The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 43 - 43: The Dollar And The Bird

Mari and Layla were both let out of the hospital pretty early, well at least by human standards. Sometimes I forget that our Frodian blood allows us to heal pretty quickly. On our way to school today we noticed that five more dead nobles were laid out in front of Adora's statue again. This time the message said, "You can't keep ignoring us forever! We won't stop until you do! Regards, Silver Fang."

We all go into Kira's room as none of us can seem to focus on our schoolwork.

"They aren't playing around, that's two more bodies than the other day!" Jack yells as he clenches his fist.

"I've asked around the school and no one has seen Rena or Feno around." Layla informs us.

"They probably won't be back for a while since we know their true identities." I mention as everyone nods their heads in agreement.

"And as we've found out, Silver Fang are really formidable foes. I'd even bet they could give Kira a run for her money. The five of us aren't going to be enough to stop them with just brute force." Sachi points out her voice full of honesty.

"I think it's safe to assume that their older members are even stronger than the fresh recruits we faced. Fighting them sounds like a giant headache. If this continues we'll have no choice but to let Master Elyon in on what's really happening. I just really don't want to snitch on Rena and the other commoners. They'll be thrown in prison for the rest of their lives." Layla claims as I can tell she's really worried.

"Layla, we can't keep protecting them! They're killing innocent people every day, we can't ignore it!" Mari argues as it seems like everyone in my party is pretty split on what to do.

"Okay enough! We still have to get through the school day first. Try to get any info you can about the nobles! I know a lot of them are really annoying but just pretend to be friendly. People love to talk about themselves, especially the nobles." I suggest as everyone starts packing their stuff.

"Fine, we'll meet back at the hideout later and see what everyone's found." Layla commands as we all nod our heads in agreement.

Mari and I start walking to Elmar's class.

"I understand where Layla is coming from but Silver Fang has to be stopped! They'll hurt more people if this continues for too much longer. Commoners or not murder is wrong." Mari states as it's clear how much this is bothering her.

"I know. I'm all for standing against inequality but what Silver Fang is doing isn't that. At least it seems that way on the surface. We have to figure out where this violent anger is coming from." I reply as we're about to enter the door of Elmar's room.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Urmac yells as out of nowhere he decks me in the face before I can enter the room.

"Ugh, what's the deal with you?" I ask angrily as Urmac smirks at me.

"Did you really forget that quickly? I told you, you better watch your back!" Urmac reminds me as he readies his dagger.

"Oh yeah, well I hope you're prepared to back those words up!" I shout back as I get up and unleash my Taqa.

"Crow don't!" Mari orders.

"FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!" Our peers chant as they form a circle around us.

"Scavian Art: Shadow Step!" I yell as I lunge towards Urmac.

"Scavian Art: Shadow Blade!" Urmac shouts as he darts towards me.

"Windian Art: Chrono Freeze!" Master Elmar commands as both I and Urmac can no longer move.

"Ugh, I'm stuck!" Urmac grunts as he can barely move his mouth.

"Crap… " I mumble as all of our peers scramble away from the scene like rats.

"Everyone, go inside for class! You two are coming with me!" Master Elmar orders as he snaps his fingers and the spell breaks allowing both of us to move again.

Master Elmar brings us to the top floor of the school which is covered in dust, dirt, and vacant classrooms.

"Since both of you want to be idiots during class then this will do you good! Master Elyon usually hires someone every month to clean this mess up but he'll be happy to know that you two will be doing it for free! Don't you two dare leave the school until you clean all of this floor off, I want it to be spotless here!" Master Elmar commands as Urmac and I exchange eye contact with each other.

"Sir, isn't this a little too harsh? A nobleman like myself shouldn't be reduced to doing a tedious task such as this! I promise my misconduct won't happen again! Wouldn't this task be more suited for a commoner like him?" Urmac asks his voice full of arrogance.

"HAHAHA! Wow, that was quite a good joke Mister Urmac! I'm sure you're father would find it amusing that his heir is causing problems at the Academy too! Since you think this task is so tedious I'll make it more entertaining for you. Not only will you be cleaning this whole floor with Crow but you'll also be cleaning of the rooms on my floor after school! Would you like to do more Mister Urmac?" Master Elmar asks his voice full of sarcasm.

"No sir, I understand completely… " Urmac responds begrudgingly.

"Good! Oh, and don't worry about missing classes! I've already informed your other instructors about what's going on. Happy cleaning boys!" Master Elmar jests as he takes the elevator down.

"Ugh, this is ridiculous! I've never had to clean a damn thing in my life!" Urmac shouts his voice full of frustration.

"And you're proud of that? Wow, maybe Silver Fang isn't too far off the mark." I reply as I start sweeping the dirty floors.

"It figures an idiot like you would align your views with theirs. I can't say I'm surprised." Urmac snaps back as he starts sweeping frivolously.

"I don't. But I understand where they're coming from, people with money don't ever have to worry about the struggles of having nothing. The struggles of not knowing how you're going to make it through the next day. You expect everything to be handed to you and that just isn't how life works. No matter how much money you have it can't save you from everything." I caution as he starts getting dust everywhere.

"So then the best option is to kill people then? How is that fair in any way? Just because you don't have money doesn't mean you should put that hatred and frustration out on us!" Urmac asks as he looks at me.

"As I said before, I don't completely align with their views. I'm just saying that having nothing can really cause people to become desperate for any type of help or attention. It's something you can't really understand unless you've been through it." I argue as I can tell he doesn't have a single clue how to clean.

"Tch, whatever. I just want to get this over with." Urmac complains.

