The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 5 - 5: Vortiyas

"Hey Mari!" I say as we all continue to walk down the road.

"What is it? Have you already fallen for me? I notice you've been staring at me! I usually prefer guys that are a little bit taller, but you are in shape so… " Mari says as she smirks at me.

"Huh? No, I was just staring at you because I had a question!" I say as I try to avoid eye contact with her now.

"Ask away!" Mari says as she flicks my forehead.

"Do you remember how you died? You got really quiet when Layla told us we'd been reincarnated." I ask.

"Uh, well… " Mari says, as it's obvious she's uncomfortable.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it! I didn't mean to pry." I say.

"It's not that! My memory is still pretty hazy, I'll let you know if it comes back to me though!" Mari says as she forces a smile.

"Will do!" I reply.

"Alright! From this point on, you all need to stick to me like glue! The capital is right up ahead!" Layla says.

I look ahead and see a very large city with different colored buildings across it. On the left side, there are yellow buildings. On the right side, there are green buildings. On the back left side, there are red buildings. On the back right side, there are blue buildings. Lastly in the center of all of these different sections, there's a very large structure that almost looks like a fortress.

"Wow! This place looks amazing! Maybe I'll paint it one day!" Mari says.

"This kind of reminds me of that RPG my brother used to play." Jack says, his voice full of nostalgia.

"It's huge! It's definitely bigger than my hometown." Sachi says as she squints her eyes.

"I never would've imagined a world like this actually existed." I say.

We all walk to the gate of the capital and there are two very large orcs at least 7 feet tall guarding the gate.

"I can't believe my eyes! Actual half-bloods in the flesh!" One of the guards says as he observes all of us.

"How'd you find them, Layla? Did you use that nose of yours?" The other guard says.

"Kira told me they'd probably be in the darklands! They almost got killed by a one-eyed colossal. Thank Adora that I made it in time." Layla replies.

"Well, it's pretty dead in the city right now. Everyone's working and classes are in session. Hurry on in and you might be able to sneak them to Kira before anyone notices them." One of the guards says.

"Thanks Adonis! I'll be sure to grab you a drink the next time I see you at the tavern!" Layla says.

"Don't mention it! Welcome to Vortiyas half-bloods! May Adora bless you!" Adonis says as we walk through the gate.

As we enter the city we see shops, taverns, markets, and inns. The city is massive and while it's not necessarily busy right now, it's still quite lively.

"Before I hand you off to Kira, I might as well give you the grand tour. This will be your new home, so I think it's best if you get a lay of the land." Layla says.

We walk into the part of the city where the buildings are green.

"This is Orym district! Home of House Windian!" Layla says as we see a group of Wood Elves shooting at targets.

"Wow, their aim is perfect. It kind of reminds me of the gun range my dad used to take me to!" Sachi says as she admires the wood elves.

"Gun? I've never heard of that before, but Windians specialize in ranged combat. Having them in your party is vital if you want to survive." Layla says.

The district has weapon shops filled with bows, arrows, throwing knives, crossbows, spears, and throwing axes. There are a lot of trees surrounding the district as well as wooden towers where we can see wood elves on lookout duty.

"Layla!" A wood elf says as he approaches us.

"Feno? Are you skipping out of class again?" Layla asks as Feno covers her mouth.

"SHHH! I just wanted to get in some extra target practice. Cultural history class is boring and you know it!" Feno says.

"You got a point there, but try not to slack off too much. You know how Master Elmar is! One more strike and he might kick you out." Layla says.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll try not to make it a habit. Oh, who are these lovely ladies you have with you? They definitely look exotic!" Feno says as he stares at Mari and Sachi.

"Stop being a creep… These are the half-bloods Kira told me about." Layla says.

"What? Hmm, you know they do smell like our kind. I've heard rumors about half-bloods in the Taranath Continent, but I never believed they actually existed. Guess Adora's prophecy is actually real." Feno says.

"Yeah, it's been an enlightening day to say the least. Alright guys, let's head over to the Keryth district." Layla says as we walk towards the part of the city with yellow buildings.

"Take it easy Layla! And hopefully, I'll see you ladies again!" Feno says as he waves at us.

"Sorry about that, he's a little strange, but he's generally good people. Anyways, this is Keryth district. Home of House Bracadier!" Layla says as all of a sudden two orcs start fighting in the middle of the street.

