The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 59 - 59: A New Challenge

Spring has sprung in Goliath and seeing my new land like this for the first time is breathtaking. The flowers bloom way faster and the weather is just perfect. We're finally in our last semester which means that not too long from now, we'll be separating from Kira's guardianship and heading into the real world. It's kind of hard for me to fathom how fast time has been passing by! In our old world, we'd usually be given until the age of 18 to mature and prepare ourselves for adulthood. But by the time we leave here, we'll all only be 16. I really hope we'll all be prepared for this and I wonder what everyone is planning to do once we graduate.

"Crow! Are you even listening to me?" Mari asks as she flicks my forehead.​​

"Sorry babe, I blanked out again!" I apologize as Mari and I walk down the downtown district holding hands.

"Ugh, never mind then! Are you okay? I know that look when I see it… What's on your mind?" Mari asks as she has a very worrisome look on her face.

"Well, this is our last semester Mari. I hate to think too much about the future but that doesn't change the fact that it's coming! We all have to start thinking about what we're going to do once we graduate. Have you thought about it yet?" I ask as she starts twirling her hair.

"Not really to be honest. Part of me wants to go the route that most people go and just join a guild but another part of me wants just hone in on my skills and then worry about that. Ugh, it's all a lot to try to progress!" Mari replies her voice full of frustration.

"I see. Yeah, I'm a little lost myself to be honest! Everyone else seems to have a vague idea of what they're going to do though. Layla mentioned something about joining The Crimson Blades. Jack said he may go straight back to that family to be their head of security full time." I share as we both sit down on a bench.

"Really? Sachi actually told me the other day that she might apply to a military academy in Midori. Apparently, it's the best in Goliath and guarantees you acceptance into the imperial army." Mari tells me as the wind whips her beautiful hair.

"So it seems we're the only ones that don't have a plan. It feels like we might be falling behind!" I joke as we both smile.

"Don't worry, we'll catch up together!" Mari encourages as she lays her head on my shoulder.

"Hey! Go get a room or something!" Jack jokes as he approaches us.

"Inn rooms are expensive! Although, I'd be happy to go to one if you'll pay for it bro!" I tease as Mari blushes.

"Sorry, got save as much money as I can! I can't invest in you guys' relationship!" Jake snaps back as he shrugs.

"Shut it! No one asked you to in the first place!" Mari shouts as her cheeks are really red.

"Anyways, Kira told all of us to meet her in the hideout right now." Jack informs us.

"Any particular reason why?" I ask.

"She didn't say, all she said is that it's important though. I'd hurry on back if I were you two, you know how she gets about being on time and all that crap!" Jack suggests as he casually walks away.

"Damn, I was just about to buy a new brush too… " Mari complains as she yawns.

"It's not going anywhere. Come on, let's see what she wants!" I respond as we both leave the bench and head back to the hideout.

As we enter the hideout Layla is cooking, Sachi is fixing her bow, and Jack is leaning back in his chair reading a book.

"Mari! Perfect timing. Can you help with the seasonings? You always do just the right amount and I always get it a tad bit wrong." Layla asks as she stirs the cooking pot.

"Sure thing!" Mari accepts as she happily walks over and helps Layla.

"I like how Kira badgered us to come back yet she's the one that comes late!" I complain as I sit at the table.

"Right? Maybe she should lecture herself sometimes?" Jack asks as we all start chuckling.

"Hmm, that might not be a bad idea! Maybe I'll also lecture all of you on how to be an instructor, guardian, and guild master! It would probably make all of my jobs a lot easier!" Kira shouts sarcastically with a psychotic grin on her face.

"We're sorry… " Jack and I apologize in unison.

After a couple of minutes, we all sit at the table as Kira pulls out a purple scroll.

"Huh, what is that thing?" Jack asks as she stares at it.

"Congratulations, you all have been selected for the Frodian Games! Although, I never doubted that you'd be invited." Kira informs us as Layla gasps.

"Wow, I've heard about it for years! But I never expected I'd actually be able to take part in one!" Layla cheers her voice full of eagerness.

"So what exactly is the Frodian Games?" I ask as I already feel a little lost.

"Didn't you mention this right before we left for our guild study?" Sachi asks.

"That's correct. I probably spilled the beans a little too early but I had a pretty good feeling you all would make it. Anyway, The Frodian Games are an event held every single year for young Frodians that are about to graduate. It's a way for guilds and the empire to scout some of our most talented warriors." Kira explains as she chugs down some ale.

"Aren't we going to be facing off with other major academies?" Layla asks as she checks on the cooking pot.

"Yes, 10 different parties of five from all three major academies in Goliath will be participating! Adora Academy, Jolagh Academy, and Midna Academy. To say this is one of the biggest events of the year would be an understatement. The king himself will actually be there too!" Kira informs us as all of us gasp.

"That's a lot to take in! What exactly happens during the games?" Mari asks as she brushes her hair.

"It's a tournament-style competition where your party can be eliminated at any time! By the time we reach the final round, out of the 150 students participating, I estimate that only 15 to 20 participants will remain. The competition will be fierce and unforgiving and you better bet that everyone already knows about all of you. They'll be going after you for sure, so I'd prepare yourselves." Kira says bluntly.

"Is all of this taking place in Vortiyas?" Jack asks as grabs the scroll from Kira.

"No, every year the location changes but the games have never been held in the capital. This year, we'll actually be holding the games at the city of Borba!" Kira informs us as she pulls out a map showing us where it is.

"I know of it! Isn't that the city where their whole economy is based on their entertainment and gambling?" Layla asks as she hands us spicy soup from the cooking pot.

"Yes, I spent quite a bit of time there in my youth! Thankfully since the Guild Wars ended it's not as corrupt as it used to be. Overall, I think this will be a great experience for all of you whether you win or lose. It'll test your abilities and your wits to their very limits! And all around the land people will be watching every stage of the games with a projection spell. If you really want to make a name for yourself, this is the time to do it." Kira explains as she finishes off her ale.

"This is going to be insane! People have been hearing about us for a while now but this time they'll really get to see us." Jack points out his voice full of excitement.

"Maybe we'll finally get a chance to get back at Urmac's party too!" Mari remarks her face full of determination.

"Hmph, I hope my idiot brother will be watching me! I'll show him that I'm ready to be a Crimson Blade!" Layla adds in as she clenches her fist.

"Will Master Elyon be there too?" I ask as Kira chucks her empty jug across the room.

"Naturally, is there something you need from him? I could set you up an appointment with him if you want." Kira asks as she stretches her arms out.

"Yeah but maybe I'll save it for another time. It's not that important I guess… " I reply as I try to move on from the question.

"Okay, just let me know. But that's all I was calling you guys for! We'll be leaving for Borba in three days so be sure to stay on top of your homework and training until then. Also, try not to overdo it when you do train. You all want to be in the best shape possible before the games. There are other teams that have been preparing for this opportunity for years so you guys better not take it for granted either!" Kira warns her voice full of seriousness.

"Understood!" We all reply in unison.

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