The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 62 - 62: Let The Games Begin

All 150 students from the three major academies are here in the Adora Coliseum and awaiting the ceremony. As I observe all of the other teams I see some familiar faces in the crowd. Urmac and his party are here and looking as cocky as ever.

"Hey Urmac!" I shout as I catch his attention.​​

"I figured you and your party were going to be here too! How's everything been going for you?" Urmac smiles as we shake hands.

"Good enough, I finally made good on that bet we made for one! Mari and I are dating now!" I laugh as Urmac looks astonished.

"No way… You finally grew some and did it eh? That's good, having something you want to protect gives you a greater purpose and desire to grow stronger. In order to become a man she can rely on you need to keep that in mind Crow!" Urmac warns me as he pats my shoulder.

"I know. My whole perspective has changed quite a bit over the last couple of months, I'm starting to think that going the generic route after graduation might not be for me." I share as Urmac looks intrigued.

"I see… You aim to go against the flow, do you? I'll admit I'm starting to consider that for myself but I also know that my family has certain expectations for me. I'm not sure what to do anymore and very soon I'll have to marry Verrona once I graduate. I envy the position your in Crow." Urmac admits.

"Whatever you choose I'm positive you'll make the right decision. You always manage to even when you stray a little off of your path." I reassure as Urmac smiles.

"Hmph, thank you my friend." Urmac says as I smile back.

"I better get back to my party, those people from Midna Academy already seem to have a bone to pick with us!" I sigh as I walk away.

"Oh yeah! Don't think I'm going to hold back against you! I'll be fighting you with everything I have if we face each other in battle and I expect the same from you Crow!" Urmac reminds me as I look back at him.

"Yeah? Well I wouldn't want to have it any other way then!" I reply as I walk back to my party.

"Where the hell did you go?" Layla asks.

"Just went to say hi to Urmac." I reply.

"Should've guessed his group was going to make it." Layla remarks as the crowd starts cheering in the stands.

"Well, I certainly didn't expect all of these people to be here!" I observe as we all stand in the middle of the arena with thousands of people in the stands.

"No kidding, I feel like I'm at a football game or something… " Jack responds as he marvels at the grand event.

"Kira said people all across Goliath would be tuning in through a projection spell!" Mari reminds us.

"Look over there! They're all here!" Sachi points out as all of our instructors and Master Elyon make their way to the middle of the arena.

Another group of very important-looking people also head to the middle of the arena as it seems they're all from different academies. Lastly, a group of white knights enter the arena and are guarding a tall Mardian man wearing white and gold robes with a gold crown on. Immediately everyone starts chattering as it's obvious he's a man of importance.

"That's impossible! He's really shown up here in person?" Layla exclaims her voice full of astonishment.

"Who is that guy? There's something kind of off about him." Jack observes as he rests his right hand under his chin.

"It's the king. King Tolivert III! Most people have never gotten a chance to see his face, he must really be interested in the talent this year." Layla ponders.

"This is crazy… " Mari adds.

I mean sure this guy has a lot of power but what is he done for the people of this land? As far as I'm concerned he doesn't impress me one bit!

Suddenly, one of the knights takes off his helmet and looks like he's about to announce something.

"We ask that everyone please bow for our honorable King Tolivert III!" The Bracadier knight says as everyone instantly drops on their knees except for me and Mine.

The whole crowd gets silent as everyone darts their eyes at both of us.

"Crow! Why aren't you bowing?" Mari asks as she tries to pull me down.

"Mine! Hurry up and bow!" A Windian boy tells her.

"Why the hell should I? He's a rotten king who doesn't deserve my respect!" Mine shouts as everyone gasps.

"I have a lot of questions for him too! Why isn't he helping out the Crimson Blades in Forteresse?" I ask as all of the king's knights sprint to Mine and I and aim their swords at us.

"How dare you two insolent brats insult our great king! Do you really wish to be traitors to our glorious land?" The Bracadier knight asks his voice full of anger.

"Try me!" Mine replies as she pulls out her bow and has a fierce look in her eyes.

"I'm not bowing until I get some answers." I reply as I see Kira in the corner of my eyes panicking.

"That's it, all knights of the round! Take these traitors to–" The Bracadier knight shouts.

"That's enough Pokgar! What kind of ceremony would this be if we started with throwing these two concerned warriors in prison? I respect them for standing up to me and asking questions! That's half the problem with our country right now, everyone is afraid to challenge the status quo!" King Tolivert commands his voice full of thunder and gruffness.

"But sir!" Pokgar says.

"Shut it! I'm the king, so I decide what happens! As for you two, I'll be more than happy to answer some of your questions if you can prove your worth in battle! Until then, you'll just have to be patient with me. Does that sound adequate enough for both of you?" King Tolivert promises us as I don't sense any ill intent within him.

"Yes, your majesty." I reply begrudgingly as I finally kneel.

"Very well." Mine replies as she also kneels.

"Good, now with all of that out of the way let's begin this ceremony! I want to welcome one and all to the 1500th Frodian Games!" King Tolivert announces his voice full of charisma.

"WOOO! YEAH!" People in the crowd cheer as it gets really loud.

"This year's group of talented warriors have caught my attention! We haven't seen a group with this much potential in over 50 years and I can't wait to see how everything plays out! This year we have decided to extend the games to three separate parts! Each will bring its own unique challenges that will put our future generation to the test! For the announcement of the first part of the games, I leave it to my good friend Elyon, son of Adora!" King Tolivert informs us as Master Elyon joins him in the middle of the arena.

"This year's first part will be no joke! Only the best of the best will make it out! Our contestants will be surviving for three days in the Forest of Vedora!" Master Elyon announces as everyone gasps.

"Holy… They really aren't pulling any punches!" Layla remarks her voice full of nervousness.

"Yes, we are all aware how dangerous this part will be! As many of you know the Forest of Vedora is filled with some of the most dangerous Colossi in all of Goliath!" King Tolivert acknowledges.

"However, with the ongoing threat of the Colossi plaguing our great land, it is very important that we prepare our young people as much as possible!" Master Elyon adds.

"Within the next thirty minutes, we will lead all of our contestants to the forest and lock the gates once they enter it! Elyon, please explain all of the rules!" King Tolivert says.

"Right! While in the forest, every team will be handed a flag! Each flag is worth 5 points! In order to make it to the next round, you must earn 15 points which equal 3 flags in total! This means that while stuck in the forest you will be forced to fight other contestants to win! Thankfully during this round, you will not be in the confines of the city so be you can let loose and use any of your spells!" Master Elyon explains.

"Lastly, it is vital that you do your best to survive! The forest is indeed dangerous and we would be lying if we didn't say there is a possibility you might die in there! That's why I suggest that if anything gets too ugly while you're in there to just focus on surviving! Remember, those who do not make it into the final rounds can always compete next year!" King Tolivert explains.

"All contestants get ready for the first round! We'll be heading to the forest within the next thirty minutes!" Master Elyon commands as the crowd starts cheering really loudly.

Three days in a forest? I hope I don't get too homesick…

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