"Watch out guys!" Jack says, as we almost get caught in the crossfire.

"Did you mess with my girl, Kovar? I'll destroy you!" One of the orcs says.

"Get a grip Jovar, I didn't realize she was your girlfriend!" Kovar commands, his voice full of anger.

"So you think that makes it right then? Guess it's time to teach you a lesson! Bracadier Art: Earthquake Smash!" Jovar yells as he punches both of his hands into the ground.

The ground below us becomes fractured as the attack lands on Kovar making him fly backward. Kovar lands in a tavern leaving a very huge hole in the wall.

"Whew, now we're even brother! I feel better now!" Jovar says as he helps Kovar up.

"You idiots! That's the fourth time this month! You better pay for this!" An older orc says as it's clear he owns this tavern.

"Relax old man, we're going on a job in a couple of days! We'll pay you back for your troubles." Kovar says as he and Jovar walk away casually.

"Damn, that was quite the introduction." I say as Layla looks embarrassed.

"Those two are always stirring up crap back at the academy… " Layla says, as we all take a long look at the district.

The district has weapon shops filled with close-range weapons such as swords, knives, shields, daggers, clubs, and morning stars. There is also a training area with practice dummies where we can see the Bracadiers sparring with each other. In the tavern, you can see the Bracadiers drinking, arm wrestling, and playing cards. This place almost feels like a frat house, but there are also female Bracadiers joining in on the fun.

"Man this reminds me of when my brother and I would go down to the city on weekends. This district is just my type of place!" Jack says, his eyes are full of excitement.

"Okay, two more places to go! Let's head to Hastios district." Layla says as we walk towards the part of the city with blue buildings.

Out of nowhere, a group of high elves flies above us on broomsticks and they are wearing blue robes. The district has a book shop with countless amounts of magic spell books as well as staff and wands. There's also a clothing store with robes and accessories for combat. Further down the street, I notice there's a potion shop as well.

"This is Hastios district, home of House Mardian!" Layla says, as one of the Mardians flies down towards us.

"What do you think you're doing here Layla? You should stay in the Rose district where you belong!"The Mardian says arrogantly.

"I'm just helping out these half-bloods. Trust me Verrona, I wouldn't be here if I didn't have a reason." Layla says.

"So it's true, Adora did summon her children today. I wonder why they left the job to a Scav?" Verrona asks, as she hops off of her broom.

"It's a shame that someone as pretty as you could be so ugly inside! What makes you think it's okay to berate here like that?" Mari asks, her eyes full of disgust.

Uh oh, Mari definitely ticked her off.

"Huh? Don't think just because your a child of Adora that I won't hurt you! Know your place you half-blood, you don't know a damn thing about this world!" Verrona says, as she pulls out a large staff and starts engulfing her body in a blue aura.

All of a sudden, Layla appears behind Verrona with her short sword aimed at her neck.

"Cast a spell if you dare! But, I promise you, you'll regret it!" Layla says, her eyes full of fury.

"Okay, okay! Just put the sword away!" Verrona says as she is clearly scared for her life.

"Yeah next time you run your mouth about my house, just remember I bested you. Come on guys, no point sticking around this trash." Layla says as she puts her sword back in her scabbard.

"She's scary… I hope I never tick her off." Jack whispers as we walk to the Rose District.

The name of the district isn't very subtle as all of the buildings are scarlet red.

"This is our final stop! Rose District, home of my people, House Scavian." Layla says as you can tell she really feels comfortable here.

This district's weapon shop easily has the most variety. Smoke bombs, knives, daggers, short swords, crossbows, grappling hooks, and so much more. Beyond there I can see an alchemy shop filled with Scavians working on potions and such. There is a tavern in the middle of the district that has a very dark and eerie vibe. Lastly, I see a training area where Scavians are sparring.

"Let's head into the tavern I'm sure she's here!" Layla says as you can tell she really cares about this Kira person.

Out of nowhere, a middle-aged Scavian man is kicked out of the tavern and falls on his butt.

"Owww! Kira, I'm sorry it won't happen again!" The man says, his voice full of fear.

"What did I tell you about flirting with the waitresses Gantar? Get the hell outta here!" Kira says as the man runs away.

"Kira, I found them!" Layla says as Kira approaches all of us.

"Good job sweetheart, now what do we have here?" Kira says as she grins at all of us.

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