Mari as I grab her and fly her away to safety. I look down at Mari's stomach and notice a huge bite wound that's spilling out blood.

"Is she still alive?" Jack asks as he runs over to me.

I check her heartbeat and it's still going.

"She is! Layla, I don't know what you were planning but we need to get out of here!" I order my voice full of desperation.

"Umm okay! Let me think… " Layla replies as she's clearly scrambling for a solution.

"Hurry!" I yell as I try my best to stop the bleed.

"Jack, I need you to look after me once I do this! Scavian Art: Dark Transportation!" Layla commands as we instantly teleport to the capital hospital.

Everyone in the street is staring at us like they've seen ghosts.

"Ugh, that took everything out of me… Time to rest." Layla says as she knocks out.

"Don't worry, I got you Layla!" Jack reassures her as he catches her before she falls to the ground.

"They both need medical attention! We gotta head in!" Sachi commands as we all run into the hospital.

Mari… Please don't leave me!

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