"Well, you certainly won't get anywhere if you keep sweeping like that. You're just getting dust everywhere! Here, let me show you how it's done!" I insist as I grab his broom and show him how to properly sweep.

"Oh, so that's how you do it. When did you learn how to do this?" Urmac asks his voice full of genuine curiosity.

"The maids taught me how to clean when my parents would go out of town for business trips." I reply as I feel hesitant to tell him anything about my past.

"So wait, after all that crap you were talking about nobles, you mean to tell you came from nobility yourself?" Urmac asks.

"It's a little bit more complicated than that but yeah I lived in a rich family for about three years." I disclose as Urmac is finally starting to get a hang of sweeping.

"Wow! You definitely don't come off as a noble at all!" Urmac replies as he starts laughing.

"Yeah? Well I actually consider that to be a compliment, it was boring having everyone always cater to me. I'm happy I learned how to survive on my own even though it was really hard." I respond.

"I don't get it though, what happened? Did your parents die or something?" Urmac asks.

"No, I just saw their true colors and decided I wanted to live my life the way I want. They tried to make me their heir to their business without asking me what I really wanted. When I tried to show them what my true passion was they treated me like I was a stranger not worthy of their love… " I reply as I feel really weird being vulnerable with Urmac of all people.

"Oh, that certainly doesn't sound pleasant. I've actually spent all of my life fighting for my father's approval to no avail. My mother tries her best to continue to encourage me but it all feels pointless unless my father acknowledges me!" Urmac replies his voice full of passion.

"But are you working hard for yourself or for them?" I ask as Urmac gets really quiet.

"Well… If I'm being honest I've never really thought about why I work so hard to be a proper heir to my family. It's just always been this way ever since my older brother died of a horrible illness… He was really the true glue of our family! My father used to smile all the time when he was still alive." Urmac replies his voice full of pain.

"I'm sorry to hear that. It seems like he was really important to you." I respond as we both finish cleaning the top floor.

"Looks like that's it for this floor? All of the classes have to be finished by now. We've been here for hours." Urmac observes as he points to the sun descending outside the window.

"Yeah, that took a while!" I concur as I stretch my arms out.

"Well, I better head down to that last floor! It's probably going to take me forever to finish it." Urmac sighs as I can't help but feel bad for him.

"Hey, I'll help you finish everything off! You'd be here until tomorrow with how slow you clean!" I joke as Urmac smiles at me for the first time.

"Haha! You've got a point there! Very well, I'll accept your help." Urmac concedes as we both head to the lower floor.

For the next 3 hours, we chat and clean slowly bridging the gap between us. Finally, after all our hard work we finish.

"Whew, that should be it!" I sigh as I do one final check around the floor for dust.

"Thank god, it's getting really late now! I'm sure Verrona is probably worried sick!" Urmac admits his voice full of panic.

"Wait, are you two? " I ask.

"Yes, she's my girlfriend and hopefully one day she'll be my wife! I've already received Master Celine's blessing to ask in her hand but the time just doesn't seem right yet!" Urmac replies his voice full of embarrassment.

"Well, well! Even the mighty Urmac gets cold feet when it comes to girls!" I tease as I start laughing at him.

"You've got a lot of nerve Chosen Child! You still haven't made a move on that Mardian girl and you both live together! Now who's got the cold feet!" Urmac jokes as we both start laughing together.

Urmac and I leave the academy and start walking home together.

"Where do you even live at? You don't stay at the dorms?" I ask as we walk casually down the streets.

"Nope, I actually have a place in Hastios District! My father made sure I at least had a nice apartment! As a matter of fact, it's located right down the block from your older brother's mansion." Urmac affirms.

"Ah, I see! Well, I better get heading back to Rose District. Mari and Layla are probably going to yell my ear off for getting in trouble but maybe it was worth it?" I ask.

"Yeah, I think it was! Maybe I should learn to stop being such a jerk to commoners it turns out that they all aren't that bad." Urmac admits as he walks away.

"Catch you later!" I reply as we both separate.

It's amazing what a conversation can do to your perspective on life. Up until now I dehumanized Urmac and had a narrow view of him and I'm sure he felt the same about me. But now I realize that even people who do have money face the same issues that regular people do. Hopefully, with my newfound connection with Urmac I can start to get more answers about the Nobles and Silver Fang.

"Huh? What's this feeling!" I shout as I can feel very sinister energy about to attack somebody in Hastios district.

Crap! Is it Silver Fang? I have no time to waste then! Urmac was heading that way!

"Scavian Art: Flight of the Crow!" I yell as I sprout my wings and bullet towards Hastios district.

I fly over all of the buildings around the capital and sure enough, I see two demiwolves stalking Urmac from the shadows!

"Urmac watch out!" I warn as I fly down to try to protect him.

"Huh? AGH!" Urmac yells as the two demiwolves lunge at him.

"No you don't! Scavian Art: Dark Wing shield!" I scream in desperation as I protect Urmac from their vicious attack.

"Damnit Crow! Get out of way!" One of demiwolves commands.

"Wait, Rena is that you?" I ask as the demiwolf looks away from me trying to avoid eye contact.

"It doesn't matter if it is! We're enemies now!" Rena growls her voice full of reluctance.

"It doesn't have to be that way and you know it! Please Rena, tell me the real reason why you guys are doing this! You don't have to keep hurting people to make a point!" I insist as her ears fall down.

"Rena… It might not be a bad idea to at least explain it to him?" The other demiwolf says as I can kind of recognize its voice.

"Very well, Crow, Urmac. It's about time I showed you the truth of some of the nobles in this country!" Rena says her voice full of vagueness.

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